Meeting ofPitsford Parish Council

To be held on Monday 9th January, 2017,at 7:30pm in the Village Institute for the purpose of transacting the following business.


Members of the Public and Press are invited to address the Council at its Public session from 7.30pm to 7:45pm

Persons (other than Members) wishing to address Council may register their intention to do so to the Clerk by mail,

telephone or email by 12 noon on the day of the meeting and may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes.


a)Application No: DA/2016/1121, Construction of detached dwelling, Orchard Cottage, Ride Lane, Pitsford,

b)County Councillor Judy Shephard Report.

095/16RESOLUTION TO APPROVEAPOLOGIESFORABSENCE - apologies received from Councillors not in attendance

096/16DECLARATIONSOFINTEREST/DISPENSATION REQUESTS Councillors are reminded that if they have either a Disclosable Pecuniary interest or other interest in any of the agenda items then they should declare the interest and withdraw from the debate or meeting as appropriate.

097/16RESOLUTIONTOSIGN &APPROVE MINUTESOFMEETINGSHELD ON 29thSeptember, 2016 and 14th November, 2016

097/16UPDATE ON MATTERS NOT REQUIRING A DECISION: Chairman and Clerk to bring Councillors up-to-date on matters and action points from meeting 14th November


a)Bank Balances – Parish Council resolution to approve.

b)Income received – to report

c)Receipts and Payments Summary, Bank Reconciliation and 2016/17 Budget Forecast to Year End

Parish Council to discuss and make resolution.

d)Payment of invoices (see below), and any additional payments Parish Council resolution to approve

e)Budget and Precept Demand for 2017/18 (2015/16 Precept £17,572) Final review of Draft Budget discussed at meeting 14 November, 2016.

f)Defibrillators To consider the British Heart Foundation funding stream for free machines.

099/16PLANNING – New applications can be viewed on the village website:

Recommendations of Planning Advisory Group to be circulated.

a)Applications and responses

Application No:DA/2016/1121

Description:Construction of detached dwelling

Location:Land At Orchard Cottage, Ride Lane/High Street, Pitsford, NN6 9AD

Case Officer:Mrs K Daniels on 01327 302598 or email

Application No:DA/2016/0479

Description:Remove tree subject of Tree Preservation Order DA 70

Location:Darwin Lodge 1, Stable Lane, Pitsford, Northamptonshire, NN6 9NG

Case Officer:By 9th June 2016 M Venton on 01327 302594

Following consultation Parish Council defers to the decision of the Landscape Officer

Application No:DA/2015/0670

Description:Change of use to car park (retrospective)

Location: Land Opposite Brampton Halt, Pitsford Road, Chapel Brampton

Case Officer:B Allen on 01327 302575 or email

Parish Council has asked for this application to be given early consideration to alleviate the traffic and parking problems.

b)Recent Decisions

Application No:DA/2016/0833

Description:Two storey extension to side and first floor extension to rear

Location:Vine Cottage, Moulton Road, Pitsford, Northamptonshire, NN6 9AU

Case OfficerMr S Cadman on 01327 302562 or email .

Response:The applicant has overcome many of the previous objections. The remaining concerns are that any windows overlooking the neighbouring properties of 8 Manor Road, 2 Manor Road and The Old Forge should be conditioned to be obscured. Parking availability on site should be maximised and be a condition of the application.

Decision:Approval 16 December, 2016

Application No:DA/2016/0939

Description:Change use of agricultural land to extend existing site for add timber store, plant nursery

Location:Hassett Fencing Ltd, The Old Quarry Field, Harborough Road, Pitsford, NN6 9RU

Case Officer:Mr Grant Perks on 01327 302563 or email

Response:No lighting should be visible. There is an expectation that traffic entering and leaving the site would increase and there could be problems particularly when attempting to turn right towards Boughton. Council considers that the display area should be limited by condition. Council requests that this be the last extension on this site.

Decision:Approval Full 2 December, 2016

Application No:DA/2016/0936

Description:Partial demolition, extension and conversion of stone barn to self-contained residential annexe

Location:Meadow View, Pitsford Road, Chapel Brampton (Pitsford Parish), NN6 8BB

Case Officer:Mr D Wishart on 01327 302587 or email

Response: The development shall not be occupied at any time other than for purposes ancillary to the residential use of Meadow View and shall not be sold or let as a separate dwelling.

