3 St Andrews Place London NW1 4LB

Tel: 020 75639994

Registered Charity no. 1137029

Terms and Conditions of Research Grants


1.1Core does not act as an employer. The Employing Institution retains full liability for any individual supported or part-supported by the grant and undertakes to issue a contract of employment that is compliant with relevant laws and regulations.

1.2Grant holders are required to inform Core of the name, grade/salary band and percentage of time to be spent on the project of any individual(s) supported by the grant.

1.3Coredoes not accept any responsibility for recruitment costs, employee benefits (including sick pay, maternity or paternity pay), or redundancy costs.

1.3Grants are awarded on the condition that any individual to be supported or part-supported by the grant waives any right to claim unfair dismissal in the event that support is not renewed beyond the period advertised or is terminated by Core due to the grant holder’s non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions.

2.Research Practice

2.1Acceptance of the award constitutes confirmation that any necessary legal and regulatory requirements in order to conduct the research are met and all the necessary licences and Ethical Committee approvals have been obtained. Where any part of the research is to be conducted outside the UK such legal and regulatory requirements, and such licences and approvals should include those applicable in the additional countries involved.

2.2Research using protected animals must be carried out under the appropriate Home Office licences and certificates. Corewill only support the use of protected animals where no viable alternative exists, and the applicant must have regard to animal welfare and advances in the refinement, replacement and reduction of animal use.

2.3Grant holders are expected, wherever possible, to adopt procedures and techniques which avoids the use of animals and, where this is not possible, to use the minimum number of animals consistent with obtaining valid results as humanely as possible.

2.4Site visits may be made at any time subject to mutual agreement.

  1. Financial Control

3.1Funding will not commence until the project budget, including salary details if covered and a breakdown of consumableand other miscellaneous costs, has been confirmed by the institution's Administrative Officer. Core will not cover any expenditure not stated in the budget provided by the Administrative Officer. Conference travel expenses will only be covered if detailed in the grant application. Development Awards do not fund conference travel.

3.2Grant instalments are paid to the Employing Institution quarterly, in arrears, on receipt of an invoice. Quarterly invoices must state the start and end dates of the period covered by the invoice and provide a breakdown of any consumable or miscellaneous costs. Invoices issued more than 3 months after the scheduled end date of the research programme for which the award was made will not be paid unless there is specific written confirmation from Core.

3.3Core has the right to request from the Employing Institution, at any time, any financial information in respect of the Award.

3.4Corehas the right to suspend payments to the Employing Institution where it is concerned about any aspect of the project as a result of information contained in any annual report required by these conditions. Grant holders should also note that failure to submit a report may cause Coreto cease further grant payments and to terminate the grant.

3.5In the event that the grant holder completes the project without spending the full amount of the grant Corewill not make any further payments to the Employing Institution in respect of the grant.


4.1It is expected that the project will start within 6 months of the award date. Grant holders must inform Core immediately of any delays beyond 6 months with details of the reasons for the delay and a request for permission to change the project start date. Failure to seek Core’s permission to change the start date will result in the Award being cancelled. Projects should start within a maximum of 12 months of the award date. Core reserves the right to terminate the award if the start date is delayed for more than 12 months after the award date.

4.2Development grants are awarded for a maximum duration of 18 months. No extension will be permitted.The funding is provided for time-limited research projects that in general will aim to provide proof-of-principle preliminary data such that the applicants can use the findings to apply subsequently for more substantive 3-5 year funding.

4.3Grant holders must inform Core of any interruptions to the research programme and produce a revised timescale for completion. The award may be withdrawn if Core considers the delays or revised timescale unacceptable.

5Publication, Publicity and Reporting

5.1Grant holders are required to submit a lay summary of their project giving an indication of the project's medical significance. A further lay summary must be submitted on completion of the research. The lay summaries will be reproduced on Core’s website and may also be used in future funding applications made by Core.

5.2It is a condition of development grants that Core receives a report within three months of the end of the 18 month period. Recipients of two year, three year or longer grants will be required to submit an annual report within 12 months of the commencement date, and thereafter on the same anniversary. Payment of the subsequent year’s grant will be subject to satisfactory progress. A final report should be sent to Core within three months of the scheduled end of the project.

5.3Coreexpects that the results of research carried out during the period of its support will be published in peer-reviewed journal(s). Grant holders are expected to inform Core as soon as one of their abstracts or papers is accepted for publication. Publication of results may attract media coverage and the grant holder is required to co-operate in the preparation of relevant publicity material.

5.4The support of Coreand any other sponsor should be acknowledged in all publications, correspondence and presentations given about the research. Sponsors' names are quoted in the original application form and in the award letter.

5.5Grant holders must ensure that all research papers (based wholly or partly upon the research to be funded by the award) are forwarded to Core upon publication. As part of the charity’s ongoing evaluation of its activities, Core may require grant holders to continue to forward research papers relating to their research work for some time after the termination date. A proportion of the grant, as outlined in the project budget, will be made available for publication costs upon receipt of publications/manuscripts in press by Core.

