We will have a very, shortened Parent-Watch this week (due to studio pictures) to go over Ticket-Day and take the few questions you may have. We will call you the last few minutes of each class. Again, we will not be dancing for you this week as you will see your children on the big stage very soon. We want you to see how far they have come! This is an important newsletter so please take the time to read it carefully.


April 5-7: Dance and Tumbling andPicture Week at TMDA!

April 9, 2016: Ticket Day

April 11, 2016 @ 6pm: Full dress rehearsal for all seniors (Kira and Viv too). All props, make-up and costumes. We will do both acts. (Meg, Danielle and Emma please too!)

April 12-14 Dance and Tumbling

Week of April 19-21, 2016: No classes for April Break.

April 25, 2016 @ 6pm: Full dress rehearsal for all seniors (Kira and Viv too). All props, make-up and costumes. We will do both acts. (Meg, Danielle and Emma please too!)

April 26-28 Dance and Tumbling

May 3, 4 & 5 Dance and TumblingandAwards week!

May 9, 2016 from 4-6pm: Finale rehearsal and tumbling rehearsal at C-Pac

May 11, 2016 from 4-8pm: Full dress rehearsal at C-Pac

May 13, 2016: Recital #1 @ 7pm, C-Pac

May 14, 2016: Recital #2 @7pm, C-Pac

May 15, 2016: Recital #3 @ 2pm, C-Pac:

NYC Trip: July 28-31, 2016

April 5, 6 & 7, 2016- Picture Week!

We will have a very short Parent-Watch in all classes during this week as Pictures will take up most of our class time. We will take your quick questions, make sure everyone understands the rules for Ticket Day and then send everyone on their merry way. We will not dance for you ….we are going to keep our last dances as a surprise for all of you for dress rehearsal!!

Below is what each class will wear for picture-day; you are not required to purchase any pictures but we highly encourage everyone to participate.I have attached the “Picture Form” to this newsletter so please print this form and have it ready to give each of the photographers at the time of your session. You will only have a few minutes with your individual shots so please have your form and check ready as you enter the studio so that we can keep to the schedule. We will have two photographers each night; one will be taking all of the group photos and one will be taking all of the single shots. This year you will need to pay each photographer separately. (It is much easier for the photographers to keep track of who is ordering their own photos.) As I have said, be prepared to write to 2 checks on picture day. We have made it simple for everyone this year as the individual shots are $30 and the group photo shot is $12. (If you want more photos of your child you will need to purchase 2 packages.)

Temple: Tights: Suntan Shoes:Black ballets Hair: Tight bun with hair bow

Tabitha:Tights: Black Shoes: Black Ballets Hair: Tight bun with hair bow

Napoleon: Tights: Suntan Shoes: Black ballets/sneakers Hair: High curly pony tail with pom-poms

Nigel: Tights: White Shoes: Black ballets Hair: High bun with hair piece

Moore: Tights: White convertibles Shoes: PawsHair: Low curly ponytail with headband

Wall: Tights: Suntan convertibles Shoes: Paws Hair: Low curly ponytail with mask

Twitch: Tights: Suntan convertibles Shoes: Paws Hair: down in curls with mask

Petite Troupe: Tights: Black Shoes: TapsHair: Low Curly pony tail with hair piece

Tiny Troupe: Tights: Suntan Shoes: Character Hair: Low curly pony with hairpiece & sunglasses

Mini Troupe:Tights: Suntan convertible Shoes:Taps Hair: Curly low ponytail with headpiece

Troupe: Tights: Color for dress Shoes: Character: Hair: Loose with curls and mask

Company: Tights: Suntan convertibles Shoes: Paws Hair: Loose with curls and hair piece

Pavlova: Tights: WhiteShoes: Pink Ballets Hair: Tight bun with hair piece

Lopokova: Tights: Black Shoes: Black Pointe Shoes Hair: Tight bun with hair piece

Baryshnikov:Tights: White Shoes: Pink Pointe Shoes Hair: Tight bun with hair piece

Tumbling: Hair: Curly pony tail with scrunchie Leotard and Gold Shorts


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

4:00pm: Tabitha Group shot:

4:10pm: Napoleon Group Shot:

4:20-5pm: Tabitha and Napoleon will take their single shots.

5pm: Petite Troupe Group Shot:

5:10pm: Mini Troupe Group Shot:

5:20-6:30pm: Petite & Mini Troupes will take their single shots.

