AP Chemistry Unit I Targets Chapters 1-3

By the end of this unit you should be able to . . .

chapter 1

1. define and provide examples for each of the following terms: physical property, chemical property, physical change, chemical change, intensive property, extensive property element, compound, mixture

2. differentiate between the three states of matter.

3. list the commonly used metric prefixes and their meanings.

4. determine the number of significant digits in a measured quantity and determine the appropriate number significant digits in a calculation.

5. convert temperatures between Celsius and Kelvin.

6. perform calculations involving density.

7. convert between units by using dimensional analysis.

chapter 2

1. differentiate between protons, neutrons, and electrons in terms of charge, mass and location in an atom.

2. I can determine the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in isotopes and in ions.

3. describe the works of John Dalton, J.J. Thomson (cathode ray tube), Robert Millikan (Oil Drop Experiment) and Ernst Rutherford (Gold Foil Experiment).

4. use the periodic table to predict the charges of monatomic ions.

5. use the periodic table to predict whether an element is a metal, nonmetal or a metalloid.

6. write the names and formulas of ionic compounds, molecular/covalent compounds and acids.

7. calculate the atomic weight of an element given the abundances and masses of its isotopes.

8. distinguish between empirical formulas, molecular formulas and structural formulas.

chapter 3

1. predict the products for and write balanced equations for the following types of reactions: combustion, decomposition, sysnthesis (called combination reactions), single displacement and double displacement reactions.

2. interconvert between the number of moles and mass of a substance. I can also use Avogadro’s number and molar mass to calculate the number of particles (atoms, molecules or formula units) making up a substance.

3. calculate the percentage composition of a compound by mass.

4. calculate the empirical formula of a compound, having been given either:

a) mass or % composition, or

b) the mass of CO2 and H2O produced by combustion.

5. calculate the molecular formula, having been given the empirical formula and the molecular weight.

6. use stoichiometry to solve problems involving chemical reactions.

7. determine the limiting reactant in a reaction and determine the amount of excess reactant left over from a reaction.

8. calculate the theoretical and actual yields of a chemical reaction when given the appropriate data.

Target 1. I can define and provide examples for each of the following terms: physical property, chemical property, physical change, chemical change, intensive property, extensive property element, compound, mixture

physical property –

chemical property –

physical change –

chemical change –

intensive property –

extensive property element –

compound –

mixture –

Target 2: I can differentiate between the three states of matter.

State / Picture / Movement / Shape / Volume / Compression

Target 3: I can list the commonly used metric prefixes and their meanings.

Unit / Giga / Mega / Kilo / Deci / Centi / Milli / Micro / Nano / Angstrom / Pico / Femto

Metric approximations - name 2 objects with a . . .

a) mass of 1 gram d) length of a 1 mm

b) mass of 1 kg e) volume of 1 mL

c) length of 1000 cm f) volume of 1 liter

List the best metric unit that would be used to measure each of the following:

a) The distance from Chicago to Detroit. ______

b) The mass of your body. ______

c) The volume of coffee held in a cup of coffee. ______

d) The length of a soccer field. ______

e) The length of this sheet of paper. ______

Target 4: I can determine the number of significant digits in a measured quantity and determine the appropriate number significant digits in a calculation.

Rules For Significant Digits

1) All non-zero numbers are significant.

2) Exact numbers are assumed to have an infinite amount of significant digits. Exact numbers are often seen in conversion factors, such as, 3 feet = 1 yard.

3) SANDWICH RULE - any zero between 2 significant digits is significant

4) RIGHT/RIGHT RULE - zero’s to the right of a decimal point AND to the right of another significant digit is significant

Note: Placing a number in scientific notation removes any ambiguity about whether or not a zero is significant. If a zero is used in scientific notation, then it must be significant.

Examples: Underline all of the significant digits in the following measurements:

a) 0.0090 mm d) 10.00 tons

b) 102 L e) 2.50 X 10-3 grams

c) 30,400 miles f) 50 angstroms

Multiplication and Division Rule

The result will have the same number of significant digits as the measurement with the fewest number of significant digits.