5.6Grant holders must ensure that any written press statement associated wholly or partly with the research to be funded by the grant is approved by Coreprior to release.

5.7Coreexpects its grant holders to take part in Core research meetings and to co-operate with Core’s public relations activities by agreeing, when given reasonable notice, to meet funders and potential funders as well as speaking at or attending fundraising events.

6Intellectual Property and Commercial Activities

6.1Intellectual Property Rights may be defined as a set of exclusive rights recognised by law granted for a number of distinct types of creations of the mind.

6.2The grant holder shall inform Core, in writing, of any possible commercial exploitation of the results of research supportedprior to any submission of manuscripts/abstracts. Acceptance of the grant gives Core the right to receive a share of any commercial returns commensurate with the financial assistance given.

6.3Core expects the Employing Institution to have clear guidelines for staff and students on ownership of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and on their procedures for the identification, protection, management and exploitation of such taking into account circumstances where the research involves collaboration with and/or the contribution(s) of third parties. Core requires the Employing Institution to ensure that all persons in receipt of Core funding or working on a Core-funded project are employed, engaged or retained on terms that vest in the Employing Institution all Core-funded IP.

6.4If the Employing Institution considers the protection, management and exploitation of Core-funded IP appropriate it must seek the prior written consent of Core (which would not be unreasonably withheld) before it makes any commercial use of, or grants to any third party, any exploitation rights over IP relating to the work which Core has funded.Decisions regardingexploitation will be made on a case by case basis. Core will not bear the risk and costs involved in exploiting the IPR.

6.5Any commercial benefit, hereafter known as the Royalty Income arising from the project, will be shared between the Employing Institution and the funding bodies, in such proportion as may be equitable. Before entering into any commercial or patent procedure arising from the project, the Employing Institution will discuss with Corethe basis upon which any benefit shall be distributed.

6.6Where the employing institution bears the risk and cost of applying for patents, it will be entitled to recover its direct costs as a first charge upon the Royalty Income.

6.7If the Employing Institution does not protect, manage or exploit any IP arising out of work funded by Coreto the satisfaction of the charityor has indicated in writing that it will not protect identified Core-funded IP, then the charity shall have the right, but not a duty, to protect, manage and exploit such Core-funded IP. Such right shall be exercised after Core has given the Employing Institution notice in writing. The Employing Institution agrees to, and will ensure that its employees, students and any third party assist Core in such protection and exploitation.

6.8If Coreapplies for patents in its own name on any specific IPR arising from the project Core will bear the risk and cost of applying for patents and will be entitled to recover its direct costs as a first charge upon the Royalty Income.

6.9The Employing Institution will provide detailed accounts of Royalty Income and relative costs as required from time to time by Core, and in any case not less than once a year.

6.10With the written permission of Core the Employing Institution grant holder(s) may delay scientific publication for a reasonable period in order to file patents on inventions of potential commercial relevance before disclosure.

6.11Grant holders shall not accept any commercial sponsorship, employment or benefit from commercialisation resulting from work being funded or part-funded by Core, without first seeking Core’s approval. Failure to do so may result in the grant being suspended.

6.12If the Employing Institution wishes to use a third party to undertake its obligations with respect to any Core-funded IPR, then it must obtain Core’s prior written approval. The Employing Institution must also ensure that any such approved third party is made aware of and agrees to be bound by clause 6 of these terms and conditions.

7Limitation of Liability

7.1Grant holders supported by Coreare not employed by Core which accepts no liability as an employer. Where the grant includes salary support,costs for employer's contributions in respect of National Insurance, Superannuation etc will be met by the Charity but responsibility for these arrangements lies entirely with the Employing Institution.

7.2A signed copy of the Employing Authority's agreement issued by Core must be returned to the Core office before commencement of the award. This confirms the Employing Institution's agreement to take all reasonable precautions to safeguard the health and safety of those involved in the research and all third parties affected thereby.

7.3Core accepts no liability for any accident, injury or loss sustained by any person as a result of and/or in the course of the research.

7.4In accepting the Core award, the Employing Institution agrees to indemnify Core against any liability (including legal costs) arising from any claim made against Core in connection with or arising from the results of the research supported and confirms that it has obtained and will maintain in force for the duration of the grant, and for a period of five years thereafter, public and professional indemnity insurance at a level appropriate to the risks involved.

8Variation and Termination

8.1If the grant holder wishes to move to another institution to complete his/her research, Core must be informed immediately and the charity's approval obtained for transfer of the grant.

8.2A grant is awarded to the person selected by Core's Research Awards Committee. Core should be notified if, for any reason, the original grant holder is unable to complete the project. Core reserves the right to terminate the award under these circumstances, and any decision concerning possible continuation is completely at its discretion.

8.3Core may terminate this contract should the funding partner default from their obligations.

I agree to the above mentioned terms and conditions of the Grant.




On behalf of Employing Institution:


Signature of Grant holder:



Please return one signed copy to:Research Awards Coordinator, Core, 3 St Andrews Place London NW1 4LB.