I'm Josh Jackson and I'm running to be the University Councillor, in the CUSU elections. I'm a 2nd Year HSPSer from Queens' with a commitment to social justice and I'm here to stand up for you.

My Agenda Is Simple, If Elected I Will:

Fight To Push The University To Divest From Fossil Fuels

Important University Council votes in divestment are coming up, Cambridge must be on the right side of climate change, if I'm University Councillor I'll seek full divestment, none of the University’s Endowment Funds will be invested in companies whose business is concerned with the extraction of fossil fuels.

Defend The Rights Of EU Students Studying In Cambridge

EU Students are being used as bargaining chips by the government over Brexit, I'll ensure the Council protects the rights of EU students to live & study in Cambridge & ensure their fees don't rise to extortionate levels.

Champion Social Justice & welfare of working class students

As University Councillor I'll put a simple test on anything I vote for: will this proposal make life for students easier without infringing on civil rights of minorities, women, the LGBT+ community, the disabled, & the working class.

Ensure Ethical Standards

I'll use my position on the University Council to hold the university and officials to account over ethical affairs and ensure our tuition money is being spent ethically in line with our shared values.

Immediate Action On Vital Issues

A University Council where I'm a member will act on the mental health crisis, extortionate rent hikes & student representation on issues such as Class Lists.

Voting 7th March 9am to 10th 5pm — https://www.vote.cusu.cam.ac.uk

A vote for me is a vote for a fundamentally different student voice on the University Council, one that is active, engaged, direct and radical in fighting for students across Cambridge.

As University Councillor I will speak for you, now I ask you to speak for me, please vote Josh Jackson for University Councillor.