Effects of a natural flood disturbance on species richness and beta diversity of stream benthic diatom communities
Aquatic Ecology
Fabiana Schneck1, Katharina Lange, Adriano S. Melo, Colin R. Townsend, Christoph D. Matthaei
1corresponding author: Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG, Rio Grande, RS, 96203-900, Brazil.
List of the diatom species that occurred in the study.Each species was assigned to one of the functional groups (FG) according to Passy (2007): low profile (L), high profile (H), motile (M)
Taxon / FGAchnanthidium minutissimum (Kützing) Czarnecki (1994) / L
Asterionella sp. Hassall (1850) / H
Aulacoseira sp. Thwaites (1848) / H
Brachysira sp. Kützing (1836) / L
Caloneis bacillum (Grunow) Cleve (1894) / M
Cavinula sp. Mann and Stickle (1990) / M
cf. Chamaepinnularia Lange-Bertalot and Krammer (1996) / M
CocconeisplacentulaEhrenberg (1838) / L
Cyclotella sp. (Kützing) Brébisson (1838) / L
Cymbella aspera (Ehrenberg) Cleve (1894) / H
Cymbella cuspidata Kützing (1844) / H
Cymbella kappii Cholnoky (1956) / H
Cymbella tumida (Brébisson) van Heurck (1880) / H
Diatomahiemalevar. mesodon (Ehrenberg) Grunow (1862) / H
Diatoma cf. tenuis Agardh (1812) / H
Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) M. Schmidt (1899) / H
Diploneis elliptica (Kützing) Cleve (1891) / H
Diploneisoblongella(Nägeli) Cleve-Euler(1922) / L
Encyonema minutum (Hilse) Mann (1990) / H
Epithemia adnata (Kützing) Brébisson (1838) / L
Epithemia sorex Kützing (1844) / L
Eunotia cf. bilunaris (Ehrenberg) Mills (1934) / H
Eunotia sp1Ehrenberg (1837) / H
Eunotia sp2Ehrenberg (1837) / H
Taxon / FG
FragilariacapucinaDesmazière (1825) / H
Fragilariacapucinavar.capitellata (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot (1991) / H
Fragilaria ungeriana Grunow (1863) / H
Fragilaria vaucheriae (Kützing) Petersen (1938) / H
Frustulia rhomboides (Ehrenberg) de Toni (1891) / L
Frustulia vulgaris (Thwaites) de Toni (1891) / L
Geissleriadecussis(Østrup) Lange-Bertalot and Metzeltin (1996) / M
Gomphoneis minuta var. cassieae Kociolek and Stoermer (1988) / H
Gomphonema acuminatum Ehrenberg (1832) / H
Gomphonema cf. angustum Agardh (1831) / H
Gomphonemaclavatum Ehrenberg (1832) / H
Gomphonema minutum (Agardh) Agardh (1831) / L
Gomphonema olivaceum (Hornemann) Brebisson (1838) / H
Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Kützing (1849) / L
Gomphonema sp1 Ehrenberg (1832) / L
Gomphonema sp2 Ehrenberg (1832) / H
Gomphonema sp3 Ehrenberg (1832) / H
Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrenberg) Grunow (1877) / M
Humidophila contenta (Grunow) Loweet al. (2014) / H
Karayevialaterostrata(Hustedt) Round and Bukhtiyarova (1996) / L
Karayevia oblongella (Østrup) Aboal (2003) / L
Melosira varians Agardh (1827) / H
Meridion circulare (Greville) Agardh (1831) / L
Navicula capitoradiata Germain (1981) / M
Navicula cryptocephala Kützing (1844) / M
Navicula cryptotenella Lange-Bertalot (1985) / M
Navicula cf. minima Grunow (1880) / M
Navicula minuscula var. muralis (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot (1981) / M
Naviculasp1 Bory de Saint-Vincent (1822) / M
Nitzschiaacicularis(Kützing) W. Smith (1853) / M
Nitzschia cf. amphibiaGrunow (1862) / M
Nitzschia dissipata (Kützing) Grunow (1862) / M
Nitzschia cf. gracilis Hantzsch (1860) / M
Nitzschia inconspicua Grunow (1862) / M
Nitzschiapalea(Kützing) W. Smith (1856) / M
Taxon / FG
Nitzschiasp1 Hassal (1845) / M
Pinnularia borealis Ehrenberg (1843) / M
Pinnularia mesolepta (Ehrenberg) W. Smith (1853) / M
Pinnularia viridis (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg (1843) / M
Pinnularia sp1 Ehrenberg (1843) / M
Pinnularia sp2 Ehrenberg (1843) / M
Pinnularia sp3 Ehrenberg (1843) / M
Pinnularia sp4 Ehrenberg (1843) / M
Planothidiumlanceolatum(Brébisson) Round and Bukhtiyarova (1996) / L
Psammothidium sp. Bukhtiyarova and Round (1996) / L
Reimeria sinuata (Gregory) Kociolek and Stoermer (1987) / L
Rhoicosphenia abbreviata (Agardh) Lange-Bertalot (1980) / L
Rhopalodia cf. musculus (Kützing) O. Müller (1900) / L
Rhopalodia novae-zealandiae Hustedt (1913) / L
Rossithidium cf. petersenii (Hustedt) Round and Bukhtiyarova (1996) / L
Sellaphora pupula (Kützing) Mereschkovsky (1902) / M
Staurosira construens Ehrenberg (1843) / H
Staurosirella pinnata (Ehrenberg) Williams and Round (1987) / H
Surirella angusta Kützing (1844) / M
Surirella sp1 Turpin (1828) / M
Ulnariaspp. (Kützing) Compère 2001 / H
Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kützing (1844) / H