6:30pm: Tiny Troupe Group Shot:

6:40pm: Baryshnikov/Nureyev Group shot:

6:50-7:15pm: Tiny Troupe & Baryshnikov/Nureyev will take their single shots.

7:15pm: Secretary Group shot: New Jackets

7:30pm: Designated Mom Group Shot: TMDA t-shirts and jeans

8:00pm: Troupe Group Shot:

8:10pm: Company Group shot:

8:20-8:45pm: Troupe and Company will take their single shots.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016:

4:00pm: Nigel Group Shot

4:15: Temple Group Shot:

4:25-5pm: Temple & Nigel will take their single shots.

5pm: Moore Group Shot

5:10pm: Lopokova Group Shot

5:20-6:15pm: Moore & Lopokova will take their single shots

6:15pm: Wall Group Shot

6:25pm: Twitch Group Shot:

6:35-7:15pm: Twitch and Wall will take their single shots.

Thursday, April 7, 2016:

4:30pm: Pavlova Group Shot

4:45pm: Pavlova Single shots

5:30pm: Retton Group Shot

5:40pm: Conner Group Shot

5:50pm: Korbut Group Shot

6pm: All Tumblers Group Shot

5:40-6:10pm: Retton, Conner and Korbut Single Shots.

6:15pm-8pm: 1st group rehearsal for all tumblers. We will let the Retton tumblers go home as soon as we can…they may only be there until 7pm. Conner’s should be done by 7:30pm and we will keep Korbut until 8pm. We will use both studios for pictures so that classes will continue to run while single shots are being taken. Our 2nd group rehearsal will be April 28th. The schedule for this rehearsal will be in the April Newsletter.

PS: Instructor photographs will be Monday, April 4th at 6:00pm. Jackets and baby blue Cinderella tanks will be worn for pictures. Please wear long black pants for photos as well.


Finally, if you have problems with your photos after you have received them, you need to contact your photographer directly: Jordyn at and Jeff at Northscape Photography on Facebook.

And…..if you have danced with TMDA for 12 years, please have your portrait done for our Wall of Fame. You need to have a head shot done for this and it is at no cost to you!! Please do not forget to tell the photographer it is for the Wall of Fame. Thanks!

April 9, 2016: Ticket Day!

All costumes and tuitions will need to be paid for by April 6, 2016 in order for you to pick your recital tickets up on April 9, 2016. I am letting you know far enough in advance so that there is no confusion on ticket day. The sale of recital tickets to our TMDA families will be on Saturday, April 9, 2016 at the studio. All students my purchase up to 12 tickets each on ticket day. You must adhere to this schedule so please make sure you only come purchase your tickets during your child’s set time. If you are purchasing tickets from another child’s set amount, you must have a letter from that child stating you purchasing her/his extra tickets. You still must purchase those extra tickets during your child’s set time (UNLESS THE PERSON YOU ARE PURCHASING FROM HAS A LATER TIME THEN YOU MUST COME BACK DURING THAT TIME). Remember, all of your costumes and your tuition must be paid in full in order for you to purchase your tickets on ticket day. At the end of this newsletter is the form you will be given as you arrive on ticket day. Please look at this form so that you will know exactly what you will need to pay for on ticket day. Items that you need to be prepared to pay for are as follows:

1- DVD of recital $25.00

2-Photos Jeff Clark and all $10.00

3-Dance Camp Deposit $30 (form for this on the opening page of our website)

4-Tumbling Camp Deposit $30 (form for this on the opening page of our website)

5-Remaining Tuition/Costume Balance

6-Recital Tickets

(We will not allow personal photography or videotaping at the recital, we will adhere to this rule completely this year.)

Tickets are $10.00 each to our dance families on Ticket Day, after that they will all be $12.00 and then $15 at the door. If you ask to have tickets held for you at the door, they will cost $15.00. We willnot refund tickets under any circumstances so please do not ask the secretaries to do this for you. If you lose your tickets, you will have to purchase more as we no longer keep track of tickets as it is just too time consuming. Please understand that all tickets are numbered for a reason…we can only sell so many tickets per day. Thanks for your cooperation in advance

PS: We will do our best to keep on schedule during this very hectic day….we will need your patience. You will be given your recital t-shirt on this day as well. After you have purchased your tickets, you will take the Ticket Form to Vicki to cash you out. Ticket day is a “cash only” day as we have had too many problems with bounced checks in the past. I know this is a pain but please understand that we need to get each class in an out in just 30 minutes so we need to all be prepared. I will also have a clearance table of goods and clothing on that day to make room for the fall new apparel line. Can’t believe it is already here!

