The table below shows the disposition of each provision of the existing Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act in the proposed law. All references are to the Civil Code.

Existing Provision Proposed Provision(s)

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Existing Provision Proposed Provision(s)

1350 not continued

1350.5 6502

1350.7 not continued

1351 (intro.) 6526

1351(a) 6528

1351(b) 6532

1351(c) 6534

1351(d) not continued

1351(e)(1), (2) 6624

1351(e)(3) 6624, 6626(a)

1351(e) (next to last ¶) 6626(b)-(c)

1351(e) (last ¶) 6628

1351(f) 6542

1351(g) 6544

1351(h) 6546

1351(i) 6550

1351(j) 6552

1351(k) 6562

1351(l) 6564

1351(m) 6566

1352 6580

1352.5 6606(a)-(b), (d)

1353(a)(1) (1st & 2d sent.) 6614(a)

1353(a)(1) (except 1st & 2d sent.)-(a)(4)
not continued

1353(b) 6614(b)

1353.5 6702

1353.6 6704

1353.7 not continued (but see 6600(a))

1353.8 6712

1353.9 6713

1354(a)-(b) 6856

1354(c) not continued

1355(a) (1st sent.) 6620(a) (1st sent.)

1355(a)(1) 6620(a)(2)

1355(a)(2) 6620(a)(3)

1355(a)(3) 6620(a)(4)

1355(b) (1st sent.) 6616

1355(b)(1) 6620(a)(1)

1355(b)(2) 6620(a)(2), 6620(b)

1355(b)(3) 6620(a)(3)

1355(b) (last sent.) not continued

1355.5 6608

1356 not continued

1357(a) 6618(a)

1357(b) (1st sent.) 6618(b), 6620

1357(b) (2nd sent.) not continued

1357(c) not continued

1357(d) 6618(c)

1357.100(a) 6630

1357.100(b) not continued

1357.110 6632

1357.120 not continued

1357.130 not continued

1357.140 not continued

1357.150 not continued

1358(a) not continued

1358(b) 6662

1358(c) 6664

1358(d) 6666

1358 (next to last ¶) 6668

1358 (last ¶) 6670

1359 6656

1360 6714

1360.2 not continued

1360.5 not continued (but see 6706)

1361 6652

1361.5 6654

1362 6650

1363(a) 6750

1363(b) not continued

1363(c) 6752

1363(d) not continued

1363(e) not continued

1363(f) (1st sent.) 6850

1363(f) (2nd sent.) not continued

1363(g) not continued

1363(h) not continued

1363(i) 6854

1363.001 not continued

1363.005 not continued

1363.03 not continued

1363.04 not continued

1363.05 not continued

1363.07 not continued

1363.09 not continued

1363.1 not continued

1363.2 not continued

1363.5 6622

1363.6 6760

1363.810 not continued

1363.820 not continued

1363.830 not continued

1363.840 not continued

1363.850 not continued

1364(a) 6716(a)

1364(b) 6718

1364(c) 6716(b)

1364(d)-(e) 6720

1364(f) 6722

1365 not continued

1365.1 not continued

1365.2 not continued

1365.2.5 not continued

1365.3 not continued

1365.5 not continued

1365.6 6758(a)

1365.7 not continued

1365.9 6840

1366(a) (1st sent.) 6800

1366(a) (except 1st sent.) not continued

1366(b) not continued

1366(c) 6804

1366(d) not continued

1366(e) not continued

1366(f) not continued

1366.1 not continued

1366.2 not continued

1366.4 not continued

1367 not continued (but see 6828)

1367.1(a) (1st sent.) 6808(a)

1367.1(a) (2d sent.) 6812 (intro.)

1367.1(a)(1)-(3) 6812(a)-(c)

1367.1(a)(4)-(6) not continued

1367.1(b) (1st sent.) not continued

1367.1(b) (2nd - 4th sent.) 6810

1367.1(c) not continued

1367.1(d) (1st - 5th sent.) 6814(a)-(e)

1367.1(d) (6th sent.) 6818(a)

1367.1(d) (7th sent.) 6824(a)

1367.1(d) (8th sent.) not continued

1367.1(e) 6824(b)

1367.1(f) 6816

1367.1(g) (1st sent.) 6826

1367.1(g) (2d sent.) 6820(a)

1367.1(g) (3d sent.) 6822(a)

1367.1(g) (4th sent.) 6822(c) (intro.)

1367.1(g)(1)-(2) 6822(c)(1)-(2)

1367.1(h) 6820(b)

1367.1(i) 6818(b)

1367.1(j) 6822(b)

1367.1(k) not continued

1367.1(l) 6819

1367.1(m) not continued (but see 6828)

1367.1(n) not continued

1367.4 not continued

1367.5 not continued

1367.6 not continued

1368 not continued

1368.1 6710

1368.2 not continued

1368.3 6858

1368.4 6860

1368.5 6876

1369 6658

1369.510 not continued

1369.520 not continued

1369.530 not continued

1369.540 not continued

1369.550 not continued

1369.560 not continued

1369.570 not continued

1369.580 not continued

1369.590 not continued

1370 6602

1371 6604

1372 6510

1373 6582(a), 6531

1374 6582(b)

1375 6870

1375.1 6874

1376 6708

1378 not continued

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Existing Provision Proposed Provision(s)


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Existing Provision Proposed Provision(s)


The table below identifies, for each provision of the proposed law, any similar provision in the recodified Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act, which will become operative on January 1, 2014. See 2012 Cal. Stat. ch. 180. All references are to sections of the Civil Code.

Proposed Provision Similar Provision

6502 4005

6505 4010

6510 4020

6512 4035

6514 4040

6518 4050

6520 4055

6522 4065

6524 4070

6526 4075

6528 4080

6530 4085

6531 4202

6532 4090

6534 4100

6540 4120

6542 4125

6544 4130

6546 4135

6548 4140

6550 4145

6552 4150

6553 4153

6554 4160

6560 4170

6562 4175

6564 4185

6566 4190

6580 4200

6582 4201

6600 4205

6602 4215

6604 4220

6606 4225

6608 4230

6610 4235

6614 4250

6616 4260

6618 4265

6620 4270

6622 4280

6624 4285

6626 4290

6628 4295

6630 4340

6632 4350

6650 4500

6652 4505

6654 4510

6656 4610

6658 4615

6662 4630

6664 4635

6666 4640

6668 4645

6670 4650

6700 4700

6702 4705

6704 4710

6706 4715

6708 4725

6710 4730

6712 4735

6713 4745

6714 4760

6716 4775

6718 4780

6720 4785

6722 4790

6750 4800

6752 4805

6756 5260

6758 5350

6760 5405

6800 5600

6804 5620

6808 5650

6810 5655

6812 5660

6814 5675

6816 5680

6818 5685

6819 5690

6820 5700

6822 5710

6824 5725

6826 5735

6828 5740

6840 5805

6850 5850

6854 5865

6856 5975

6858 5980

6860 5985

6870 6000

6874 6100

6876 6150


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