Economy, Neighbourhood and Environment

Executive Director: Lesley Bloomer

Head of Neighbourhood Services: Mike Newall

Burns House, Burns Statue Square, Ayr, KA7 1UT



Our Ref: Your Ref:

Date: 4 October 2013

If phoning or calling ask for Pauline Reid

Messer’s Uppal & Kaur

Taj Indian Restaurant

141 Main Street


South Ayrshire


Dear Sir/Madam

Food Hygiene (Scotland) Regulations 2006

EC Regulation 852/2004

Premises: Taj Indian Restaurant, 141 Main Street, Prestwick KA9 1LA

I refer to my visit to the above premises on 2nd October 2013 at approximately 1:30pm. At the time of the visit I was accompanied by my colleague, Food Safety Officer. I now enclose details of my findings as discussed with Mr Perjit Uppal.

The attached schedules detail works, which require your attention.

Schedule A details the actions required to comply with the food hygiene regulations.

A further visit will be carried out next week when it is expected that all matters detailed within schedule A will have received attention

Schedule B details recommendations for food hygiene and/or food standard improvement. You are not required to act on these recommendations; however, they are considered best practice and are based on industry guidance and my experience from visiting many other food businesses. I believe you and your business will benefit from the improvements listed in this Schedule.

Food Hygiene Information Scheme

Improvement Required

As part of this inspection, the level of compliance with food hygiene legislation within your business was assessed for the purpose of the Food Hygiene Information Scheme. Your business has been classified as ‘Improvement required’.

Once you have rectified all matters raised detailed in Schedule A you can request a reassessment visit to review your Food Hygiene Information Scheme status.

Further information on the Food Hygiene Information Scheme is available on our website at

South Ayrshire Council seeks to follow the guidance of the Government and the Food Standards Agency in treating all businesses fairly, consistently and in proportion to the risks involved. If you have any concerns about the manner in which the inspection was carried out or the implications of any of the issues raised, then you can contact my manager at Environmental Health, Burns House, Burns Statue Square, Ayr. Telephone: 0300 123 0900.

Yours faithfully,

Environmental Health Officer

SCHEDULE A – Food Hygiene

1 You had failed to maintain your documented Cooksafe food safety controls. In particular the following food safety matters were identified:

·  Raw foods and ready-to-eat foods are stored in the walk in chilled unit. At the time of the visit, containers of raw meat were stored uncovered. On inspection of the external surface the containers had not been disinfected before being placed in shared storage.

·  Cheese cake was stored on the top shelf of the walk in freezer unit uncovered. When removed to cover the dessert, the cheese cake came into contact with contaminated protective clothing and thereafter was placed directly on the raw meat preparation table adjacent to open containers of raw meats. This food was exposed to a serious risk of contaminaton.

·  It became apparent during discussions that containers used for storing and marinating raw food were being re-used for ready-to-eat foods e.g. pakora sauce and spicy onions. This is not in accordance with you documented Cooksafe procedures which state that separate containers must be provided for raw and ready to eat foods.

·  During the visit a container of shredded cooked chicken was noted with a label dated 25/09 (7 day shelf life). Numerous day dots stock control labels were noted on individual containers which would indicate that the containers are not being adequately cleaned/sanitised between uses and your stock control procedures have lapsed.

·  Surfaces and equipment which come into contact with food were not being adequately disinfected. Staff were not aware of what cleaning disinfectants to use, the dilution rate for the chemical or contact time to apply.

·  Paper bags (food packaging) were stored in a dirty container. On inspection food debris and mould was noted on the base of the container.

·  Opened jars of mint sauce and dessert sauces were stored at ambient temperature, contrary to the manufacturers’ instructions which state that they should be refrigerated after opening.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Article 5)

Adequate food safety controls must be put in place in accordance with your documented Cooksafe procedures.

The outside surfaces of food containers must be disinfected before being placed in shared storage. Always use separate identifiable lidded containers for raw foods. Unfit foods were disposed of at the time of our visit.

To prevent the risk of contamination of ready-to-eat foods it is important that food handlers adhered to your documented control measures i.e. ready-to-eat foods must be handled in the designated areas.

It was indicated that you had temporarily ran out of disposable aprons however an adequate supply of designated protective clothing was available on the premises. All staff must be trained and aware of procedures i.e. hand washing procedures and change of apron where contamination of clothing from raw food sources has occurred prior to handling ready-to-eat foods.

It is not acceptable to use a container for raw food and then reuse it for ready-to-eat food. During the visit it was confirmed that this was a misunderstanding and that you were of the opinion that designated containers were only required for the washed salad items.

Equipment and surfaces which comes into contact with food must be adequately disinfected.

It is important that staff are trained and understand what chemicals are used for cleaning and disinfection, and that the correct products, purchased from reputable suppliers, are always used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions i.e. dilution and contact times.

Packaging materials must be kept in appropriate conditions to protect them from contamination.

Once opened, jars of sauces should be stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

2 The following equipment was noted to be in a dirty condition:

·  Hot holding plate for poppadoms.

·  Internal area of the microwave.

·  Milk Pergal machine (with mould growth)

·  A colander storing rice

·  Containers storing poppadoms

·  Food service tongs were stored around a table leg in the kitchen. The table leg was visibly dirty, therefore the tongs were exposed to a risk of contamination.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter V & IX)

Such equipment comes into contact with food and thus poses a risk of contamination. All equipment must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected and stored in a safe manner to protect against contamination.

3 The following equipment was noted in a defective and poor condition.

·  Colanders

·  Storage containers for poppadoms

·  Storage containers for raw food

·  Missing panel (exposing insulation material) and defective handle of oven.

·  Defective seals were noted in numerous chilled units

·  Shelves in upright refrigerated units were noted in a poor condition, with flaking paint and evidence of rust.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter V & IX)

All articles, fittings and equipment with which food comes into contact are to be so constructed, be of such materials and kept in such good order, repair and condition as to enable them to be kept clean and where necessary to be disinfected and to prevent a risk of physical contamination.

4. The seal was perished at the designated wash hand basin.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter I)

The perished seal should be removed, the area cleaned, a new seal replaced and thereafter maintained in a sound condition.

5 Within the kitchen the floor was dirty. A build up of dirt was noted particularly under cooking units and food preparation tables and around the floor drain.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter I)

The floor must be cleaned and thereafter kept in a clean condition.

6 The light in the internal bin storage area was defective.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter I)

The light must be suitably repaired or replaced.

7 Hand drying facilities was not available at the wash hand basin in the coffee/dessert area.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter I)

You must ensure that an adequate supply of hand drying facilities are available at all times when the business is operating.

8 The drainage from the raw equipment washing up sink was leaking

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter I)

The drainage must be suitably repaired so that it is adequate for the purpose intended.

9 The following areas in the dry goods store were dirty, with food spillage present:

·  The pallet used for storing foods

·  walls

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter I)

The pallet and walls must be cleaned.

10 Light switches, electrical switches and cables throughout the premises were dirty.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter I)

These areas must be cleaned.

11 The food service bell in the kitchen was dirty.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapters I)

The bell must be cleaned.

SCHEDULE B - Recommendations

1.  I would recommend that you assess the conditions of equipment and storage containers on a regular basis and dispose and replace when noted in a poor condition.

2.  I would recommend that any obsolete items are removed from the premises.

3.  It is strongly recommended that copies of all food handler’s hygiene training certificates be retained in order to allow you to demonstrate that adequate training is in place.

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