A.1 Inspection date:______

A.2 Assessment officer:______

A.3 Assessment number:______


B.1 Company name:______

B.2.1 Property address: (number/street) ______

B.2.2 Suburb:______B.2.3 Postcode ______

B.3.1 Postal address: (number/street/PO Box) ______

B.3.2 Postal suburb:______B.3.3 Postcode ______

Contact person: B4.1 Title:______B4.2 First name:______

B4.3 Surname:______

B.5 Position:______

B.6 Phone no:______B.7 Fax No: ______


C.1 Nature of business:______

C.2 ANZSIC Code:______

C.3 How long has your business been operating at this location?______

C.4 What business types were previously on site?______

C.5 ANZSIC Code(s) of previous business(es):______

C.6 In which LGA is this business located?______

C.7 In which sub-area is this business located?______

C.8 Is the business located near sensitive receptors? ______

C.9 Property identification number:______

TIPS – Licensing

1.1.1May require a licence for generation/transport of waste or distribution of a product, e.g. ozone depleting substances.

1.2.4A premises will require a Sydney Water Trade Waste Agreement for any industrial discharge to the sewer.

1.2.6Wastesafe monitors and licences the removal and disposal of waste from businesses grease traps. Sydney Water gives a book of dockets to each trade waste customer’s nominated contractor, which is used to keep track of the waste from their grease traps. The program is designed to stop waste being illegally dumped into sewers, rivers or drains. For more information contact your local sewerage authority.

1.2.7The PURE Code of Practice is a national voluntary guideline for management and disposal of liquid wastes from photographic film and paper processors including photo labs, X-ray and graphic arts. Everybody who regularly drains these liquid types to sewer must send a PURE data sheet to Sydney Water. The main aims of the program include avoiding over-replenishment of chemicals, limiting washwater, using chemicals of lower toxicity and using only approved disposal methods. For more information contact your local sewerage authority.

1.3.1These may include inspection of boilers, compressors, spray booths or handling of hazardous substances.

1.3.2Refer to the guidelines in the table on Dangerous Goods (page 4).

1.4.1These systems must be registered with Council for health and safety reasons associated with legionnaire’s disease. Examples include evaporative coolers and cooling towers.

1.5.1R12 equipment is no longer permitted. This has been replaced by 134A.

TIPS – Property Details

C.4May have inherited previous contamination problems.

C.7Sub-area may be sub-catchment, industrial estate, etc.

C.8Sensitive receptors may include open drains, creeks, rivers, wetlands, and schools.

Cooks River Environmental Assessment and Education Project


1.1 Environment Protection Authority

1.1.1 Is the licence current? Yes No N/A

1.1.2 Licence no.: ______

1.2 Sydney Water

1.2.1 Is wastewater generated on site?  YesNo

1.2.2 Is wastewater discharged to sewer system?  Yes No

1.2.3 Does the business have any of the following equipment:

 Grease Trap Oil/Water Separator Underground Waste Pit

 Settling Tank Silver Recovery Unit Other Wastewater Pretreatment Equipment

1.2.4 Is the Trade Waste Agreement current? Yes No N/A

1.2.5 Trade Waste Agreement No.:______

1.2.6 Is the business part of the Wastesafe Program?  Yes No N/A

1.2.7 Is the business part of the PURE Program? Yes No N/A

1.2.8 Water Meter Serial Number: ______

1.3 WorkCover NSW

1.3.1 Are there any obvious occupational health and safety issues on site? Yes No

1.3.2 Is the Dangerous Goods licence current? Yes No N/A

1.3.3 Licence No.:______

1.4 Council

1.4.1 Are there any regulated systems registered with Council? Yes No Water cooling system? Yes No Warm water system? Yes No

Other? Yes No

1.4.2 Other matters to be referred internally: ______

1.5 Other Licences/Additional Information

1.5.1 Is the business licensed by the Motor Vehicle Repair Industry Council
to carry out air conditioning repairs? Yes No N/A

