The Glass Menagerie: Scene 1-7 Study GuideNAME______

Scene 1

  1. Describe the physical setting of the play.
  1. How is Tom dressed as the play begins? Why?
  1. Why does Tom’s speech open with a comparison of his role to that of a stage magician?
  1. What is a “memory play”?
  1. Why does Tom say there is a fifth character in the play?
  1. What do we discover about Tom’s life at home in the brief first scene?
  1. What do we learn about Laura?
  1. How is Amanda portrayed?

Scene 2

  1. As Amanda comes up the fire escape, Laura’s actions are described. What are these actions and what do they reveal about her?
  1. What has Amanda done that day?
  1. What has Laura done during school hours?
  1. Why is Amanda upset about Laura’s failure in school?
  1. What is Amanda’s decision about Laura’s future?
  1. How does Laura feel about this decision?
  1. What is revealed about Mr. Wingfield in this scene?
  1. Laura continually tries to avoid the unpleasant reality of Amanda’s conversation. How does she do this?

Scene 3

  1. What becomes Amanda’s obsession?
  1. What does Amanda do about the obsession?
  1. Who are the principal actors during this scene?
  1. What is the quarrel about?
  1. Why does Amanda believe that Tom is doing things he’s ashamed of?
  1. How does Tom respond to Amanda’s assertion that he is jeopardizing the future?
  1. What happens as Tom leaves for the movies?

Scene 4

  1. When does Tom Return from the movies?
  1. What does he tell Laura he has seen?
  1. Why does this intrigue Tom?
  1. What happens on the fire escape when Amanda sends Laura for some butter?
  1. Tom apologizes to Amanda for calling her a witch. How does Amanda respond?
  1. What does Amanda want to talk about with Tom?
  1. What is Amanda’s greatest concern?
  1. What is Amanda’s solution to this problem?

Scene 5

  1. How does Amanda want Tom to emulate his father?
  1. How does Tom perceive the fire escape?
  1. How does Amanda view the fire escape?
  1. What do they see as they sit on the fire escape?
  1. What is Amanda’s response when Tom says he is bringing a young man home to dinner?

6. What do we learn from Tom about the gentleman caller?

  1. Why does Tom leave abruptly for the movies?
  1. What does Amanda tell Laura to do?

Scene 6

  1. Why does Tom feel his is valuable to Jim?
  1. Why is Jim valuable to Tom?
  1. Have Amanda’s preparations for the dinner been successful?
  1. How does Amanda dress for the gentleman caller?
  1. Why does Laura dread the evening?
  1. Describe the way Laura answers the door.
  1. What does Jim recommend for Tom?
  1. What does Jim tell Tom about his job? Is Tom concerned about this warning? Why?
  1. What first step has Tom already taken?
  1. With whom does Tom identify as he talks of his plans?
  1. Does everyone enjoy dinner?

Scene 7

  1. What happens as they finish dinner?
  1. What lighting do they use instead?
  1. What is Jim’s first assessment of Laura?
  1. Does Jim recognize Laura?
  1. How does Jim react to Laura’s confession of her shyness and the reason she gives for it—the brace on her leg?
  1. How is Jim discovering his own excellence?
  1. What is Jim’s view of democracy?
  1. Why does Laura show Jim the unicorn?
  1. What is Jim’s next step in curing Laura’s inferiority complex?
  1. What happens as they dance?
  1. As Jim forthrightly tells Laura about Betty and their marriage plans, how does Laura react?
  1. What is the significance of Laura’s gift to Jim?

13. What is Tom’s final realization?