To: Plenipotentiary Representative of the Romanian Government to JINR

JINR-RO Grant Proposal for 2018

JINR Laboratory:

Romanian Partner Institution(s):

1) Title of the proposal:

2) Type of the proposal (determined by the main activity; choose one option from below):

E&M (equipment and materials)

SERV(services: R&D, editorial, patents, information-consultancy)

CONF(organization of conferences or other scientific meetings)

EDU (summer practice for students or other educational activities)

If the proposed grant is correlated with a simultaneous project proposal, the title of the respective project shall be indicated: ...

3) Theme and activity from the JINR Topical Plan:

Theme code: Priority:

Theme name:

Activity or experiment:

4) Team members from the JINR Laboratory and from the Romanian Partner Institution(s):

JINR Laboratory / Romanian Partner Institution(s)
Team leader / Institution: Team leader
First name(s) Surname(s): / First name(s) Surname(s):
Scientific degree (min. Senior Researcher): / Scientific degree (min. Scientific Res. III):
E-mail: / E-mail:
Phone: / Phone:
Members / Members
First name(s) Surname(s): / First name(s) Surname(s):
Scientific degree: / Scientific degree:
E-mail: / E-mail:
Phone: / Phone:
… / …

The CV of the team leaders shall be attached. (It can be used the provided CV-Template.)

5) Description of the proposal (maximum 2 pages): scientific/technical objectives, the necessity of purchasing equipment/materials and/or other expenses, planned activities, estimated results, other aspects considered relevant.

6) Description of the benefits for the Romanian Partner Institution(s), the estimated impact at national level and, in case of co-participation, contributions (scientific/technical, financial – in cash/kind etc) and planned activities. (maximum 1 page)

7) Budget of the proposal and its breakdown over the categories of expenses (in accordance with the "Regulation on grants of the Plenipotentiary Representatives of JINR Member States” – Annex to JINR Order No. 33/19.01.2012):

No. / Categories of expenses / Estimated costs (USD)
I. / Logistics
I.1 / Equipment
… [Enumerate them or attach their list]
I.2 / Materials
… [Enumerate them or attach their list]
I.3 / Services performed by third parties
… [Enumerate them or attach their list]
II / Travel (only in exceptional cases, with the JINR approval, maximum 50% of the total grant budget)

8) The latest JINR-RO grant(s)/project(s) of the team leaders (if applicable):

Year … Number … (according to the list approved by JINR)

The proposal will not be eligible for funding if the team leaders (from both the JINR Laboratory and from the Romanian Partner Institutions) did not submit/attach the Final Report of the latest JINR-RO grants/projects, including:

  • Scientific/technical report on the obtained results;
  • Final payments (over the expense categories) and explanatory note.

If the proposal will be accepted for funding, the following information (at least) shall be posted on the website of the JINR Laboratory and of the Romanian Partner Institution(s): title of the grant, year, JINR Laboratory, Romanian Partner Institution(s), team leaders.

JINR LaboratoryRomanian Partner Institution(s)


(Name, signature, date)(Name, signature, date)

Leader of the theme/activityHead of department/laboratory

(Name and signature)(Name and signature)

Team leaderTeam leader

(Name and signature)(Name and signature)

Submit the proposal by e-mail to <>, or by regular mail or directly to

Institute of Atomic Physics

407 Atomistilor Street

Magurele, Ilfov, 077125


The deadline for submitting the proposals is 31January 2018. The proposals received after the deadline will not be considered for funding.