Greetings Guilford Families,
Please join us for our PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports), Pep Rally on Thursday, March 26th at 2:00 p.m. Be here for the official unveiling of Guilford Elementary School’s new mascot! Shhh….keep it on the Q-T…it’s a surprise! Guilford students will take part in naming the new mascot. Awards will be given for Achievement and Behavior as well as student nominations for Civility. Hope to see you there!

ART NEWS: Congratulations to Boudicca Falco, Marshieh Johnson, and Bianca Meyers for having their sculptures displayed at the Personal Geographies: Maps as Art exhibition. The exhibition is being displayed at the Howard County Center for the Arts. Reception date was March 19th.

Exhibit runs March 13 - April 24, 2015. Ms. Buckler, Art Teacher

“Living In A Digital World”

Order your copy now!

Sales continue for the 2014-15 Guilford Yearbook, 'Living In A Digital World'.

Cost: $15.00 each

Order Deadline:April 14, 2015

Please Note: All current 5th grade students will receive one free copy of the yearbook compliments

of the Guilford PTA. No order necessary.

You may pay for your yearbook Online at:


To pay by Cash or Check, complete the attached form and return, with payment,

to Mrs. Johnson in the Main Office. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Johnson at 410-880-5930

Please consider purchasing advertising space or dedication lines in the Guilford Elementary School Yearbook. For our Guilford business community, this is a great opportunity to advertise your business, large or small, at a reasonable rate. For our Guilford families, what better way to let your child(ren) know just how proud you are than to put it in writing…forever!

Dedication Line (100 characters) @ $ 15.00

Business Card (1/8 page) @ $ 12.50

Quarter Page @ $25.00

Half Page @ $50.00

Send in your printed or typed ad* with the payment in an envelope addressed to the attention of the GES Yearbook Committee. Digital images and text may be sent electronically to and will be included in our publication once payment is received. Please be sure to include a contact name and phone number for questions if needed. All checks should be made payable to Guilford Elementary School and must have the phone number written on it. All cash payments must be made in person at the front office. A receipt will be provided for each order received. The deadline is April 8, 2015. Thank you in advanced for your support of the Guilford Elementary yearbook.

Join us for our next restaurant night at Fuddrucker's on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 from 5 to 9 pm. Look for the flyer you need to bring with you to Fuddrucker's in your child's Friday Folder.

The Countdown to our Annual Basket and Bag Bingo is on! The great baskets we put together are what keeps people coming back to our Bingo each year. We need YOU to help us continue to offer such wonderful prizes. Each grade was assigned a theme for a basket that will be used as a prize during Bingo. All students received a flyer with their grade's theme listed and ideas for items to donate for the basket. We need you to send in those donations by next Friday, March 27, 2015!

Basket Bingo Themes:

Pre-K and Kindergarten, ​OUTDOOR FUN

First Grade, ​​AMERICANA


Third Grade, ​​PICNIC

Fourth Grade, ​MARYLAND

Fifth Grade, ​​GAME NIGHT

Our CEUs and seminars are back on schedule now that testing and inclement weather is behind us! Please make sure to visit the following link if you are interested in signing your child up for an enrichment class at the Summer Institute for Talent Development.

Future parent of a Thomas Viaduct Middle School student? Please join us for our 6th grade Parent Orientation. We will provide information on the Middle School Program of Studies and our four Signature Programs. The evening will also cover our Gifted and Talented and Outdoor Education Programs. Thursday, April 16, 2015, 6:30 – 8:30 pm, TVMS Cafeteria, 7000 Banbury Drive, Hanover, MD 21076. Please contact Student Services, 410-313-8247 with any questions.

Title I News – Spring break is quickly approaching us. During the break please encourage your child to read a book or novel and log onto Dreambox to practice math skills. Please feel free to schedule a conference with your child’s teacher if you have concerns or have not had a conference this school year. Monica Maiden is the Title I Family Contact person at Guilford Elementary School. She can assist you with setting up a conference with your child’s teacher if needed. Have a wonderful break.