1.5.2Other Licences/Additional Information: ______


Cooks River Environmental Assessment and Education Project

TIPS – On Site Storage and Management of Materials (Dangerous Goods)
Material type / Examples / Units L/Kg/m3 / Quantity / Hazard
Fuels (flammables) / Petrol, alcohol, ether / L / >100 / F
Other flammable fuels/solvent / Kerosene, mineral turpentine / L / >1 000 / F
Combustible Fuels (category one) / Diesel, heating oils / L / >50 000 in single tank / C
Combustible Fuels (category two) / Engine oil, olive oils / L / Unlimited quantity permitted / C
Solvents/Degreasers / Thinners, lacquers, methylated spirits, sodium hypochlorite (general purpose bleach), methylene chloride (degreaser rollers),some car wax & shine, acetone, carbon disulfide / L / >100 / F/C/P
Paints/Inks/Dyes (S&O/B) / Solvent &/or oil based / L / >100 / C/F
Paints/Inks/Dyes (W/B) / Water-based / L / Unlimited quantity permitted / P
Liquefied flammable gas / A licence is required for any premises where LPG is decanted for sale
LPG connected for use (e.g. to a stove, heater) / Kg / >300 / F
Liquefied flammable gas / LPG (not connected for use and not for sale but only used in-house - (e.g. reserve cylinders for later use, cylinders for filling forklift cylinders). / Kg / >150 / F
Compressed flammable gas / Acetylene, hydrogen
'G' size ~ 7m3 of compressed flammable gas
'E' size ~ 3.5m3 of compressed flammable gas / m3 / >60 / F
Non flammable & non-toxic gases - (Cryogenic gases) / Liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen / m3 / >600 / N/F & N/T
Non flammable & non-toxic gases (Non-cryogenic gases) / Compressed oxygen, nitrogen, argon, air / m3 / Unlimited quantity permitted / N/F & N/T
Liquefied poisonous gases / Chlorine, anhydrous ammonia, sulfur dioxide (if premises open to the general public, e.g.'municipal swimming pool', a license is required to keep any amount on the premises) / Kg / Any quantity where premises open to public (e.g. municipal swimming pool)
Premises not open to the public >50 / P
Flammable solids & reactive Substances Combustible solids Solids dangerous when wet / Nitrocellulose, some magnesium, aluminium & other metal powders, sulfur, desensitised explosives, activated charcoal, matches, hexamine / Kg / >25 / F
Combustible solids / Aluminium alkyls, diethyl, sodium sulfide, hydrosulfite, scrap celluloid, some metal powders, fibres & paper containing vegetable oils, & self-heating liquids & solids / Kg / >100 / C
Oxidising agents / A license is required for any quantity of ammonium chlorate stored on site / Kg / >0 / CV
Corrosive Substances / Sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide / Kg/L / >500 / CV

NOTE:A Dangerous Goods Licence is required for quantities stored on site at these values

Cooks River Environmental Assessment and Education Project


2.1Types of liquids/gas/solids stored on site.(e.g. fuels, solvents, paints and detergents)

Material type / Units L/Kg/m3 / Annual use quantity / Stored quantity / Types of storage / Storage acceptableYes/No / Primary hazard / Secondary hazard
Fuels (flammable)
Fuels (combustible)
Oils / Lubricants
Solvents / Degreasers
Paints / Inks / Dyes
Detergents / Cleaning Agents
Liquid Foodstuffs
Photographic/Printing Chemicals
Gases (flammable)
Gases (non-flammable)

Hazard type: C = Combustible Liquids; CV = Corrosive; E = Explosive; F = Flammable; G = Gases;
M = Miscellaneous; O = Oxidising Substances; P = Pollutant; R = Radioactive; T = Toxic

2.2 Is there a fuel service on site? Yes No

2.3 Are there underground storage tanks on site?  Yes No

2.4 Have non-operating tanks been properly decommissioned? Yes No N/A

2.5Are all materials (especially liquids) adequately contained? Yes No N/A

2.6 Is spill clean up equipment stored on site?  Yes No N/A

2.7 Are there adequate supplies of spill clean up
materials and equipment? Yes No N/A

2.8 Is there sufficient awareness of spill response procedures? Yes No N/A

2.9 Are the necessary MSDSs available?  Yes No N/A

2.10 Is there fire-fighting equipment? Yes No

2.11 Is fire equipment checked and maintained? Yes No

2.12 Materials Management Comments: ______




TIPS – General Waste Management

3.3Some common bin volumes are 0.24m3 (wheelie bin), 1.5m3, 2m3, 3m3, 4m3, 4.5m3.

3.4It is illegal to dispose of any liquids into general waste bins. There is a risk to the environment via liquids leaking from the bin or truck, or leachate at the landfill site.

3.5Licenced waste/recycling contractors are those which require a licence from the Environment Protection Authority for the transport/disposal of the waste. For example any liquid wastes, asbestos, clinical wastes or hazardous materials.

