Oklahoma Council on Economic Education

Personal Finance Institute

Sponsored by The Wal Mart Foundation


Submission Deadline: May 25, 2012

Program description

Program Information

Dates: June 25-29, 2012

Instructional Times: Monday – Thursday, 9 – 4; Friday, 9 – 12

Additional group dinners or activities may be added to the agendas.

Location: Our primary location will be the University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond, OK. We will utilize classrooms, meeting space and dorm rooms on the UCO campus during the Institute. Multiple off-site locations and tours will be taken throughout the week. Transportation throughout the week will be provided.

Cost: Participation in the Institute is free.If selected, a $100 refundable registration fee is required to hold each participant’s space in the class. The participant’s original, un-cashed check will be returned on the final day of class. Checks must be received within 10days of notice of acceptance into the Institute.

Additional information about lodging and the week’s events will be provided to participantstraveling over 70 miles (one way).

The Personal Finance Instituteprovides an in-depth study of the 14 areas of instruction required by Oklahoma’s Passport to Financial Literacy legislation. The Institutewill address the Oklahoma State Standards for Personal Financethrough on-site tours of successful businesses that significantly impact the Oklahoma economy, expert speakers who deal with financial issueson a daily basis and other experiential and interactive learning opportunities. Teachers will graduate from this program with a unique set of skills and easy to use resources to take back to the classroom, as well as with a distinguished title that only 24 other teachers in the state of Oklahoma will hold.

Program Requirements:

  • Actively participate throughout the week with the intent to discover and incorporate new teaching strategies into the classroom upon completion.
  • Complete all assignments.
  • Be on time and attend all sessions until their conclusion.
  • Demonstrate the willingness to work as a part of team.
  • Be willing to share your ideas and be respectful and open-minded to the ideas of others.
  • Be willing to assess student learning and provide OCEE with results in a timely manner and by designated due dates as a means of regular program evaluation (OCEE will never ask for specific student names or identifying information).

Selection Criteria:

  • Proven excellence in teaching personal finance or economic education.
  • Demonstrated leadership qualities both within and outside the classroom.
  • Recommendation from administrator or department leader.
  • Oklahoma secondary certification in one or more areas of instruction.
  • Currently providing, or will be providing within the next semester, classroom instruction in personal financial literacy.

All selection criteria will be weighted equally. See the application for additional information about including attachments and providing selection information.

Participant Benefits

Individuals selected for the OCEE Personal Finance Institute will receive:

  • APersonal Finance Tool Kit and a variety of teacher resources to engage students in learning activities.
  • Professional Development / Continuing Education Credit.
  • In-depth training and expert knowledge from industry professionals in topics related to the Oklahoma Passport to Personal Financial Literacy.
  • Networking with professionals and other teachers with financial literacy expertise.
  • Lodging on the University of Central Oklahoma campus (provided for teachers traveling over 70 miles one way).
  • Lunch provided daily.
  • Upon successful completion of the OCEE Personal Finance Institute, a distinguished honorary certificate of completion that only 25 teachers will hold.

Acceptance and Notification

  • Applicants will be notified of acceptance via email no later than June 1, 2012. Please respond immediately to if you are no longer able to attend.
  • Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
  • If the registration fee is not received within 10days of notification, the applicant will be notified of their removal from the Institute roster and another applicant will be accepted for the vacant position.


Application must be postmarked by Friday, May 25, 2012

Applications must be mailed, emailed or faxed to:

D. J. ThompsonEmail:

Executive Director

Oklahoma Council on Economic EducationFax: 405-974-3853

100 N. University Drive, Box 103

Edmond, OK 73034

I.Personal Information

First Name:Click here to enter text.Last Name: Click here to enter text.

Home Address: Click here to enter text.

Home Phone w/ Area Code: Click here to enter text. Cell Phone:Click here to enter text.

Home Email Address: Click here to enter text.

II. Professional Information

Position/Title: Click here to enter text.

School Name: Click here to enter text.

School Address: Click here to enter text.

School Phone w/ area code: Click here to enter text.Fax #: Click here to enter text.

School Email:Click here to enter text.

I prefer to be contacted:

By Phone:☐ Home ☐ Cell☐School

By Mail:☐ Home☐School

By Email:☐ Home☐School


Degrees/Certificates Earned / Institution / City/State
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Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /

IV.Professional Experience

  1. Current Teaching Responsibilities

Grade Level / Subject Taught
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
  1. Please describeyour involvement in, experience with or commitment to teaching personal financial literacy:Click here to enter text.
  1. What notable attributes, leadership qualities or other experiences do you believe support your application?Click here to enter text.

V.Brief Narrative

Please write a short narrative answer to the following questions.

a)Why do you want to participate in the Personal FinancialInstitute?

Click here to enter text.

b)In terms of improving your teaching skills and content knowledge, what do you expect to gain from this experience?

Click here to enter text.

  1. Attachments:

☐ Letter of Recommendation from current school administrator or department head. (REQUIRED)

☐ VITA or resume (REQUIRED)

☐ Copies of additional certificates, awards, photos or media that support your application. (OPTIONAL)

  1. How did you hear about this program?

☐ OCEE Web Site☐ Email☐ OSDE listserv

☐ Other, please explain.

Click here to enter text.