/ Gwinnett Senior Softball, Inc.
Manager Rules of Conduct /

Managers will effectively communicate and lead their Team. Each Manager is responsible for the safety and conduct of themselves and the players on their Team.

Unsportsmanlike conduct (e.g., arguing, using profane language, physical altercation, threatening other players, etc.) will NOT be tolerated by the league at any time. Players and managers are subject to IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION from a game(s) and future suspension, depending on the incident.


·  Know and communicate to your team the League rules located on our web site at

·  Ensure that your Players have paid the Member Fees in FULL by the second week of play (unless an arrangement has been made with the League Commissioner or Secretary). NOTE: Abuse by a player of not paying fees by the second week of play may result in the player being required in the future to pay upfront with no two week grace period.

·  Plan and ensure ahead that you will have at least the minimum number of Players for every scheduled game. Contact the League Commissioner for any substitutes needed as soon as possible. If not available, get substitutes from the opposing Team Manager.

·  Provide a line-up card to the other Team Manager prior to the start of the first game.

·  Limit pre-game batting practice swings to 5 per player.

·  Ensure that Practice stops by 6:50 p.m. Inform your Players to get off the field and be ready to start the first game at 7:00 p.m.

·  Ensure your Pitchers wear a mask and use the screen before each pitch for safety.

·  Have your Team ready to play ball at the start of each game and in the field or batting for each and every inning. NOTE: There will only be a 5 minute time limit between the end of the first game and the start of the second game.

·  When at bat, your Team must be in the dugout or behind the fence; except for the batter, on deck batter, in the hole batter, and your two base coaches at 1st and 3rd base.

·  Ensure that the correct batter is in the on deck circle at all times.

·  Ensure that all bats are in the dugout and not laying against the fence.

·  ONLY a Manager can have short civil discussions with the Umpire about any call.

·  Treat every Player, Manager, Umpire, and Fans with total respect and sportsmanship.

·  Eject any Player threatening or having intent of hitting / injuring another person when heard, or throwing a bat (intentional or not). Otherwise, you will be replaced as a Manager. This is the same as you tolerating these types of unacceptable behaviors.

·  Set up and put away: both home plates, pitching screen, pitcher masks, and scoring equipment.

·  Turn field lights on / off - recording start / stop times, ensure all building doors (concession, light room and bathrooms) are locked, both gates are locked, and the keys are locked inside the Blue bin.

·  If you will miss a game, make sure your trusted Player Assistant(s) KNOW the rules, have 2 team game balls, have enough players and have your team ready to play.

·  Contact the League Commissioner for assistance in handling any conflicts at the park.

·  Represent our league; support the authority of the Umpires, other Managers, and League officials.