St. Michael Mass Schedule and Intentions

Sunday October 2, 2016 – Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday / October 1 / 5:30 PM / Paul McCauley
Sunday / October 2 / 8:00 AM / Ben Fessel Family
11:00 AM / Joel Van Bree
Tuesday / October 4 / 8:00 AM / James Edrington
Wednesday / October 5 / 6:00 PM / Marilyn Gettelfinger
Thursday / October 6 / 8:00 AM / Mary Jo Elder
Saturday / October 8 / 5:30 PM / Parishioners Intentions (Tri-Parish)
Sunday / October 9 / 8:00 AM / Frank & Rose Van Bree
11:00 AM / Charles Fessel


ST. BERNARD: Sat. 4:00 PM & Sun. 9:30 AM


St. Michael Office Hours

Mon. – Thurs. 8:30a.m. – 2:30a.m.


Stephanie McCoy, Stanley Zollman, Sherry Fleck, Anna Kaelin & Family, Kenny Jacobi, Irma Barnard, Lenny Alderman, Rose Kiefer, Tony Fenwick, Megan Faith Barr, Martha Jane Wingler, Travonda Peppy and Family, Donna Ernst, Shirley Uhl, Shirley Jones, Syl Kaelin, Stephanie, Kathleen, and Daniel Retallick, Alisa Perez, Cora Vincent, Fred & Martha Neuner, Jim Uhl, Kim Coliapolis

Prayer List Update – Do you have someone to add/remove from the prayer list or the military list? Please call the office at 812-364-6646 or e-mail us at:

Please remember in your prayers our Military Members and their Families.

CPO Johnathan Akers, Danny Baker, SRA Benjamin M. Fouts, Chris Ethridge, Bobby Ethridge, Tyler Hall, Lt. Col. Scott Schroeder, Zachary Shinkle, Matt Train, Taylor Pendleton, William Gilmer, LCpl Mark Snapp

Service Ministry Meeting

The Service Ministry Group would like to invite anyone in the parish that would like to join our ministry and maybe also consider holding an office. We will meet again on Wednesday October 5th at 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of church for refreshments and then shortly after the start of the meeting.


Weekend of October 8 & 9, 2016

Sat. 5:30 PM

EM: Nadine Kaelin, Joanne Kochert, Donna Newton, Linda Smith, Jesse Waller

L: Cherie Vickers

S: Kathy Skaggs

SVRS: Olivia Abner, Rebecca Gleitz

U: Brian Dohoney, Melvin Jacobi, Leo Kaelin, Dean Newton

M: Quintet – Tim, Kathy, Vickie, Susan, Geralyn

Sun. 8:00 AM

EM: Rose Nealy, Marlene Neumann, Tina Rouck, Mike & Roseanne Shireman

L: Fred Uhl

S: Katy Casper

SVRS: Adriana Roll, Julia Campbell

U: Gary Geswein, Gordon Geswein, Wayne Jacobi, Tina Rouck

M: Men’s Chorus

Sun. 11:00 AM

EM: Doris Nash, Katrina Plucinik, Jerry & Kim Renneker, Jerry Thompson

L: Stephanie Jacobi

S: Kim & Jerry Renneker

SVRS: Gillian Evans, Reece Harkness

U: Mark Davidson, Bernie & Sally Gettelfinger, Theresa Light

M: All Musicians

Soup Kitchen

If you would like to help feed the poor, we need your help to fix lunch and serve it on Monday Oct. 10th, 2016. If you can go/help, please call Jo Thrasher at 812-364-6147. We will leave around 7:45am and return about 2:30pm.

Weekly Collection

Sun. Collection 9/25/16: $ 4,577.00

Needed for budget: $ 7,134.65

Difference: - $ 2,557.65


SUN: Faith Formation Classes 9:30 a.m.

Sacramental Prep Class 9:45a.m.

Youth Activities Team Meeting 6:00p.m.

MON: Bible Study 9:30a.m.

TUE: Quilting 9:00a.m. – 2:00p.m.

WED: RCIA Inquiry Gathering 7:00p.m.

Service Ministry Meeting 6:30p.m.

THUR: Altar Server Training 6:30p.m.


