Biology 112 Course Outline – 2009

Mrs. Perley

Biology 112 is an introduction to the concept of biological systems and the study of life.

Required ReadingsTopic

Chapter 7Microscope

The Cell Theory

Cellular Components/Functions

Pro & Eukaryotes

Plant/Animal Cells


Passive/Active Transport

Chapter 18Classification Diversity


Taxonomic Hierarchy

Binomial Nomenclature

Chapters 19, 20, 40Bacteria, Viruses, Immunology, Protists

Chapters 26, 27, 28, 29, Animals

30, 31, 32 and 33

Chapters 21, 22, 23, 24,Plants

25 and 26

Chapter 38Digestion

Chapter 37Circulation

BIOLOGY 112 Marking Scheme

Material Marked% of total

Quizzes/Unit Tests 20%

Labs 15%

Bio Binder/Safety (2.5% each) 5%

Homework 15%

Assignments 15%

Final Exam 30%

*Pass Mark is 60%

**Course is designed for those who achieved 75% of higher in Science 10

Student Expectation Contract:

  • Students must bring a writing utensil, pencil, eraser, notebook, and course textbook each day.
  • Prior to the first lab you are to have a duotang notebook to use as your lab folder (labs not in binder will NOT be marked!)
  • IPods/mp3 players, phones etc. are not to be used during class time.
  • You are responsible for any notes, handouts, labs or assignments missed due to an absence (the day you return, check with classmates to see what you missed and if necessary schedule time with me to make up missed work, labs, etc…
  • Utilize the class website: If you do not have access from home, make arrangements to visit the media center. Also, I have a student computer in my room that you are welcome to use before and after school, and occasionally at lunch.
  • Monthly updates marks will be sent home for parents/guardians to review.
  • A lab safety quiz will be passed with a 75% or higher grade, a $5 lab fee will be collected and a contract signed prior to any lab work being attempted.
  • Late Policy: All assignments (excluding major projects / assignments) not handed in on time are subject to the policy outlined below:

For every day an assignment is late, 10% (to a maximum of 40%) is deducted from the student’s overall mark.

After two days, students will be referred to the learning lab until the assignment is complete.

* Failure to comply with this policy will result in an administrative referral.

  • Major Assessment Late Policy:

One day late - students can achieve a maximum of 60% of the total assigned value.

Two days late - students will be referredto the learning lab. Once the assigned work meets the teacher's expectations, studentswill receive a maximum of 60% of the total assigned value.

*Failure to complywith this policy will result in an administrative referral.

Biology112 Expectation Contract Mrs. Perley

I have read the student contract stated above. I understand that failure to comply with the above conditions may impact my performance and evaluation in this course.


Student NameDate


Parent/Guardian NameDate