JAS 2008-2009 Building Planning Team
Goal Area: English Language Arts; Instructional Strategies
Building Planning Team Objective: Increase New York State English Language Arts SPI by _2_ points, from the current level of 188 to 190.
What? / How? / When? / Who? / Accomplished?Strategy / Major Tasks / Activities / Dates - Begin/End / 1. Responsibility / Evidence of Completion/Success
Increase teacher knowledge of two additional CITW strategies:
· Generating/testing hypotheses
· Cues, questions, & graphic organizers / · CITW trainers to present strategy overview by grade level / Fall 2008 / CITW trainers
S. Weidler
Teachers / Teacher attendance @ district grade level training sessions
· Teachers to practice use of strategies within classrooms / On-going throughout year / All Teachers
Principal / On-going discussion of use of strategies; planbook & lesson plans reflect use
· Teachers to observe colleagues using strategies with students / Throughout year / All Teachers
Principal / Use of substitute teachers for observation of colleagues
· Establish study group for CITW strategies / Once or twice during school year / Teachers
Curr. Office approval / Regular meetings of study group participants
· Encourage individual goal-setting in this area / Year long project / Principal / Approved goal-setting plans
JAS 2008-2009 Building Planning Team
Goal Area: English Language Arts; Writing
Building Planning Team Objective: Establish clear understanding of the writing curriculum for all students K-3
What? / How? / When? / Who? / Accomplished?Strategy / Major Tasks / Activities / Dates - Begin/End / 1. Responsibility / Evidence of Completion/Success
Revisit curriculum maps for writing K-3 / Determine alignment with writer’s workshop goals / Fall 2008 / teachers / Grade level meeting discussions
Provide teacher training on Writer’s Workshop / Seek outside trainer to work with teachers in-house on setting up, managing, assessing WW efforts / Late Fall 2008 / Principal; use of enrichment funds / Successful use of trainer to work with teachers
Observation of colleagues’ WW efforts / During year / Principal / Use of substitutes to observe colleagues
Repeat study group on WW / Fall or Spring / Teachers / Study group district approval; teacher attendance at study group sessions
Encourage use of individual goal-setting option for tenured teachers / During year / Principal / Approved goal-setting plans
JAS 2008-2009 Building Planning Team
Goal Area: English Language Arts; Vocabulary Development
Building Planning Team Objective: Ensure the direct instruction of vocabulary, grades 1-3, in order to increase the background knowledge of all students
What? / How? / When? / Who? / Accomplished?Strategy / Major Tasks / Activities / Dates - Begin/End / 1. Responsibility / Evidence of Completion/Success
Revisit the grade level vocabulary lists on web site / Narrow list to specific # of words at each grade level
Decide on use of common forms at each grade level / Fall 2008; grade level meetings / Principal
Teachers / Grade level word lists
Build vocabulary instructional time into weekly classroom schedules / Meet as a grade level team to determine # of times per week, length of time, etc. / Fall 2008 / Teachers / Lesson planning/schedule reflects vocabulary instruction
Initiate use of student vocabulary notebooks, grades 1-3 / Include the binder purchase in school supply requests / Fall 2008 / Teachers / Binders started for each student by mid-Fall
Determine method of teaching new vocabulary to kindergarten students / Hold grade level discussions of purpose, value of vocabulary instruction in K; look at Marzano’s research and others / During year / Teachers
Evaluate use of common grade level forms and individual binders / Develop a feedback form for teachers to complete / June 2008 / Teachers; BPT / Teacher feedback