SAT: High School Camping Trip

Next SUN:

Saint Meinrad Seminary

All parishioners from St. Michael, St. Bernard, and St. Joseph are invited to join us for our Pilgrimage to St. Meinrad to walk through the Jubilee Door on Monday, October 24th. The Archabbey Church at St. Meinrad was designated as a “Holy Door” location by Archbishop Tobin. Pope Francis is granting a plenary indulgence for those who cross through a holy door, attend Mass, go to the sacrament of Reconciliation, and pray for the Pope’s intentions.

We will meet at St. Meinrad at 10:00a.m. central time (11am our time) for Mass in the Guest House. Following Mass there will be time for Reconciliation, Noon prayer with the monks, lunch, a tour of the Abbey Church and other buildings, and a chance to go to the Abbey Press Gift Shop. Lunch at the Guest House cost $8 per person. Please call the Faith Formation Office if you would like to attend so we have numbers for lunch. We can also help arrange carpooling if you like.

Installation of Acolyte

Congratulations to John Jacobi who was installed as an Acolyte by Archbishop Tobin on September 24th. John is in his last year of a four-year formation process to be ordained as a Permeant Deacon for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis!! Please continue to keep John and his family in prayer as he continues his studies and discerns God’s call to this ministry in our Church.

Cub Scout pack 4119

Would like to welcome and boy from kindergarten through the 5th grade that wants to join scouts to stop in a see us from 7-8 pm on Tuesday nights in the gym here at St. Michael. For more information, please contact Chris James 812-736-0788 Cubmaster.

Repose of the Soul

We pray for the repose of the soul of Jim Wise, who passed away on Sept 23. Jim took care of the maintenance of our buildings here at St. Michael for many years and chaired our Parish Picnic Committee for many years as well. In the words of Fr. John Fink, “Jim’s handprints are all over our parish”

We also pray for the repose of the soul of Rita Knust, mother of Rose Nealy, who passed away on September 28th.

Eternal rest grant to them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Picnic News

A HUGE Thank You to everyone who made our picnic so successful!! What a Beautiful Day – God is Good!

*Meeting for all Chairpersons this Wednesday evening, October 5th, after the 6pm Mass. All others are welcome to attend too.

Picnic Winners

Car Raffle–Donated by: Carriage Ford = Linda Jones

Cedar Chest Raffle–Donated by: The Kaelin & Hypes Families = Deborah Watson

Gun Raffle–Donated by: Anonymous- Gun case by Gun World = Rick Schaffne

Money Raffle – Donated by: Universal Farm Solutions, LLC, Bennett & Bennett Insurance, Martin’s Body Shop, Bob & Linda Lee Co., Uhl Truck Sales & Service, Geswein Family, Kiesler machine, and Preferred Popcorn

$1000 = Yvonne Haller

$750 = Jerry & Patty Kiesler

$400 = Julie Windell

$300 = Randy Drake

$200 = Danny Dohoney

$200 = Jessica Hoehn

$100 = Chris Edmonds

$100 = James Uhl

Quilt–Donated by: Vicki & Lucille Fessel = Mark Petrik

October 3rd Blood Drive is Cancelled

Due to a Red Cross staffing issue, our Blood Drive will not be on October 3rd.

Public Square Rosary Crusade

When: Saturday, Oct. 15, 2016 @ 12:00 noon

Hosted by: St. Mary of the Annunciation, New Albany Indiana – Come Pray the Rosary!

Faith Formation Office Hours are: St. Michael Church - Monday - Thursday 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Fridays 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. and St. Bernard Church – Fridays 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Faith Formation News:

Upcoming Faith Formation Classes:

October 2 Grades Pre-School – Grade 12

October 9 No Classes – Fall Break

October 16 Grades Pre-School – Grade 12

October 23 Grades Pre-School – Grade 12

Rosary Club - The Len Fagan Memorial Rosary Club meets each Sunday that we have Faith Formation classes 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. We invite children and youth 2nd grade and up to join us in making rosaries for the missions. Join us for this fun time as we help others to pray.

Bible Timeline Study – The Bible Timeline study meets each Sunday in which we have faith formation classes, 9:30 – 10:45 a.m. in the Faith Formation Center. All adults are welcome to join us. Come to the sessions that you are able to attend. The study will include a series of videos presented by Jeff Cavins. Each video will be preceded by a lively group discussion. Next Sunday we will discuss “The Early World Part II (Genesis 4-11).”

Sacramental Prep Meeting – We will have a meeting with all parents who have a child who will celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist for this first time. We will meet in the lower level of the church on this Sunday, October 2nd at 9:45 a.m. We will discuss the Sacrament of Reconciliation and how you might talk to your child about this sacrament of forgiveness.