Note: Tumblers who take tumbling only may purchase tickets during the tumbling slot. If you are a dancer and tumbler then you must come during your dance slot to purchase tickets.

VERY IMPORTANT: If we have to bring any supplies to C-PAC because you do not have the required tights/shoes etc…,there will be a $10.00 surcharge on each item. If I, or any of my secretaries have to meet you at the studio for supplies other than the dance studio times, there will be a $20 surcharge on each item. Please make sure you have all the supplies you need by Ticket Day. If your child runs tights easily, make sure you have a back-up. I cannot have my secretaries selling supplies at C-Pac any more …things get lost or taken and I am really sorry, but my secretaries have too much to do to be worrying about supplies for everyone. Please …please make sure you have your supplies.

Ticket Day April 9, 2016





10:00AM: NIGEL




12-1:00PM: LUNCH

1:00PM: WALL








As always, we are asking you to make a recital decoration for the walls of C-Pac with our beautiful dancer’s faces. We want you to download this template that is on the news page and opening page of our website. Please do not make them to heavy (use poster board only) as they do not stick to the walls of C-Pac. These decorations will be due on April 26, 27 & 28, 2016 and you will hand them in to your DM’s of each class. What should be included on the Template are the following: child’s name, child’s picture and class name. Be as creative, be daring and be as colorful as you want but you must keep the size exactly like the size we have made for you.

Fund-Raisers and C-Pac Sign-ups:

I have posted the C-Pac Sign-ups on the walls of the waiting area. As they say, it takes a village and so I am asking this village to please do all they can to sign-up at least once. The fund raisers are being taken care of by the dancers going to NYC so all we are asking for is help with the food/drinks for dress rehearsal (for your dancers) and clean-up crews. No one ever likes to stay to clean up but if we did not have the same 3-4 ladies each night to help us clean up and find all the costumes and supplies are left behind, you would be returning to chaos. Please, we need 8 ladies each night to help clean up the cafeteria….if we have that many woman it takes 15 minutes. Also, each class is required to leave their tables perfectly clean before you leave; do not leave your messes behind for the few of us that are left to pick up after you. Thank you for your support!

To all of our dance and tumbling DM’s:

We will need all DM’s to come into their classes for now to get used to lining up the children. Please just come in when we bring the kids in at the beginning of each class. Please bring your class lists with you at all times. Thanks and thanks again!


1-Mini Troupe will come into Company/Troupe for Celtic and Prince Ali on 12th from 8:15-8:45pm and also April 26 from 8-8:20pm. Also award week in May for just one run through.

2-Tiny will stay later April 12 from 8-8:15pm and award week in May for just one run through. It is imperative that all dancers in Tiny and Company are present for these rehearsals if they want to be in the end of ‘Friend like me’ because they will need a partner from the other group. If you cannot be there for these practices then Tiny, it is an extra so you won’t come back on and if you are in Company, you will just go off for the ending.

3-Company and Troupe will need to be in Temple on April 28th at 4:15pm to practice finale with the children they will be holding for Finale. YOU HAVE TO BE IN ATTENDANCE TO MEET YOUR LITTLE DANCERS SO PLEASE….MAKE ARRANGEMENTS NOW. Temple parents it is imperative that you have your children to Temple on this day so that they can meet the teenagers that will be dancing with them for Finale.

Wednesday, April 27th, 2016 @ Caribou Inn and Convention Center:

The NARFE 39thState Federation Convention is being held at the Caribou Inn and we have been invited to dance for the Veterans at this state convention. I don’t accept invitations to dance often but since this is a state event for our Veterans, I thought this is something we could do to thank our Veterans. We will be dancing at 7:15pm. We want the following groups to dance for this event: TEMPLE, PETITE TROUPE, TINY TROUPE, MINI TROUPE, TROUPE AND COMPANY. We will keep you posted on exactly what songs you will perform that evening. You will need to be at the Inn by 7pm, fully dressed in costume and make-up and ready to perform. Thanks so much for helping us thank our Veterans.

Wall of Names:

Please check the “wall of names” in the waiting area for the correct spelling of your child’s name and class. If it is mis-spelled, please correct it directly on the sheet. I need this done this week as I need to order awards and I also need to get the recital pamphlet together. Thanks for taking the time to do this.