Example: Calculate the density (in g/cm3)of a rectangular solid which has the following measurements:

height: 2.00 cm

width: 150 mm

length: 0.0500 m

mass: 300.0 grams

Addition and Subtraction Rule

The result cannot have more significant digits to the right of the decimal point than any of the original numbers.

Example: Add the following numbers (first convert all of the measurements to the same unit!)

1.000 m + 175 cm + 0.0010 km = ______

Note: When performing a multi-step calculation, always retain at least one additional significant digit for each of the intermediate answers.

Target 5: I can convert temperatures between Celsius and Kelvin.

Special note about units of temperature: Kelvin and Celsius are metric units of temperature and one degree of Kelvin is equal to one degree centigrade.

The Kelvin scale is based upon absolute zero. -273°C = 0 Kelvin

The Celsius scale is based upon the boiling and freezing point of water. 0°C = freezing point of water and 100°C = boiling point of water.

Formula: K = oC + 273

Example 1: convert 195 Kelvin to Celsius.

Example 2: convert 55°C to Kelvin.

Target 6: I can perform calculations involving density.

Density is a property of matter that is widely used to characterize a substance. Density is defined as the amount of mass in a unit of volume of the substance:



Example 1: A rectangular solid has the following dimensions:

length: 2.00 cm

width: 75.0 mm

height: 4.00 cm

mass: 436 grams

Using the given data, is the solid most likely silicon, tin, or gold?

Example 2: Assume you had a silver sphere with a mass of 1.50 kg. Calculate the diameter of the sphere (in cm). The density of silver is 10.5 g/cm3. The formula for the volume of a sphere is . . . V = 4/3 π r3.

Target 7: I can convert between units by using dimensional analysis.

Example 1: The diameter of metal wire is often referred to by its American wire gauge number. A 16-gauge wire has a diameter of 0.05082 inches. What length of wire, in meters, is there in a 1.00 pound spool of 16-gauge copper wire? The density of copper is 8.92 g/cm3. (There are 2.2 pounds per kilogram. The volume of a cylinder is found by using the formula V = pr2h).

Example 2: A typical rate of deposit of dust from unpolluted air is 10.0 tons per square mile per month (30 days).

a- What is this dust fall, in milligrams per square meter per hour?

b- If dust has an average density of 2.0 g/cm3, how many hours would it take to accumulate a layer of dust 1.0 mm thick?


1. A bug travels at the rate of 3.0 miles/hour. How fast is this in mm/nsec? Hint: 2.54 cm = 1 inch and 1 mile = 5,280 feet

2. A cylinder has Diameter = 25.0 mm Calculate its density in g/cm3.

Height = 59.0 cm

Mass = 38.0 g

3. The concentration of CO in a room is 48 mg/m3. What mass in grams is present in a room which measures 8.0 x 12.0 x 22 feet?

4. Ben Franklin showed that 1 teaspoon of oil would cover about 0.50 acre of still water. If you know that 1.0 x 104 m2 = 2.47 acres, and that there are 5.0 cm3 in a teaspoon, what is the thickness (in cm) of a layer of oil?

5. An empty 3.00 L bottle weighs 1.70 kg. Filled with wine it weighs 4.55 kg. The wine contains 11.0% ethyl alcohol by mass. How many ounces of ethyl alcohol are present in a 400.0 mL glass of wine? (1 lb = 16 oz = 453.6 g)

6. An average human male breathes about 8.50 X 103 liters of air per day. The concentration of lead in highly polluted air is 7.0 X 10-6 g Pb/m3 of air. Assume that 75% of the lead is present as particles less than 1.0 X 10-6 m in diameter and that 50% of the particles below that size are retained in the lungs. Calculate the grams of lead absorbed in this manner in one year by an average male living in this environment. (Assume 365 days per year.)

AP Chem Unit I

Quick Check For Understanding

Directions: Label each of the following statements as either true or false. If false, change the statement to make it true.

1. Air, gaseous carbon dioxide, and light are all examples of matter.

2. Gases can be compressed quite considerably, liquids can be compressed fairly easily, and solids are nearly incompressible.

3. The particles in a solid can move.

4. Pure substances are either elements, compounds, or homogeneous mixtures.

5. Melting point, boiling point, and density . . . all three of these properties could be correctly classified as being both intensive and physical properties of matter.