TIPS – On Site Storage and Management of Materials
2.1Refer to the guidelines in the table on Dangerous Goods (page 4). Acceptable storage requirements may include bunding, the gradient of the floor or proximity of storage area to doorway or drain.
2.4If an underground storage tank has not been used for 6 months, i.e. nothing in or out, one of three things may be done:
a)the tank may be removed from the ground,
b)it may be filled with an acceptable material, or
c)apply to WorkCover NSW for a 2 year exemption to fill it with liquid so it can be reused later.
Either way, WorkCover NSW need to be contacted.
2.5Adequate containment may include bunding, the gradient of the floor, proximity of liquids to drains or workshop entrance or valve locks for tanks.
2.6Spill clean up equipment may range from sawdust, rags, a broom and a biodegradable cleaning product to a professional spill kit depending on the types of materials dealt with on the site.
2.8Are all staff aware of procedures and where equipment is kept or is one person responsible for spill emergencies.
2.9Under the OH&S (Hazardous Substances) Regulation 1996, all employers using hazardous and dangerous goods in the workplace are required to provide appropriate and accessible Material Safety Data Sheets.


3.1 Does the business generate/separate any of the following categories of solid waste?

Waste generated / Waste recycled / M3/month
Paper/board /  Yes No /  Yes No / 0–1 / 1-3 / 3–10 / >10
Mixed glass /  Yes No /  Yes No / 0–1 / 1-3 / 3–10 / >10
Metals /  Yes No /  Yes No / 0–1 / 1-3 / 3–10 / >10
Plastic /  Yes No /  Yes No / 0–1 / 1-3 / 3–10 / >10
Timber /  Yes No /  Yes No / 0–1 / 1-3 / 3–10 / >10
Cloth offcuts /  Yes No /  Yes No / 0–1 / 1-3 / 3–10 / >10
Green waste /  Yes No /  Yes No / 0–1 / 1-3 / 3–10 / >10
Food waste
Commercial/demolition /  Yes No
 Yes No /  Yes No
 Yes No / 0–1
0–1 / 1-3
1-3 / 3–10
3–10 / >10
Other waste /  Yes No /  Yes No / 0–1 / 1-3 / 3–10 / >10

3.2Does the business generate any of the following categories of liquid waste?

Waste generated / Waste recycled
Oils /  Yes No /  Yes No N/A
Brake fluids /  Yes No /  Yes No N/A
Solvent /  Yes No /  Yes No N/A
Coolant /  Yes No /  Yes No N/A
Oily sludge /  Yes No /  Yes No N/A
Other /  Yes No /  Yes No N/A

3.3 Volume of general waste generated by the business each month

Bin volume / Number of bins / Collection frequency
______/ 1 2 3 4 5 other____ / > monthly monthly fortnightly weekly  daily______ other/month______
______/ 1 2 3 4 5 other____ / > monthly monthly fortnightly weekly  daily other/month______
______/ 1 2 3 4 5 other____ / > monthly monthly fortnightly weekly  daily______ other/month______

3.4 Are there any liquids disposed of into the waste bin/s?  Yes No N/A

3.5 Is the premises serviced by ‘licensed’ waste/recycling contractor(s)?  Yes No N/A

3.6 Have there been any instances of illegal dumping on the site? Yes No

3.7 Is there effective waste management on site? Low Medium High

3.8 Is there any evidence of ground contamination
(e.g. visual stains, odours, affected vegetation) Yes No N/A

3.9 Are good housekeeping practices being used on these premises:  Low Medium High

3.10 General waste management comments:______



TIPS – Air Emissions Management

Air treatment devices may include filters, exhaust systems, dust collectors fitted to machinery or appropriate ventilation.


4.1 Is there any evidence of, or potential for, stormwater pollution
from the following on site activities/operations? YES NO

Activity / Evidence of stormwater pollution / Potential for stormwater pollution
Forecourt washing /  Yes No /  Yes No
Hosing out of workshop /  Yes No /  Yes No
Equipment washing/high pressure cleaning outside /  Yes No /  Yes No
Discharge of waste water/liquids into SWDs /  Yes No /  Yes No
Disposal of solid wastes into SWDs /  Yes No /  Yes No
Debris in SWDs /  Yes No /  Yes No
Storage of contaminated parts in an open area /  Yes No /  Yes No
Other /  Yes No /  Yes No