May 9, 2016: Finale Rehearsal,Tumbling Rehearsal and Lighting at C-Pac from 4-6pm.

All dancers and tumblers will come into C-Pac and sit quietly in the auditorium as we organize you. This practice is only for our tumblers, dancers and their Mothers. No siblings, friends or adult males whatsoever will be allowed into this practice. There are 280 dancers/tumblers and all of their moms so we cannot have any more people attending this very important practice. Dancers do not need their costumes at Finale Rehearsal as this is not a dress finale rehearsal but they do need to wear the dance shoes that they will be wearing for Finale (this will be the shoe that you last dance in…if those of you are in taps, please wear either your character shoes, paws, gores, ballet shoes or sneakers). Dancers will arrive by 3:45pm and be ready to perform the finale numbers by 4pm. Tumblers need to arrive at C-Pac by 4:15pm for a 4:30pm start! DO NOT BE LATE! We are doing this a little different this year by running the Finale first and Tumbling second so that there are less people in the audience during the tumbling session. If things run smoothly, dancers should be done by 4:45pm and tumblers should be done by 5:45pm. Please do not just drop off your children; you must wait in C-Pac until we are done with rehearsal. We ask that all Mothers refrain from talking during this rehearsal. All seniors will stay to work out lighting for Once Upon A Time.

May 11, 2016-Full dress rehearsal at C-Pac, 4-7:30pm

This is the most important practice of the year. I will not excuse anyone for any reason for missing this practice. Every dancer must bring all their costumes, shoes and show tights. We will be looking to make sure that all dancers have the appropriate dance tights…we will NOT be bringing show tights with us as we have done in the past….you must purchase your show tights before dress rehearsal. Rehearsal will start at 4pm …and we will try to run through every song just once….try!!! The pizzas will arrive THIS YEAR AT 6PM so that dancers may eat in between their dances…..therefore when we are done finale, everyone will be able to gather their stuff and leave immediately. The dress rehearsal is for DANCERS AND THEIR MOTHERS ONLY!!! WE WILL NOT LET ANYONE ELSE INTO DRESS REHEARSAL FOR ANY REASON. I will not allow siblings into dress rehearsal who are not part of TMDA and there will be no men allowed either. You will be allowed to watch the show in the audience when your child is not dancing but you must be in the music room at least 2 songs before you are scheduled to dance….we cannot be running around looking for you. The DM’s are only in charge of your children when they are in the music room and then in the health room. When your child’s song is done, the DM’s will return all the children back to you in the cafeteria. We will ask you to be quiet at all times in the auditorium while you are watching. It is hard for me to make the adjustments I need to make when there is so much chatter in the auditorium. Please help me keep the children and the PARENTS quiet during all of our rehearsals. All groups must sit together in the cafeteria. We will place signs on the tables in the café so that you will know where your groups will change. Company and Troupe will change in the girl’s locker room and the “older” boys will change in the boy’s locker room near the gym. There will be no men allowed back in the cafeteria area, the music room or the health room at any time during our rehearsals or any of the 3 recitals. Please understand that there are teenage girls changing back there and we do not need the extra worry of having men or boys back in that area at any time. PLEASE ADHERE TO THIS VERY IMPORTANT RULE!! If you have signed up to bring food or drinks to dress rehearsal, please leave them on the long table set up in the back of the cafeteria. No food is allowed in C-Pac so please make sure your children do their snacking in the café only!!! If we all follow these rules, dress rehearsal will be a breeze!!! Remember, dancers do not wear jewelry…I will allow earrings only. All hair must be appropriately done by what has been posted on the website and we do expect our dancers to wear stage make-up…we are putting on a show and this is all part of being a performer. Mothers are encouraged to watch the show as much as possible during the dress rehearsal as Mothers are not allowed to go back and forth from their seats in the auditorium during the three recital performances. This is rude for the audience to have this traffic and it is distracting for our dancers as well. You are either an audience member or a backstage Mom but you cannot be both. Remember to have the order of recital with you while you are in the audience so that you know when you have to have your child back in the cafeteria for his/her next performance. You must have your child back in the cafeteria 3 songs before they have to perform. This way they have time to gather with their group in the cafeteria, wait in the music room, be on hold in the health room and then be ready to go on stage when their music starts. Thanks for your support, we all can do this together and make it fun for our dancers at this is what recital should be, FUN!