Monday Morning Bible Study – Our Monday Morning Bible Study will meet this Monday, October 3rd, at 9:30 a.m. when we will continue our study of the “Tragic and Triumphant Cross. All adults are welcome to join us anytime!

Catching Fire Becoming Flame - Ever wonder how some people become enthusiastic and on fire about their relationship with God? Feel cold? Or maybe just smoldering? Join us for this six session review of Fr. Albert Haase, OFM’s book, “Catching Fire, Becoming Flame.” We will discover how to light our faith on fire and be more in tune with the Holy Spirit working in our lives. We will meet on Mondays (starting on October 3rd) at St. Bernard and Tuesdays (starting on October 4th) at St. Michael, both 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Feel free to join either group. Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex. A book is available for $8.00 if you would like one.

Altar Server Training – Any boy or girl 4th grade and up who would like to serve the parish as an Altar Server is invited to come to training on Thursdays, October 6th at 13th in the church at 6:30 p.m.

Jubilee Year of Mercy Gathering – On October 8th at St. Bartholomew Parish in Columbus Dr. Scott Hahan will join Archbishop Tobin to speak about the Marian Jubilee. The Day will include a witness by the Archbishop, Scott Hahan’s talk, a rosary and more. The venue is currently full but if you are interested go ahead and register as they are considering a larger venue. Register for this free event at

Men’s Group – We will have Men’s Group on Sunday, October 16th at 7:00 p.m. in the Faith Formation Center when we will continue our study of the Gospel of John. All men in the parish are invited to join us!

Senior Gathering – We will have our next senior gathering on Wednesday, October 26th. We will gather in the Parish Center at Noon for Mid-Day Prayer and then everyone is invited to bring something to share for lunch. Our featured dish for October will be Fried Chicken. All are welcome to join us!

Trunk or Treat will return to St. Michael on Monday, October 31st, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. We invite adults in the parish to park their cars in our parish center parking lot and hand out goodies to our children as they roam about. If you wish you can decorate your vehicle to make it more exciting for the children. Adults can also dress in costume if you like (prizes will be awarded for best decorated car and best adult costume). If you cannot make it to hand out candy, we are accepting donations of pre-packaged candy that can be left in the narthex of the church. The youth activities team will have hot dogs and hot chocolate available. Fun for the whole family in a safe environment! Bring your own lawn chair.

Baptismal Prep Class – We ask that all parents who would like to have their child baptized at St. Michael Church attend a Baptismal Prep Class before the Sacrament is celebrated. We will have a session on Saturday, December 3rd, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. at St. Bernard in Frenchtown. You may attend the class before your child is born. For more information and to register please call the Faith Formation Office to sign up. The next opportunity will be on February 4th at St. Michael.

Youth Ministry News: for prayer and rest. Pilgrims will arrive at the Archabbey Church at Saint Meinrad for Vespers at 5:00 (CDT), followed by a cookout with members of both men’s and women’s monastic communities.

Youth Activities Team – Our next Youth Activities Team gathering will be on Sunday, October 2nd, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. when we will plan on Fall Camping trip, ICYC, March for Life, and talk about our Mission Trip this coming summer. Be sure to bring your calendars.

Sr. High Camping Trip – All youth in grades 9-12 are invited to join us for our Camping and Kayaking Trip on October 8th & 9th. We will meet at St. Bernard Church in Frenchtown on October 8th at 9:00 a.m. We will spend the day kayaking on Blue River and setting up camp at O’Bannon Woods. The evening will be full of fun and games. We will return from our trip at 12:30 p.m. on the 9th at St. Bernard. The cost of the camping trip is $25.00. Also, plan on bringing lunch and snacks for Saturday in a water proof container, refillable water bottle, sun screen, bug spray, wear your swimsuit under clothing on Saturday, sleeping bag, rain jacket or poncho, flashlight, personal toiletries, change of clothes for Saturday and Sunday. Permission slip are due by October 2nd. You may invite guests to join you.

Jr. High Fall Daze – All Jr. High Youth in grades 6-8 are invited to join us on for Fall Daze on Thursday, October 13th. We will gather at 9:30 a.m. and do service work in the morning. We will catch lunch at Culver’s in Corydon and then see a movie. The cost of the movie is $7.00. Be sure to bring extra money for lunch, work gloves, and a refillable water bottle. The deadline to sign up is October 9th.