Y7 Homework Timetable

Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri
Y7 / A / Maths
Computing / English
PE / Creative Arts[1]
MFL / Science / Humanities2
B / Creative Arts1
MFL / Science
Computing / Maths
Humanities[2] / English / PE
C / PE
Computing / English
Humanities2 / Maths / Creative Arts1 / Science

Y8 Homework Timetable

Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri
Y8 / A / Computing / Humanities[3]
Maths / Science
PE / English
MFL / Creative Arts[4]
B / English / Science
Maths / Humanities3 / Creative Arts4
Computing / MFL
C / English
PE / Maths / MFL
Computing / Creative Arts4
Science / Humanities 3
/ Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri
Y9 / W1 / Science
History / MFL
PE / Computing
Creative Arts[5] / Maths
Geography / English
W2 / Science
Geography / MFL
PE / Computing
Creative Arts5 / Maths
RS / English
W3 / Science
PE / Computing
Creative Arts5 / Maths
History / English
X1 / English
Geography / Creative Arts5
MFL / History
RE / Maths
Science / PE
X2 / English
RS / Creative Arts5
MFL / History
Geography / Maths
Science / PE
X3 / English
History / Creative Arts5
Geography / Maths
Science / PE

Y10 Homework Timetable

Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri
Maths & English / Science & Option X (Triple Science, Art, Resistant Materials, Business Studies, Princes Trust, Support) / English & Option Y (History, Drama, Art, IT) / Science & Option Z (PE BTEC, Religious Studies, Music, French, Support) / Maths Option W (Triple Science, History, Geography, Princes Trust, Support)

Y11 Homework Timetable

Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri
English &
Option Z (Citizenship, Graphic Products, PE BTEC, Triple Science, Support) / Science &
Options W (Art, Business Studies, History, Support, French) / Maths
Option X (French, History, Religious Studies, Resistant Materials) / Science & Option Y (Drama, French, Geography, History, Music, Support) / Maths

[1]Students study creative arts on a carousel. Therefore homework set here should be one piece from any of the following subjects – Art, Design & Technology, Drama or Music

[2]Students study humanities on a carousel. Therefore homework set here should be one piece from any of the following subjects – Citizenship, Geography, History or RE

[3]Students study humanities on a carousel. Therefore homework set here should be one piece from any of the following subjects – Citizenship, Geography, History or RE

[4]Students study creative arts on a carousel. Therefore homework set here should be one piece from any of the following subjects – Art, Design & Technology, Drama or Music

[5]Students study creative arts on a carousel. Therefore homework set here should be one piece from any of the following subjects – Art, Design & Technology, Drama or Music