Minutes of the City of Woodland Hills Council Meeting held on May 9, 2017 in the City of Woodland Hills Council Chambers.


CONDUCTING: Mayor Pro Tempore Wendy Pray


Mayor Pro Tempore Wendy PrayJody Stones, City Recorder

Council Member Kari Malkovich

Council Member Dorel Kynaston (by phone)

Council Member Larry Henry (arrived late)


Council Member Paul MacArthur


Council Member Kari Malkovich invited those who wish to participate to stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance with her. The Pledge was then given.


Resident Claudia Fisher offered an invocation.


No public comment


Approval tabled until next meeting.



The City received resumes from former Council Member Bob Fisher and Mayor Pro Tempore Wendy Pray expressing their desire to serve as Mayor.

Former Council Member Bob Fisher noted that he served on Council for 8 years and has taken a step back from serving for a couple of years. He expressed that he proposed some changes during his tenure, but for one reason or another they were not implemented or followed through. He feels that under his leadership he would be able to implement some changes that in his opinion would be beneficial to the City. He feels that the City needs to take a closer look at water and the actual water the City needs not only for current residents but for future development. He is in favor of hiring a City Manager and improving police service and suggested that the City consider installing surveillance cameras. He feels City taxes are way too high and that a deep dive into the budget is needed. He suggested that the City needs to re-examine City employees.

Mayor Pro Tempore Wendy Pray mentioned that more than 15 years ago, she chose to become involved in the City because she wanted to know more about the development that was going on around her home. She believes that knowledge is important and that it is better to contribute to help find a solution than be part of a problem.She remarked that she had great admiration for Mayor Lauritzen and his vision, and her desire is to continue to build on his philosophy. She feels a great responsibility to be prudent with her neighbor’s money, and she trusts that when tax increases are proposed that there are needs that must be taken care off. She also noted that there have been times when the tax rates have been reduced. She expressed that a Mayor needs to be able to work well with not only residents in the community, but also City employees and those who live and work in surrounding communities. She feels she has the ability.

Council Member Dorel Kynaston indicated that there appears to be an increase in crime in the City and asked the candidates to comment on if they feel the City need a full-time Deputy.

Former Council Member Bob Fisher indicated he is in favor of looking at installing surveillance in the City and for better policing if the rate of crime has gone up.

Mayor Pro Tempore Wendy Pray mentioned she is looking into what a full-time Deputy would cost. She indicated that she feels there are other things that can be done beyond policing, such as raising awareness of residents. She would be in favor of video surveillance but only in public areas such as the mailboxes and City facilities. She is very cautious to preserve resident’s privacy.

Council Member Dorel Kynaston asked Mr. Fisher to expand on why the City should hire a City Manager.

Mr. Fisher mentioned that during his time on City Council he proposed that the City hire a fulltime City Manager that could handle the business of the City. He noted that he even started discussions with an individual.

Council Member Kari Malkovich remarked that she is hearing Mr. Fisher talk about the City needing full time law enforcement, managers and cameras and is curious how at the same time he plans to lower taxes and spend less.

Mr. Fisher explained that as Mayor he would start with a “zero” budget and look at priorities. He feels that there need to be some changes made to some of the employees in the City and how they are compensated. He explained that while he was on Council, he negotiated a snow removal contract that gave the City a service level agreement. He feels residents should know what kind of service level they can expect.

Mayor Pro Tempore Wendy Pray indicated that there are many things she would love for the City to have but the reality is there are limited funds. In dealing with money she realizes that the funds that make up the budget come from her neighbors. She feels she needs to be wise and prudent when spending her neighbors’ money.

Council Member Dorel Kynaston asked the candidates to comment on commercial growth.

Former Council Member Bob Fisher believes commercial growth would be nice, but it is just a dream. He is in favor of having all property owners, not just residents, charged a monthly water maintenance fee.

Mayor Pro Tempore Wendy Pray feels there could be potential for commercial growth in certain areas. She would like to incorporate the concept in the City General Plan along with an illustration showing the area within the City where commercial growth might happen. Right now, commercial growth would be a tough sell but years from now it may not be.

Council thanked both applicants for their participation and informed them that an appointment would be made at the next City Council Meeting.


Discussion tabled until next City Council Meeting.


Discussion tabled until next City Council Meeting.

  1. Wildlfe

Mayor Pro Tempore Wendy Pray commented she had asked Tom Brighton, resident of Woodland Hills, to write an ordinance that addresses feeding of wildlife.

Mr. Brighton distributed to the Council a handout of what he would like to be included in an ordinance.

Council Member Kari Malkovich asked for clarification on if the ordinance would be prohibiting the feeding of all wildlife or just certain animals.