Complete lessons at school and at home on Dreambox and win prizes! Prizes will be awarded to the top class and to the top three individual players in the school. So go to during the month of April and start playing!

Save the Date!

Family Math and Reading Night

@ Three Brothers Restaurant !

Wednesday, April 22 from 5:00 – 7:30 p.m.

in conjunction with

GES PTA’s Restaurant Night from

4:00 – 8:00 p.m.

You will be provided with a placemat of fun math and reading activities that can be done right in the restaurant!

You won’t want to miss the fun and prizes!

More info to come.

Guilford’s reading incentive, Readers are Leaders, will continue thru the month of March. As students read for at least 20 minutes each night they can record the title of what they have read on their Reading Log. They need to record 20 nights of reading or 20 books to reach their goal. They will return their logs, signed by a parent, to their teacher to earn a Pizza Hut certificate. Look for these logs in Friday folders.

Last Day of School Update - The last day of school was originally scheduled for June 10 on the 2014-2015 school calendar, which reserved five additional days through June 17 for inclement weather makeup. As of today, all five of those makeup days have been used, plus three additional inclement weather days. For the three additional days used, the Board of Education on March 12 voted to apply to the Maryland State Dept. of Education (MSDE) for a waiver for one inclement weather day used, and extend the school year by two more days, making June 19 the last day of school for students. The calendar adjustment will not be final until approved by MSDE. Additional changes may also be needed if more inclement weather closures occur.



25 Student Banking Day, 9:30 am

26 Dental Sealant Day (K, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd)

27 Early Dismissal, 12:50 pm

School Spirit Day, “Numbers Day” Wear Numbers


March 30th – April 6th


7 Students Return to School

10 4th Grade Field Trip to Ft. McHenry

MESA Regional Competition Field Trip

School Spirit Day, Tye-Dye Day

14 Report Cards Issued

Chat and Chew with Administration, 6:00 pm

PTA Meeting, 7:00 pm

21 1st Grade Field Trip, Maryland Hall - The Jungle Book

22 Reading and Math Night @ Three Brothers Restaurant, 4:00-8:00 pm

24 Student Spirit Day, Dress Up Day

27 2nd Grade Field Trip, Maryland Hall

29 Student Banking Day, 9:25 am

30 Art Night, 6:00 – 8:00 pm

MSA Science, 5th Grade Only

4/14/15 & 4/15/15

Bridges Session II

1/27/15 – 5/30/15


For a listing of upcoming Community Events access GES Paw Prints online at .

HCPSS Kindergarten Registration – Register Now!—Registration for students entering Kindergarten in Aug. 2015 is ongoing. Parents or guardians are to register students at the school serving the address where the child’s parent or guardian resides. Please visit to see a complete list of documents required for registration.

Pre-K Application & Registration—The Howard County Public School System offers a Pre-K program for income eligible children who will be four years old by Sept. 1, 2015. Applications for the 2015-16 school year will be available beginning Mon., Mar. 2. Please visit for more information.

RECC - RECC Learning Together Peer Program—Regional Early Childhood Center (RECC) preschool programs include children with and without disabilities who will be three or four years old by Sept.1, 2015. Children are selected based upon screening information given on the application form and the “Ages and Stages Questionnaire,” as well as observations of participation in a playgroup. The monthly fee for the preschool program is between $150 and $270 monthly depending on the number of hours of participation in the program. Contact 410-313-7017.

Summer Classes and Camps Program Online - Each summer the HCPSS presents a number of learning experiences and educational opportunities. Some of the offerings include Comprehensive Programs for elementary, middle and high school; the Black Student Achievement Program (BSAP); and G/T Summer Institutes for Talent Development. Detailed course descriptions and registration information may be found online. For general information about HCPSS summer programs, visit:


are due (in writing) in the office to Teresa Johnson every Wednesday by 12:00p.m. Submissions can be emailed to

Community Events
The following events are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Howard County Public School System.

