Name ______Period______

Exploring Canada

Use the links provided under geography and climate to help you fill in the following information. You should be able to determine some of these answers by using the maps you have labeled. Good luck!

Do you know these terms? If not, look them up and write a short definition. These terms tell you a lot about Northern Canada….

Tundra _ground that stays frozen most if not all year

Glaciers _sheets of ice covering the ground

How would you describe a prairie? Circle all that apply…

  • a grassy area with fertile soil
  • ideal for agricultureand ranching
  • used by tourists for skiing
  • plentiful fishing
  • mostly flat

If you were to rank all countries according to land area, Canada would come in second.

Canada is so large it covers 6 time zones.

Canada has 10 provinces and 2 territories.

Canada has more lakes and waterways than any other country in the world!! In fact, Canada has over 2 million lakes which are estimated to be what fraction of the world’s fresh water? 1/7 Tell 2 ways you predict that would affect Canada’s economy.

Tourism, recreation, food, transportion/trade….etc

The Canadian Shield contains many mineral resources and forests. However, not many people live there because of its hard, rocky land and poor climate.

Most of Canada’s economic activity takes place in the southern part of the country.

The climate in most of Canada is very cold in the winter because it is so far north………except for British Columbia, which is located in the southwestern part of the country.

The percentage of Canadians who live within 100 miles of the U.S. border is 75%. Guess it’s a good thing we are friends!

One reason Canada’s population lives in the south would be climate. In winter temps are generally below freezing. The farther north you travel, the colder it becomes because you are close to the ArcticCircle.

The highest mountain peak isMount Logan near Alaska.

The St. Lawrence Seaway is an important waterway because you can travel from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean. Hmmm…….wonder if that’s one reason so many people live in that area…

This waterway has a system of locks and canals. View the picture and video on this topic on the resource page. Why do you think they had to build this system? Different heights of the land/waterway make it impossible to ship and use the route from the Lakes across to the ocean. This covers almost half the length of the US/Canada border.

WOW……….Did you know we share landforms with Canada?

There are the five Great Lakes on the border.

In the center you find the Great Plains

In the west you find the Rocky Mountains which tourists love to visit.