Resident Mark Bracken suggested contacting the Division of Wildlife and Resource for an ordinance.

Mayor Pro Tempore Wendy Pray mentioned the City contacted the Division of Wildlife Resource and they were unable to help.

Resident Jarold Sorenson noted he has seem multiple deer feeders in resident’s yards.

Mr. Brighton informed the Council that the DWR had trapped 159 turkeys earlier in the year but could not trap the rest because a neighbor was continuing to feed them. He explained that the turkeys have damaged residents’ landscaping, and he believes this could be a health hazard due to the large number of turkeys and the droppings they leave behind everywhere.

Resident Jeff Burger agrees with Mr. Brighton and supports the Council adopting an ordinance he feels that if the problem is serious enough signs need to be put up and fines need to be given to anyone found to be in violation.

Mayor Pro Tempore Wendy Pray feels it is easier to enforce and require an individual to pay for damage to someone’s property than to issue a fine.

Resident David Pratt disagrees with Mayor Pro Tempore Wendy Pray and feels it is harder to quantify damage and is in favor of fining.

Mayor Pro Tempore Wendy Pray thanked Mr. Brighton for drafting a letter and hoped he would have an ordinance for the Council to review shortly.

Council discussed the need to hold a public hearing before adopting an ordinance.


Resident Jeremey Searle was asked to give the Council his opinion on removing stop signs at the intersection of Woodland Hills Drive and Broadhollow and Woodland Hills Drive and Loafer Drive. Mr. Searle’s occupation is a Civil Engineer working in transportation and traffic.

Mr. Searle informed the Council that four way stop signs are used when two roads that intersect have similar traffic volume. Woodland Hills Drive has a higher volume of traffic than the two roads that intersect it where there are it currently four way stops. He indicated that it is a misconception that stop signs slow drivers down.

Mayor Pro Tempore Wendy Praymentioned Deputy Rhodes, with the Utah County Sheriff’s Office, is not in favor of the Council removing the stop signs. Deputy Rhodes believes that removing the stop signs will result in an increase in safety problems.

Mr. Searle suggested that the City put up safety signs that would let drivers know that cross traffic does not stop.

Council discussed the speed limit prior to and in front of the Fire Station.

Resident, Mike Lauritzen expressed that at the Woodland Hills Drive and Oak/Broadhollow intersection there is a visibility problem and he would not be in favor of removing the stop signs. He would encourage the Council to not raise the speed limit prior to and after the City Center going up into Woodland Hills. He is concerned that the safety of residents and school age children going to and from the bus stop will be put at risk.

Mr. Bracken believes there is a need to keep the speed consistent.

Council Member Kari Malkovich commented that the City needs to look at removing vegetation at intersections where visibility is a concern.

Resident Jeff Burger mentioned population in the City is increasing and he is not in favor of removing any stop signs in the City. He expressed concern for the safety of residents who walk on the side of the roads.


Discussion tabled until next City Council Meeting.


Mayor Pro Tempore Wendy Pray indicated the need for Council to have a meeting with the City Attorney. Due to scheduling conflicts, Mayor Pro Tempore Wendy Pray asked Council if the City Council Meeting scheduled for May 23rd could be rescheduled for May 25th.

Council agreed to cancel the regular City Council Meeting scheduled for May 23rd and hold a Special City Council Meeting on May 25th.


Mayor Pro Tempore Wendy Pray explained that there may be funds through the CWPP program to purchase green waste cans and that further discussion along with costs will be discussed at a future meeting.


Commissioner David Pratt reviewed with the Council the proposed updated General Plan that the Planning Commission has been working on since July of 2014. He noted that Bob Allen with Mountain Land Association of Governments was a key contributor.

A copy of the proposed updated General Plan can be obtained by contacting the City Recorder.

Mayor Pro Tempore Wendy Pray expressed appreciation for the time and effort of the Planning Commission.



Michael Winder proposed to the Council his desire to re-grade one of the switches on the switchback trail going up the mountain.

Jeff Burger would like to ban ATV’s on the trail.

Mayor Pro Tempore Wendy Pray mentioned horses do more damage than ATV’s.

Council approved the proposed Eagle Project.

Mayor Pro Tempore Wendy Pray indicated Deputy Rhodes has requested the City put up “No Overnight Parking “signs at the mailboxes.

Council Member Larry Henry expressed appreciation for Mike and Marlene Lauritzen’s work around the mailboxes.

Council Member Kari Malkovich suggested Mark Bracken be appointed to serve on the the SUVMWA Board and the Nebo Water Board.


MOTION: Council Member Larry Henry to adjourn City Council Meeting

SECOND: Council Member Kari Malkovich

VOTE: All Affirmative (3-0)



Jody Stones, City Recorder