Columbia AssociationArt Center

Choose Civility in Sports Poster ExhibitMarch 12-26, reception Mar.12, 5:30- 7:30 p.m. Howard County Library and Public Schools have co-sponsored this event with the Art Center. Come see the posters created by Howard County students of all ages.For info please call Columbia Art Center at 410-730-0075 or ES, MS, HS

Howard County Dept. of Citizen Services

Do you know a person, program or business - perhaps a police officer, athletic coach, tutor, religious leader or music teacher - that deserves recognition for positively impacting Howard County children? Nominate them online by Fri, Mar.13 for the 16th annual Dept. of Citizen Services “Celebrating Successes for Children” awards program.The Ceremony will be held, Tues., April 28, Ten Oaks Ballroom.

Columbia Association

Pizza and Portfolio workshop series, grades 8-12 with Alina Poroshina. Sat., Mar. 14, 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., $25

This workshop is designed for beginner and intermediate level students. Pizza will be served.

To register, please call Columbia Art Center at 410-730-0075. ES, MS

Robinson Nature Center

Anne Robinson’s Centennial Birthday Celebration, Sat., Mar. 14 and Sun., Mar. 15.

Visit for complementary admission, cupcakes and more courtesy of the James & Anne Robinson Foundation in honor of Anne's 100th birthday. For details, visit www.friendsoftherobinsonnaturecenter.htm 410-313-0400. ES, MS, HS

Howard County Conservancy

Sat. Mar. 14, 10 a.m., Day Tripping, 50 Natural Places and Gardens. The Howard County Conservancy offers guided hikes and talks on the second Sat. of each month.A beautiful and interesting place to visit in all seasons of the year, rain or shine, program is FREE but registration is necessary.Pre-register on line through our website, 410-465-8877 ES, MS, HS

Columbia AssociationArt Center

Pizza and Portfolio: Drape and Texture II. Charcoal drawing workshop explores techniques for drawing a variety of subject matter, grades 8-12. Sat. Mar.14, 10:30 a.m.-1p.m. $25 Registration. To register, please call Columbia Art Center at410-730-0075or MS, HS

Boys Scouts of America

Scouting for Food will be held on Sat., Mar. 14. Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts will be out in your neighborhood to collect your donations, which will go to one of 25 food pantries we service in the county.A bag will be dropped off at your home a few days before. Please remember to put your donations by your front door or your mailbox by 8 a.m. on March 14. Thanks for your generous donations. . ES, MS, HS


MakingChange will host a FREE Money Matters Fair on Sat., Mar. 14, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Long Reach High School. Free activities for the entire family will focus on such issues as living within your means, college funding options, preparing for retirement and caring for aging parents.More information is available at MS, HS

Columbia Association

Every third Sun. come to the Columbia Art Center in Long Reach and enjoy a FREE family friendly art activity. Sun., Mar. 15, 1-3 p.m. ES, MS

Girls on the Run

Girls on the Run® is a life-changing, experiential learning program for girls grades 3-8. The programs combine training for a 3.1 mile running event with self-esteem enhancing, uplifting workouts.The girls will meet after-schooltwice a week for 10 weeks with the season ending 5k to be held on May 30, in Howard County, MD. The program begins the week of Mar. 15, and will end the week of May 31.To register your daughter, go to

Howard County Government

The Challenges of Parenting an Adolescent, Mon, Mar. 16, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at 3300 N Ridge Rd #240 Ellicott City MD. The transition into adolescence can pose challenges as the area of the teen brain governing judgment, emotional regulation, impulse control and self-awareness is in a constant state of development. This change can be very frustrating for parents as the rules of the relationship with their growing children keep shifting and expectations need adjustment. Learn why teens do what they do, as well as how to channel their impulses into safer and saner activities.

Candlelight Concerts

Two HCPSS students will perform for Violin Virtuoso Rachel Barton Pine

Fri, Mar. 20, 7:30 p.m. St. John Baptist Church, Columbia 410-997-2324

Candlelight Concerts

Performance featuring Rachel Barton Pine, violin

Sat.,Mar. 21, 8 p.m. Smith Theatre, Columbia


Recreation and Parks

Spring Egg Hunt at Rockburn Elementary School. Collect eggs and enjoy prizes, games, and fun for the whole family. Sat. Mar. 21, 10 a.m., for children 2-10 years. ES