Decision:Approval Full 6 December, 2016

Application No:DA/2016/0905

Description:Work to and removal of tree within a conservation area

Location:Nethercote House, Manor Road, Pitsford,

Case Officer:M Venton on 01327 302594

Decision:Approval Trees in Cons Area 9 November, 2016

Application No:DA/2016/0871

Description:Single storey rear extension

Location:Rochberrie 25, Manor Road, Pitsford, Northamptonshire, NN6 9AR

Case Officer Mr D Jordan on 01327 302591 or email .

Response: Council resolved no observations other than that the new extension should not reduce the parking availability outlined in application DA/2008/0497

Decision:Approval Householder 18 November, 2016

100/16NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN –Designated Neighbourhood Plan area - to receive information for discussion and decide course of action moving forward.


a)Road surface and road markings in Pitsford following the December resurfacing and Zebra crossing. Council to discuss and agree action if any.

b)Bus shelter base quotations and temporary shelter. Council to consider quotations received and agree action.

c)Streetlighting Upgrade: Council to discuss options and to agree action.

d)Parish Councillors walk of the village to identify any repairs ormaintenance that require attention. To receive an update for discussion and agree action.

e)Millennium Spinney: To receive an update and agree further action.

f)Footpath Moulton road to Grange Lane. Clerk to provide an update for consideration.

102/16POLICE:For discussion and resolution to approve action.

a)Pitsford - crime

05 Oct: Manor Road – forced entry to premises, items taken.

b)Pitsford - ASB

19Nov: Griffin – report of disturbance in pub and car park – officers attended.

c)Burglary non-dwelling in High Street, Pitsford

d)Daventry District Police - Christmas Letter and contacting Police

e)Daventry Community Policing messagefrom Sgt Sam Dobbs – Daventry Police 22 December 2016


Parish & Town Council's Meeting - 15 December, 2016. Chairman andClerk to report

Agenda item: Diversion and other road signs placed on the verges when works are being carried out.

Frequently, diversion and road works signs are placed on the verge in such a position as to block visibility of oncoming traffic. Are there regulations and are they being adhered to? At Pitsford we frequently have to move the signs in order that vehicles can clearly see traffic approaching.

Neighbourhood planning networking event – East Midlands. Wed 23rd Nov – Clerk to report

Northamptonshire ACRE’s AGM, Wednesday 16th November

Peterborough Funding RSN Seminar14th November

104/16EXTENSION OF PARKING FACILITIES AT THE SPORTSFIELD Council to receive feedback for discussion and to decide further action, if any.

105/16CORRESPONDENCES (previously circulated): To discuss and agree action, if any

-NCC draft budget and council plan –published

-Government News – Policing and reduction in recycling rates.

-Invitation: Paint Means Poo Campaign Forum - 21.2.17 (PC)

-Rural Services: Government's provisional funding settlement for local authorities and Post Office services

-My Community Forum – Neighbourhood Planning

-DDC current consultations – ACRE

-Community Enhancement gangs returning in 2017

-2017 Best Village Competition reminder

106/16GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED Items received of interest to parishioners will be displayed on the Noticeboard or Social media where relevant.

-Rural Opportunities Bulletin December, 2016 Funding Opportunities.

-Good Neighbour Schemes - vote for us now in the Aviva Community Fund

-Prince's Countryside Fund - grants to support rural enterprise

- Smart Meter rollout

-Daventry & District Forum Newsletter - November 2016

-NCALC - Newsletter No.19

-Holocaust Memorial Day 2017: UPDATE (& Pitsford Royal British Legion)

107/16URGENT MATTERS FOR REPORT ONLY (Notified to the Chairman before the meeting)

108/16DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 13th March, 2017 7.30 pm, Village Institute, Pitsford

Signed…………………………………………………………………………Date: 3rd January, 2017

Maureen Holliday, Clerk and RFO to Pitsford Parish Council

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Meeting dates in 2017: 9th January, 13th March, 8th May, 10th July, 11th September, 13th November.

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Pitsford Farmhouse, Church Lane, Pitsford, NN6 9AJ 01604 880395

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