Name ______Period ______

3.1 Investigating Lumbriculus

Observations: Fill in the chart following your observations of the Blackworm. Be sure to label the characteristics with QT for quantitative observations and QL for qualitativive.

Physical Characteristics / Behaviors

Template for California Blackworm Drawing- Using “More Than Just Bait” article, label at least 3 structures and add appropriate color to sketch. Title your drawing, Lumbriculus variegatus.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Convert the size of the blackworm from mm to centimeters and then meters.

______mm ______cm______m

Analyzing What You’ve Done- Answer each question with a complete sentence. Be sure to cite evidence to support your claim.

  1. You may have noticed that one or both ends of some of the blackworms are lighter in color than the rest of their bodies. What is the probable reason for this?
  1. Why do blackworms make some of their unusual movements? (Discuss at least 2movements)

Earthworm Features

Observations: Fill in the chart following your observations of the Earthworm.Be sure to label the characteristics with QT for quantitative observations and QL for qualitative.

Physical Characteristics / General Behaviors

Specific Behaviors: Fill in the chart following your observations of the Earthworm’s behaviors.

Stimulus / Response
Light (to be done as a class demonstration)
Touch, anterior
Touch, posterior
Vinegar, anterior
Vinegar, Posterior

Template for Earthworm Drawing-be sure to color the diagram and label the following structures: body segment, setae, anterior, posterior, clitellum.Title your diagram, Lumbricus terrestris.



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Convert the size of the earthworm from mm to centimeters and then meters.

______mm ______cm______m

Analyzing What You’ve Done

1. How are the body shape and the setae of an earthworm useful for living in soli?

2. The body of an earthworm is wet, moist, and slimy. If the earthworm’s body

surface dries out, it will die. Why? Hint: What does worm need to take in from


3. Think about how the earthworm responded to light. Why would this be a helpful

adaptation for this organism that lives in soil?

4. What did the earthworm do when it came near the vinegar? What does this tell

you about an earthworm?

3.2 Average Pulse Rate of a Blackworm

Blackworm Circulation:

Closed circulatory system-

Open circulatory system-

Why is a circulatory system so important?

Directions: You will do three trials at the posterior end and three trials at the anterior end. Use the results to find an average.

Trial / Posterior
pulse/15 sec / Posterior
pulse/min / Anterior
pulse/15 sec / Anterior
Average / x / x

Calculate Your Heart Rate

Try to measure your pulse rate in your wrist, neck, and ankle. If you have difficulty, ask one of your group members for their results

Area of Body / Beats/15 seconds / Beats/ minute

Why should the human heart rate be the same at all three locations?

Analyzing What You’ve Done- Answer each question with a complete sentence. Be sure to cite evidence to support your claim.

  1. What did you discover about the pulse rate of your Blackworm when measured at different parts of its body? Explain why this occurs.

2. Blackworms contain a circulatory system that allows blood to travel throughout

the body of this organism. Why is this important for the survival of this organism?

3. Would you classify the circulatory system of a Blackworm as an open or closed

system? Explain your choice.

4.Are Blackwormsinsects??? Compare and contrast a Blackworm and a

WOWBug using the pictures below:

Physical Characteristics / Blackworm / WOWBug
Number of Legs
Number of Body Segments
Number of Wings
Number of Antennae
Eye Type - / Female- compound

Using your answers located in the chart above; explain if the Blackwormis/is not an insect.


1.In the space below, list and describe how the Blackworm performs 5 of the 8 life

processes. Each must be two complete sentences.

1. ______


2. ______


3. ______


4. ______


5. ______


2. List and describe 3new concepts/ideas learned during the Blackworm/Earthworm

unit. Each description should be at least 2 sentences in length.

1. ______


2. ______


3. ______


Application- Measure the length of the entire body of each organism pictured below and convert to the units provided.


Length in cm = ______which equals ______m.

2. (leech)

Length in mm = ______which equals ______cm.

3. What do the following prefixes mean?

Kilo = ______

Milli = ______

Centi = ______



Trial / Location / Pulse/15 seconds / Pulse/minute / Average
1 / Posterior
2 / Posterior
3 / Posterior
1 / Middle
2 / Middle
3 / Middle