QA Outline


*Please fill out this outline and provide to CMGTesting for each eText testing request.

*Please refer to the eText testplan to ensure it meets your testing needs. If you have custom testing instructions, please contact your QA project manager to discuss. Otherwise, the eText will be tested using the standard testplan.

  1. Information and Documentation Needed:

1.1.Complete Title and Edition (as it appears in authoring menu):Principles of Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children, 5/e

1.2.Main Author: Jane Ball

1.3.Global ID:CM62068772

1.4.Book ID: 10733

1.5.Studentaccess code “with eText” (required only if iPad device testing is being requested): ______-______-______-______-______-______

1.5.1.Registration Path URL (e.g. www. ____

1.6.Vendor (check one): _____ HOV __X__Code Mantra _____ HCL

1.6.1.Please refer to the eText status spreadsheet and check the information for your title available here:

1.7.Source PDF ftp location (low res PDF files arerequired only if “Full ebook test” is being requested. PDF files are NOT required for “Hotspot verification only”.): ftp://chet004:/QA/Ball5e_eText/

1.7.1.Please contact Ann Sullivan ()to obtain a link to low-res PDF files

1.8.Content Mapping spreadsheet(s):

1.8.1.Filename(s): 0133110370_Ball5e_customhotspots.xls

1.8.2.Please attach via email or on your ftp location. Please do NOT provide files on the eText production ftp location.

1.8.3.ftp location: ftp://chet004:/QA/Ball5e_eText/0133110370_Ball5e_customhotspots.xls


1.9.Complete TOC: Please send to CMGTesting with this outline. If the TOC file is > 1MB, please provide on an ftp location: ftp://chet004:/QA/Ball5e_eText/0133110370_Ball5e_ToC.pdf

(please do not use the eText production ftp location)

1.10.If this eText contains external links to SMS or other password protected sites, please specify and provide login credentials: n/a

  1. Project Questionnaire (please respond)

2.1.Please specify if this title is iPad Supported (Please mark one):

  • __X__ Yes
  • ___ No (**Please skip the next 1 question**)

2.2.Will the eText for iPad need to be tested? (Y/N) __Y___

2.2.1. If you answered Yes for the iPad view testing, please specify where testing should be executed from. Otherwise, proceed to the next question.

  • __X__ iPad Simulator (Recommended for titles with Flash content, such as animations or videos)
  • ___ Actual iPad device (Recommended for titles with HTML5 animations or any other iPad compatible media file format)

NOTE: Testing on an iPad device can only be performed on titles that have been published live. If the title is not live, please contact the Release Management to begin the publishing process or select an alternative testing method.

2.3.For the Flash eText view (i.e. not theeText for iPad): Please specify the level of testing required: (Please mark one. Refer to testplan for details.):

  • ____ Full ebook test
  • __X__ Hotspot verification only (**Please skip the next 4 questions**)
  • ____ No testing required (NOTE: Select when testing iPad view only)

2.4.Please list the items/baskets available in the left navigation:

  • Table of Contents
  • Glossary
  • Index
  • Multimedia Resources
  • Notes
  • Bookmarks

2.5.If any of the above items do NOT need testing, please indicate which.

  • Notes
  • Bookmarks

2.6.If any of the above left navigation items or baskets have specific or custom behavior, please indicate and provide details below:Glossary has audio included, but the audio links are not currently functional and should not be tested. This will be reviewed in regression testing.

2.7.If any of the above baskets are empty or contain custom content, please specify: ____

  • Notes - empty
  • Bookmarks - empty

2.8.Please list all the available hotspots types in the eText:

  • Cross References
  • External Videos & Animations
  • External HTML files

2.9.If there are specific counts of each hotspot type, please indicate. n/a

2.10.If any of the above hotspot types do NOT need testing, please indicate which.

  • ___

2.11.If any hotspots require additional testing steps, please indicate below:

Please confirm that all video links appear to match the titles provided by the link and that they appear in the Pearson media player. (looks like screenshot below but with unique titles.)

2.12.Does this eText contain non-permissioned items that need to be compared against documentation? N

  • If so, please provide appropriate documentation to CMGTesting.
  • Filename: ___
  • Location: ___

2.13.Please indicate any known issues for this title that you do not need reported: The glossary windows that pop up have links to audio files, but the links are not functional at this time. We are aware of this, and it does not need to be tested. It is a platform issue that will be resolved soon.

2.14.Is there any other information you would like to provide?