Present: Councillors: Rosemary Farmer (Town Mayor) and Mary Maynard (Deputy Town Mayor), Michael Weaver

Apologies: Councillor M Ellis, Tony McFarland and Ron Gray.

Also in attendance: Pam Brown, Frances Gee, Captain Ralph Walker (The Salvation Army) and Chris Canfield.


Apologies were received from Councillor Michael Ellis, Tony McFarland and Ron Gray.


There were none.


The Minutes of the meeting held on the 15 July 2013, previously circulated, were duly signed as a correct record.


There was no Chairman’s report.


There were no public questions.


6.1 Action Plan

6.1.1 An updated Action Plan for the organising and running of the event was circulated to the Working Party and was worked through.

6.1.2 Alex Baron advised that she and Heather had walked around the town centre to locate a suitable location for the proposed static performance site, however a suitable site could not be found as factors such as the need for it to be a hard standing site and far enough away from the main stage area to prevent sound disturbance had proven to be unachievable. Alex also confirmed that she had not received any expressions of interest for the site. It was therefore decided that a static performance site would not be pursued.

6.1.3  Alex confirmed that she had approached the Harpenden Pipes and Drums about providing a solo piper to open the stage acts at 1.00pm. A response is awaited.

6.1.4  Councillor Weaver advised that he had received confirmation that Owen Farrell, England Rugby player would be happy to take part in the switch on of the Christmas Lights free of charge. It was therefore agreed that the Town Mayor will formally write to Mr Farrell to invite his attendance at the event.

6.1.5  A grant application form had been submitted by Chris Canfield to the Policy and Finance Committee meeting which was to take place that evening, 9th September for the funding of the Young Enterprise and charity stalls at the event. Although it was felt that there was a strong chance of the application being successful it was agreed by the Chairman that should the application not be successful the funding for the stalls would be met from the existing budget.

6.1.6  Chris Canfield agreed that he was happy to continue to coordinate the charity stall applications. Pam Brown requested that Chris monitored what each charity was planning on doing on their stall, as it had been noted at a previous Christmas Carnival there were a number of charities doing tombolas. Chris advised that he would include a question on the application form. Heather Scott advised Chris that the application form needed to be reworked to include the Town Council letterhead.

6.1.7  Mary Maynard asked how the supermarkets in the town had been involved in the past. Chris Canfield confirmed that Sainsbury’s provide their nominated charity of the year with a charity stall, Waitrose last year sponsored the programme and St Hilda’s had sung from underneath the overhang in previous years. It was felt that this would not be encouraged again in case of any noise conflict with the main stage area.

6.1.8  Now that the whole event had come under the organisation of the Town Council it was agreed that a number of suppliers to the event would be formally written to confirming arrangements, namely Ted Saunders who provides the musical organ, Henry Harris who provides the fairground rides and Keith Lunn of Breathing Space who provides the VIP reception. This will be actioned as soon as possible.

6.1.9  Further sponsorship opportunities suggested by Frances Gee were discussed and it was decided that of the options offered the Hearing Healthcare Practice, Purple Men’s Clothing and Ripples Bathrooms be written to. The Chairman suggested that Linda Haynes the Mayor’s Secretary be asked for her suggestions on who else could be written to as it was noted that it was important not to approach companies who had historically supported the Town Mayor’s charity events.

6.1.10  Alex Baron advised that she had submitted the Safety Advisory Group form to the group at St Albans District Council following which she had received a telephone call from the police to ascertain what was happening with the marshalling of the procession. Alex had confirmed that only vehicles would be taking part this year and that she had requested the assistance of the Army Cadets; for a small donation, with the traffic control. Alex is awaiting further feedback.

6.1.11  Alex Baron confirmed that the stage was now fully booked with acts leaving very little “hand over time” between each acts set. Chris Canfield requested that the presentation of prizes to the Young Enterprise traders by the Town Mayor take place at approximately 5.15pm on the stage after the Christmas lights had been switched on.

6.1.12  Alex Baron confirmed that she had been in discussions with the Pantomime organisers who have confirmed their attendance at the event including attending the VIP reception, mingling with the crowds and possibly taking part in the procession if a suitable vehicle can be found.

6.1.13  Heather Scott confirmed that she would formally write to Clennell and Shelagh Collingwood asking if they would be willing to take photographs of the event for future Town Council use.

6.1.14  It was agreed that Tony McFarland be asked to approach the proprietor of The Drum Den to provide Christmas Carols from Café Gusto’s garden in Thompsons Close to add atmosphere to this area of the town.

6.1.15  It was agreed that Councillor Ellis would be asked to oversee the control of the Fly Pitchers in a similar way as previous years.

6.1.16  Frances Gee requested that it be recorded that she would be happy to assist with wrapping/bagging up with Santa’s Grotto gifts nearer to the event.

6.2.  Budget

6.2.1.  An updated budget sheet was circulated and was worked through.

6.2.2  A number of figures in the budget have now been confirmed although there are a number of figures that are still estimated. It is hoped that by the next meeting all figures within the budget will be confirmed.

6.2.3  At this early stage it appeared that the budget would be sufficient to cover the expected expenditure.


There was no exempt business for consideration.

Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 5 November 2013 at 1.00pm in the Council Chamber.

The meeting closed at 2.05pm.

Chairman ……………………………..

Date ………………......