Kernow Hang Gliding & Paragliding Club
Membership Form
Membership fees are £15 for the year.
Conditions of Membership
1. I agree to abide both by these Conditions of Membership and the BHPA rules for individual flying members (attached).
2. I have full membership of the BHPA (or nationally recognised alternative for international visitors).
3. I agree that the details disclosed on this form will be held on a computer database for the Club membership records.
4. I agree to act in the best interest of the Club at all times while pursuing this sport as a Club Member.
5. I fully appreciate that hang gliding and paragliding are potentially hazardous sports and in that knowledge I accept the risk that I could suffer personal injury or damage as a result in taking part in these sports. I also understand that I have no right to claim compensation from the KHPA, the BHPA or their representatives or members in respect of any such accident causing damage or personal injury to me or others. This does not affect my statutory rights.
6. I understand that the club has the right to cancel my membership by members vote at a monthly meeting.
7. I understand that power units are not to be flown at club sites.
8. I understand that the KHPA and its members promote safety and good airmanship. I also understand and accept my responsibilities of a duty of care to myself, other pilots and members of the public. Safety issues raised or reported by club members will be discussed at the monthly club meeting or in urgent cases by the club officials as soon as practical.
Membership Benefits
• Access to all KHPA sites.
•Invitation to KHPA coaching trips.
• Invitation to KHPA social events and club activities.
• Invitation to KHPA organised competitions.
• Access to neighbouring clubs’ sites through reciprocal agreements.
• Full (member) access to the KHPA web site including online sites guide (
• Access to the KHPA email list and online forum.
• Monthly club meetings.
• Access to the KHPA monthly bulletins.
Existing members whose details have not changed since last year may send a cheque to the treasurer with their KHPA membership number written clearly on the back. In addition to the cheque, all members must annually complete page 3 of this form (membership details, glider & flying details, signature). New members and existing members whose contact details have changed must additionally complete page 4.
Cheques made payable to KHPA accompanied by signed membership forms should be sent to the treasurer at the address below:
Chris Holmes, 4 Crossfields, St Levan, Penzance, Cornwall, TR19 6LD,
Telephone: 07833498309
You are not a member of the KHPA unless the following 3 requirements are all met:
- You have returned a signed membership form (this form) within the last year
- You have paid for KHPA membership within the last year
- You are a member of the BHPA or equivalent (as per condition 2 of this form)
BHPA Rules for Individual Flying Members
1. Pilots must comply with Air Law.
2. All accidents and incidents must be reported to the BHPA using the Incident Report Form within 48 hours. Any fatal or potentially fatal accident must also be reported to the police and the Air Accident Investigation Branch immediately.
3. Pilots involved in any type of incident that could lead to an insurance claim must notadmit fault or liability.
4. A well fitting helmet must be worn on all flights. The helmet should be CE marked EN966 in the HPG category.
5. Members who wish to be involved in any activity that involves others (e.g. Coaching,
Instructing, Dual Flying, Towing, Aerotowing) must be appropriately licensed and mustadhere to the requirements set out in the Technical Manual
6. BHPA members must fly acceptably certificated aircraft, or aircraft that have beenentered on the BHPA registration database.
7. When flying from club sites pilots must familiarise themselves, and comply with the club site rules.
8. Members must only fly when fit to do so.
9. Members must restrict their activities to those that they are qualified to undertake.
10. Members must not act in a manner which brings or may bring the BHPA or the sport in general into disrepute.
Nb. Aircraft means hang gliders, paragliders, parascending canopies and variants thereof (e.g. SPHG) that have been encompassed by the BHPA.
The BHPA Pilot Handbook sets out recommended practice.
ALL MEMBERS: Membership details, pilot details, flying details, signature
Membership DetailsPilot name / …………………………………………………………………………
BHPA Number / …………………………………………………………………………
BHPA Expiry / …………………………………………………………………………
KHPA Number / …………………………………………………………………………
KHPA Expiry / …………………………………………………………………………
Paraglider / (circle all that apply to you)
Pilot Rating / EP CP P AP Coach Instructor
Powered? / Yes No
Airtime (hours) / …………………………………………………………………………
Glider / …………………………………………………………………………
Hang Glider / (circle all that apply to you)
Pilot Rating / EP CP P AP Coach Instructor
Powered? / Yes No
Airtime (hours) / …………………………………………………………………………
Glider / …………………………………………………………………………
I have read the conditions of membership and agree to uphold them
Parent or guardian of members aged under 18yrs
Name, relationship to pilot and signature
Personal DetailsFirst name(s) / …………………………………………………………………………
Surname / …………………………………………………………………………
Address / …………………………………………………………………………
Home phone
Mobile phone
Email / …………………………………………………………………………
Car registration / …………………………………………………………………………
Emergency Contact Details
Name / …………………………………………………………………………
Home phone
Mobile phone / …………………………………………………………………………
KHPA membership form Page 1