Microscope Webquest/Online Tutorial:
To introduce and familiarize students with:
· Basic microscope parts
· Proper procedures for usage of a microscope
· How to make a wet mount slide
· How to stain a specimen
1. Log on to your Exploring Life website.
2. Click on the skills link on the top of the page above the table of contents.
3. Select the tutorial called Using a Microscope.
4. Using the diagram label the parts of the diagram below and complete the table listing the functions of each part.
Functions of the Microscope Parts:
Part / Function of the part:Eyepiece
Stage Clips
Coarse Adjustment Knob
Fine Adjustment Knob
Low Power Objective
High Power Objective
Light Source
Magnification of Specimens:
When using a compound microscope you must always remember that you are looking through 2 lenses before you see the actual specimen. The eyepiece and the objective lens. Total magnification is how much larger the specimen appears by using the microscope versus your natural eye. You can calculate this my multiplying the eyepiece magnifcation by the objective lens magnification to determine total magnification.
A. If you are looking through the microscope on this page and you have it on the low power objective, what is the total magnification?
B. What if you were using high power?
History of the Microscope:
1. Go to the following website:
2. Answer the following questions:
A. What profession were the inventors of the first “microscope in?
B. Who are called the fathers of microscopy?
- Click on their names and read about each of them. Which one was the first person to use the term “cell?
Procedures for Using the Microscope:
1. Go to the following website: http://shs.westport.k12.ct.us/mjvl/biology/microscope/microscope.htm#procedure
2. After reading the section on general procedures answer the following questions.
A. Name two safety considerations when getting your microscope out and ready for use:
B. How should you carry a microscope should you have to move it?
C. What power objective lens should you ALWAYS begin with?
D. Why should you always try to center in the field of view on low power BEFORE changing to a stronger power?
E. What is the black line in the field of view that looks like a pin? What is it used for?
Sketching Objects Seen in the Microscope:
A. Sketches should always be done in:
- Pen
- Pencil
- Color
B. T/F sketches should always include labels that have clear arrows.
C. What else should always be included with your sketch?
How to make a Wet Mount Slide:
A. Why is this process called a wet mount slide?
B. If you think about your wet mount slide as a sandwich… draw your “sandwich” below labeling each layer:
Staining a Slide/Specimen:
A. What is the purpose of the paper towel in this process?
B. Is the stain added before or after you have placed the coverslip over the specimen?
If time permits go to the following website:
1. Click on The Virtual Scope
2. Use the tutorial to practice using the microscope and its parts.
A. Using the microscope focus in on the onion root tip, create an appropriate sketch below. If you still have time, repeat using the bacterial slide.