Cells Review List

Test Thursday 1/28

Levels of Organization

Most Complex / Organism / Group of organ systems working together / Person,
Organ System / Group of organs working together / Circulatory system,
Nervous system,
Digestive system
Organ / Group of tissues working together / Heart,
Tissue / Group of cells working together / Blood,
Connective tissue
Cell / Basic unit
Group of organelles working together / Red blood cell,
Epithelial cell,
Least complex / Organelle / Specialized structures found in cells / Nucleus, Mitochondrion,

Cell Theory

Contributions of scientist…

Robert Hooke / 1665 / First discovered cells by looking at cork. Named the “little room” he saw “cells”.
Anton Van Leeuwenhoeke / 1673 / Made improvements to the microscope when observing pond scum.
Matthias Schleiden / 1838 / Examined plant cells and concluded that all parts of plants are composed of cells.
Theodore Schwann / 1839 / Examined animal tissue and concluded that all parts of animals are composed of cells.
Rudolf Virchow / 1858 / Observed that cells come from existing cells.

The three parts of the cell theory are:

  1. All living things are composed of cells.(Schleiden & Schwann)
  2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function for living things.(Schleiden & Schwann)
  3. All are produced from existing cells. (Virchow)

ALL cells can….

  • Obtain energy (organelles responsible: chloroplast and mitochondrion)
  • Get rid of waste (organelles responsible: lysosome and cell membrane)
  • Grow and reproduce (organelles responsible: centriole and nucleus)

Cell Organelles

Organelle structures are designed to help them complete their functions. Structure is the shape or location. Function is its job. Example: tire structure – round, rubber; function – roll and grip road

  • Plant cells are elongated for stacking up; the cells are more box-like and rigid, with larger vacuoles for storing water.
  • Blood cells are round so they can travel through blood vessels and deliver oxygen and nutrients to the other cells of the body.
  • Muscle cells are elongated for contracting and pulling on bones

Cell Membrane– found in both plant and animal cells

Function: controls the passing of materials in and out of the cell; gets rid of waste

Structure: surrounds the cytoplasm

Nucleus– found in both plant and animal cells

Function:acts as the control center of the cell

Structure: holds the DNA/chromosomes

Cytoplasm – found in both plant and animal cells

Function: suspend other organelles

Structure: jell-like liquid that fills the cell

Mitochondria– found in both plant and animal cells

Function: releaseATP energy

Structure: double membrane organelle with inner folds

Vacuole– found in both plantand animalcells

Function: Storage site for water, nutrients, and waste

Structure: much larger in plant cells

Cell Wall– found in ONLY plant cells

Function: supports and protects

Structure: rigid; surrounds cytoplasm in plant cells

Chloroplasts– found in ONLY plant cells

Function: site of photosynthesis (how a plant makes food)

Structure: Green; contains chlorophyll; stacks of disc inside

Lysosome – found in some plant and animal cells

Function: removes waste, and digest old cell parts

Structure: small, circular, contains enzymes

Cilia – found in unicellular organisms and some animal cells

Function: used for motion

Structure: tiny hair-like projections on the outside of certain cells

Flagellum– found in unicellular organisms and some animal cells

Function: used for motion

Structure: a long whip-like structure on the outside of certain cells