6. The gram, kilometer, and hour are the SI units for mass, length, and time respectively.

7. 150 femtometers is a longer distance than 1.5 picometers.

8. All of the following represent absolute zero: -273oC, 0 Kelvin, and -419.4oF

9. Your AP chem teacher gave you a choice in the lab . . . your results could be either accurate or precise, but not both. The best choice would be for results to be precise.

10. If you were to round 62,421 km to 3 significant digits, it would be 624 km.

11. [23.05 - (14.0000 + 6.050)] X 1159 = ______; The correct answer to this problem is 1.802 X 104.

AP Chem Notes

Chapter 2

Target 1: I can differentiate between protons, neutrons, and electrons in terms of charge, mass and location in an atom.

·  The nucleus of the atom is centrally located and is comprised of protons and neutrons.

·  The electrons are found in regions of space outside the nucleus called orbitals.

·  Protons and neutrons have a relative mass of 1 amu (1.67 x 10-27 kg).

·  The proton has a charge of +1 and the neutron has no charge.

·  The electron has a relative mass of zero (9.11 x 10-31 kg) and a charge of -1.

Target 2: I can determine the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in isotopes and in ions.

Isotopes - atoms of a the same element (so they have the same atomic number) which have different masses, mass numbers, number of neutrons, and physical properties

# neutrons = mass # - atomic #

The number of protons determines the identity of the element, but it’s an atom’s electrons (valence) which determine the chemical properties of the element.

Isotopic Notation

Type I Protons Neutrons Electrons

Carbon-14 6 8 6

Carbon-13 6 7 6

Oxygen-15 8 7 8

Type II

C-4 6 8 10

O-2 8 7 10

Target 3: I can describe the works of John Dalton, J.J. Thomson (cathode ray tube), Robert Millikan (Oil Drop Experiment) and Ernst Rutherford (Gold Foil Experiment).

Scientists that you should be familiar with:

A- Democritus (400 B.C.) -vs- Aristotle

B- John Dalton (early 1800’s) 4 postulates of his atomic theory





C- Henri Becquerel (1896) discovered radioactivity

D- J.J. Thomson (1897) discovery of electron through use of cathode ray tube

E- Robert Millikan (1909) discovered the charge & mass of electron through his “Oil Drop Experiment”

F- Ernest Rutherford (1910)

(i) discovered 3 types of radiation

(ii) discovered the the nucleus is small, dense, and has a positive charge through the “Gold Foil Experiment”

(iii) discovered protons in 1919

G- James Chadwick (1932) discovered the neutron

Target 4: I can use the periodic table to predict the charges of monatomic ions.

Cations = ions with a positive charge formed by a metal atom losing one or more electrons

Na (atom) Na+ (ion)

11 protons 11 protons

11 electrons 10 electrons

Anions = ion with a negative charge formed by a nonmetallic atom gaining 1 or more electrons

Charges of common monatomic ions

1A ions +1 charge

2A ions +2 charge

3A ions +3 charge (usually just aluminum)

5A ions -3 charge (usually just nitrogen, sometimes P)

6A ions -2 charge

7A ions -1 charge

Target 5: I can use the periodic table to predict whether an element is a metal, nonmetal or a metalloid.

Periodic Table Notes

Groups & families = vertical columns

Periods = horizontal rows

Group IA Alkali metals

Group IIA Alkaline Earth metals

Group VIA Chalcogens

Group VIIA Halogens

Group VIIIA Noble gases / rare gases / inert gases

Metals - elements found on the left side of the “stair case” on the periodic table as well as the Lanthanoids and Actinides on the bottom, good conductors of heat & electricity, ductile, malleable, solids at room temperature (except Hg)

Nonmetals - elements found on the right side of the staircase, gases, liquid, & solid; usually poor conductors and are brittle

Metalloids - elements that lie along staircase which have properties of both metals and nonmetals (except Al, which is usually considered a metal)


Elements found as diatomic molecules in nature include:

hydrogen, oxygen, fluorine, bromine, iodine, nitrogen, chlorine

H2 O2 F2 Br2 I2 N2 Cl2

These were discovered by Prof. HOFBrINCl or was his name BrINClHOF?