IvyTechCommunity College of Indiana


COURSE TITLE: College and Life Success



DIVISION: General Education

PROGRAM: Academic Skills Advancement





CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Enhances success in college by assisting students in obtaining skills necessary to reach their educational, career, and life objectives. Topics include time management, memory techniques, textbook usage, note taking, test taking, problem solving and decision making, group interaction, communication skills, and resource and technology utilization.

MAJOR COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course the student will be expected to:

1.Manage time more efficiently.

2.Organize course materials effectively.

3.Improve concentration and memory.

4.Apply strategies to use textbooks effectively.

5.Use a note taking system.

6.Prepare appropriately for objective and essay exams.

7.Locate and utilize a variety of resources on and off campus.

8.Identify personal learning styles to enhance college performance.

  1. Examine personal issues that may impact college success.
  2. Explore and apply critical and creative thinking strategies.
  3. Set goals and explore career options.
  4. Understand and explore the impact of diversity.
  5. Develop communication skills such as listening.
  6. Use technology available for communication, research and instruction.

COURSE CONTENT: Topical areas of study include--

Time management Resource utilization

Organization skill Learning styles

Concentration and memory Self-awareness

Textbook Usage Critical and creative thinking

Notetaking Goal setting

Test taking strategiesCareer exploration

Diversity Communication skills

Technology utilization

Methods of Delivery: Course material will be conveyed via lecture, small group work, class discussion,

Required Textbooks:

Ellis, David. Becoming a Master Student, tenth edition, concise. Boston:

Houghton Mifflin, 2004.

Kiersey, David. The Sixteen Types. Del Mar, California: Prometheus Nemesis

Book Company, 1998.

Rath, Tom and David Clifton, Ph. D., How Full Is Your Bucket? Educator’s

Edition, New York: Gallup Press, 2005.

Materials and Supplies: Loose leaf notebook, notetaking materials

Methods of Evaluation: Quizzes, Final examination, homework assignments, attendance

Make-up Policy: In the event of an absence, all assignments must be turned in within one week of the DUE date. Assignments more than one week late will not be accepted unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. You will be allowed one make-up quiz without penalty. However, you must notify the instructor to make arrangements to make up any missed quizzes. All quizzes must be made up within one week of the original test date. If you miss more than one quiz, you must provide documentation from an outside source to be allowed to make up the quizzes. Acceptable outside documentation includes such things as court documents, doctor’s excuses, and notes from employers. Students who do not miss any quizzes will be awarded five bonus points at the end of the semester. No one will beallowed to make up the final exam without documentation. All work for IVY 070 must be turned in by the last class meeting unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor.

Grading: The objectives for this class focus on learning how to take tests; therefore, tests/quizzes will be a substantial portion of your grade. Tests/quizzes, assignments and attendance will be graded on the following percentage scale:

93% - 100%A

85% - 92%B

77% - 84%C

70% - 76%D

69% and below F

Final grades will be assigned based on the following weights:

Quizzes 50%

Final Exam 20%

Assignments 20%

Attendance 10%

Final Point Scale for class:

930-1000 = A

850-929 = B

770-849 = C

700-769 = D

699 and below =F

Attendance: Your attendance is crucial to your success. Ten percent of your grade is based on your attendance. Being tardy and leaving early will impact your attendance grade. A Student Status Report may be written after three hours of absence.

Academic Honesty Statement: The College is committed to academic integrity in all its practices. The faculty value intellectual integrity and a high standard of academic conduct. Activities that violate academic integrity undermine the quality and diminish the value of educational achievement. Cheating on papers, tests or other academic works is a violation of College rules. No student shall engage in behavior that, in the judgment of the instructor of the class, may be construed as cheating. This may include, but is not limited to, plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty such as the acquisition without permission of tests or other academic materials and/or distribution of these materials and other academic work. This includes students who aid and abet as well as those who attempt such behavior

ADA Statement: If you need an accommodation because of a documented disability, you are required to register with Disability Support Services at the beginning of each semester. If you will require assistance during an emergency evacuation, notify your instructor immediately. Look for evacuation procedures posted in your classrooms. In South Bend, call Cathy Cassady, 574-289-7001, ext 5340, . Her office is in 1213 (in the Learning Lab) on the South Bend campus.

Learning Environment: The primary purpose of the college classroom is to provide an environment in which students can learn efficiently and effectively. Be respectful of your classmates and professor by avoiding side conversations, turning off cellular phones and beepers, and refraining from other behaviors that would likely cause disruption to the class. If you need to leave the room for any reason, you do not need instructor permission, just do so as quietly as possible and return as soon as and quietly as possible.

Virtual Library: Ivy Tech State College Virtual Library: For students on- and off-campus, the

Virtual Library offers full-text journals, books, and other resources essential for completing course assignments. Access through Campus Connect Click on the library tab then chose the Virtual Library link for your campus.

