Industrialization & Western Global Hegemony 1750-1914: Industrialization of the West 1760-1914


Andrus AP World History Unit Intro & Ch 23 Reading Study Guide #1 P. 506-519

1. Why do you think the period from 1750 (or 1789) to 1914 is called the “long” 19th Century?

2. What new technological innovations allowed industrial countries to gain advantages globally?

3. Which two countries began industrialization a ‘bit later’ but still obtained imperial status?

4. What ‘core innovation’ led to other more refined technologies?

Study the maps on P. 507 and be prepared to discuss the connection between industrialization and the “New Imperialism”

Study the timeline on P. 508-509 Pick 2-3 events you’d like to share in class as turning points in history.

5. What two aspects of life were impacted by industrialization? How so?

6. What happened to coercive labor systems during this period?

7. What were some of the negative environmental impacts of Industrialization?

8. What was abolished in Japan as that’s society industrialized?

9. How did Russian literature reflect faith in the state? How did this contrast w/ Western literature?

10. What hallowed American ‘tradition’ was manufactured during this period? Why?

11. Why did industrialists discourage traditional festivals and introduce strict rules to factory work?

12. What new leisure activities cam about during this time period?

13. Which four new industrialized(izing) countries were “spawned” by the West as “settler societies”?

14. Why did the Chinese face discrimination and hostility in the US?

(Timeline P. 514)

15. What were the years of the French Revolution?_____ 16. Reign of Napoleon?_____

17. When was the US-Mexican War?_____

18. When did Marx publish the Communist Manifesto?_____

19. When did Charles Darwin publish The Origin of Species?_____

20. When was the American ‘Civil War’?____

21. What were the years of German Unification?_____

22. When did compulsory education laws begin in the West?_____

23. In what decade did the US acquire is Empire?____ (Oh but we did it for democracy, you see!)

24. When did WWI begin?_____

25. What three forces were ‘working to shatter Europe’s calm’ by the mid 1700s?

26. What happened to pre-marital sex and out-of-wedlock birthrates at this time?

27. Why was the American Revolution, not a “revolution”?

28. How did the Americans win their rebellion? (THREE factors)

29. What philosophical underpinning permeated the new governing systems developed by the Americans?

30. Why does Stearns see the French Revolution as the “real” revolution?

31. How did Louis XVI lose control of his Estates General during the early days of the revolution?

32. What was the significance of the Bastille?

33. What new invention was used to execute enemies of the revolutionary government?

34. How did Robespierre rise to power in the radical days of the revolution?

35. What religion did he create? Why?

36. How did nationalism really get its start in the French Revolution?

37. How did Napoleon Bonaparte rise to power in the wake of the French Revolution?

38. What Enlightenment ideas were championed and instituted by Napoleon?

39. What country did Napoleon invade in 1812? (Leading to his eventual defeat)

40. What was the outcome of the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815)?

41. What were the views of the liberals?

42. What were the views of the radicals?

43. How did the nationalist movement in Greece undermine the power of the Ottoman Empire?

44. What important political changes were happening in Western Europe (and the US) in the first half of the 19th Century (1800s)?