4.2 Are the occupiers aware of their stormwater drainage system?  Low Medium High

4.3 Stormwater Management Comments: ______





5.1 Does the business have any air emissions leaving the premises? Yes No

Type of air emission leaving premises / Air treatment device in place and properly maintained
Smoke /  Yes No N/A /  Yes No N/A
Spray painting emission /  Yes No N/A /  Yes No N/A
Dust Particles /  Yes No N/A /  Yes No N/A
Fumes/Vapours /  Yes No N/A /  Yes No N/A
Ozone depleting gas /  Yes No N/A /  Yes No N/A
Sand blasting emission /  Yes No N/A /  Yes No N/A
Odour /  Yes No N/A /  Yes No N/A
Steam /  Yes No N/A /  Yes No N/A
Other /  Yes No N/A /  Yes No N/A

5.2 Air Emissions Management Comments:______





TIPS – Noise Management
6.0EPA guidelines developed in January 2000 provide details of the offensive noise test. This is a subjective assessment carried out by an authorised officer. Noise measurements are not required by the legislation (POEO) to determine whether a noise is offensive however there are a series of factors to consider when using the test. This list is not exhaustive and you do not have to answer all the questions before deciding that a noise is offensive.
  • Is the noise loud either in an absolute sense, or relative to other noise in the area?
  • Does the noise include any tones or impulses and any fluctuations in volume?
  • Does the noise occur at times (such as the evening or night) when unreasonable interference with comfort or repose is likely?
  • Where is the noise heard and is it likely to adversely affect people’s activities (including relaxing, speaking and sleeping)?
  • Is the noise likely to be intrusive (That is, how much does the noise exceed the background noise level)?
  • Is the noise typical of activities normally conducted in the area?
  • Are the volume and character of the noise typical of the type of activity in question?
  • How many people are affected?

TIPS – Water and Energy Use

7.1.1Measures may include sky lights, timer switches, low energy lighting, updated equipment.

7.1.3Measures may include recycling systems, mopping instead of hosing.

7.1.4Specific examples of saving resources and materials.

TIPS – Company Policy

8.4This may be for use of the Internet as an educational tool or providing information posted by Council.


6.1 What are the operating hours of the business?

Monday to Friday Hours: ______

Saturday Hours: ______

SundayHours: ______

6.2 Is noise and/or vibration audible from outside
of the premises boundaries? Yes No

6.3 Are there any noise mitigation measures provided? Yes No N/A

6.4 Noise Management Comments: ______






7.1 During the past few years, has the company implemented any measures to reduce:

7.1.1 Electricity use? Yes No N/A

7.1.2 Fuel consumption? (Diesel, Gas) Yes No N/A

7.1.3 Water use? Yes No N/A

7.1.4 Other? Yes NoN/A


8.1 Has the company ever carried out an
environmental review before? Yes No N/A

8.2 Does the company have an environmental
management policy in place? Yes No N/A

8.3 Has the company ever taken any specific action to
reduce the impact of its business operations on the environment? Yes No N/A

8.4 Does the company have access to the Internet? Yes No N/A

TIPS - Inspection Summary
9.3Response letter type A - business is compliant with legislative controls.
Response letter type B - business is indifferent in that they do not impact on the environment.
Response letter type C - business has some minor issues to deal with (e.g. recycling).
Response letter type D - business has issues relative to legislative breaches.


9.1 Overall summary:______






9.2 Contact person’s attitude: 1 2 3

9.3 Response letter type: A B C D

9.4 Schedule of Works required? Yes No

9.5 Schedule of Works issues:

Impact category / Issue / Agreed completion date

9.6 Follow up required? Yes No

9.7 Date follow up due:______



TIPS – Follow Up Inspection
11.3A different solution or modification to a Schedule of Works issue or the issue is no longer applicable. For example bunding was requested and upon re-inspection it was found that the gradient of the floor is adequate to prevent any spill or leak leaving the premises.
11.4New issues discovered upon re-inspection
11.5Follow up letter type A - issues all addressed.
Follow up letter type B - new issues discovered upon re-inspection.
Follow up letter type C - outstanding issues not addressed.
Follow up letter type D - no issues have been addressed.


11.1 Date of follow up: ______

11.2 Completion of the Schedule of Works issues.

Impact category / Issue / Agreed completion date / Actual completion date

11.3 Schedule of Works issues refined as result of follow-up? Yes No N/A

Impact category / Issue / Agreed completion date

11.4 Additional issues to Schedule of Works as a result of follow-up?  Yes No N/A

Impact category / Issue / Agreed completion date

11.5 Follow up letter type: A B C D

11.6 Is a second follow up required? Yes No

11.7 Date second follow up due (if required): ______

11.8 Refer to other in Council/Sydney Water/other
organisation for further action? Yes No N/A

Cooks River Environmental Assessment and Education Project1