General Education Outcomes: IvyTechState College is committed to graduating students who have the appropriate technical and general education skills. General Education skills are assessed in selected courses through an authentic assessment project to evaluate curriculum effectiveness.

Copyright Statement: Students shall adhere to the laws governing the use of copyrighted materials. They must insure that their activities comply with fair use and in no way infringe on the copyright or other proprietary rights of others and that the materials used and developed at IvyTechCommunity College contain nothing unlawful, unethical, or libelous, and do not constitute any violation of any right of privacy.

Syllabus, lecture notes and grades will be posted on Access through Campus Connect, Click on the courses tab then choose appropriate course.

Calendar of Activities

College Life and Success

IVY 070

Room 2204/2117

Instructor: Professor Waltz-Freel

Office: Rm 2214, General Education Offices

Telephone: 289-7001, ext. 5417


Office hours: Monday 9-12, Wednesday 4-6, Thursday 1-4, or by appointment

There are no classes on College Holidays that fall during the time that a semester is in session. These include Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day (and the Friday following), Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, the Fourth of July.

Sample Course Calendar

DateTopic, activities

xxOverview of Course/Syllabus;

Icebreaker Activity—Course Expectations

xxIntroduction to Campus Connect

Using Campus Connect to register for courses, check

Materials on elearning, check final grades through on-

line Student Services, look up faculty, staff students

What I want to Learn in This Class DUE

xxPositivity, Read How Full Is Your Bucket, pp. 1-62

The College Journey DUE

xxStrengthsQuest assessment, Print out Top Five

Signature Themes

In class Signature Themes in Common,

Understanding and Respecting Strengths


XxUsing Your Strengths, Read How Full Is Your Bucket,

pp. 64-111, p. 37 of Instructor’s Guide

In class Exploring Your Talents

Bucket Dippers, pp. 16-17 of Instructor’s Guide


xxVirtual Library Resources, Evaluating World Wide

Web Resources, Boolean Machine

Master Student, pp. 206-215

Mouserobics DUE

XxQuiz 1

“First Step” Read Master Student Introduction and

Chapter 1,Discovery Statement 2 DUE, p. 3

XxEBSCohost, EBSCOhost exercise DUE

XxVideo, “How to Be a No Limit Person

XxSearch Engines

Dogpile and Google Exercises DUE

XxTime Management,Master Student, Ch. 2,

Study “Budget” in class

Review Strategies Master Student, Ch. 6, pp.136-137

No Limit Person Journal Due

XxOn-line Study Skill Resources

Time Budget (Life Skills) Due

XxStress Management and Test Anxiety

xxDifferent Kinds of Test Questions,Master Student

Ch. 6, pp. 138-139

Strategies for Answering Test QuestionsCh. 6

Stress Number and de-stressing strategies DUE

XxSteps for Taking Tests, Master Student, Ch. 6

Analyzing the Results of classroom Tests

Standardized TestsTheir Purpose

How To Take Standardized Tests

How To Interpret the Results

In-class group practice—test taking

Discovery Statement 33, Master Student, p. 146


XxQuiz 2

Overview of Reading Strategies (SQ3R), Master

Student, pp. 94-102

XxNotetaking Strategies, Master Student, Ch. 5

Locus of Control, “I Create It All,” Master Student,

pp. 120-121

SQ3R Worksheet DUE

xxLearning Styles

Complete inventory at Learning Styles Profile DUE

Journal Entry 13, Master Student, p. 71 DUE

XxMemory Strategies, Master Student, Ch. 3

Right Brain/Left Brain Learning Theory

XxKeirsey’s Sixteen Types

Temperament Sorter, Sixteen Types, pp. 41-46


XxQuiz 3

Critical Thinking, Master Student, Ch. 7

XxCritical Thinking, cont.

Journal Entry # 36, Master Student, p. 163 DUE

XxCommunication Loop, Master Student, pp. 173-176

XxCommunication Styles, Master Student, Chapter 8

Win/Win (and other) strategies

XxCommunicating with Instructors

Exercise 17, Master Student, p. 177 DUE

XxDiversity, Master Student, pp. 186-196

Making Connections/College-Q DUE

XxCareer Exploration, Master Student, pp. 239-246

What I Want. . ,What I Don’t Want DUE

XxCareer Exploration StrengthsQuest

Ivy Tech Career Services

Design Your Employment Package DUE

XxQuiz 4

“Be it,” Master Student, pp. 249-251

Strengths-Based Mission Statement DUE

Career Journal Due

XxThe Master Student, Master Student, pp. 25-28

XxOn and Off-Campus Resources/Student Life

Community Resource Guides, Student Handbook

Comprehensive Review

Journal Entry 8, Master Student, p. 28 DUE

XxComprehensive Final Exam