Monday, September 13

8:00 AM – 9:00 AMBreakfast / Registration / Networking

9:00 AM – 9:30 AMWelcome / Opening Remarks / Introductions

Cervantes and Velasquez Room

Chris Gaylord – Emergency Manager, UCSC

George Blumenthal – Chancellor, UCSC

Tom Vani – Vice-Chancellor, Business & Administrative Services, UCSC

Bob Charbonneau – Emergency Services Coordinator, UCOP

9:30 AM – 10:30 AMGeneral Session – Case Study: UCSC Kerr Hall Occupation

Cervantes and Velasquez Room

Tom Vani – Vice-Chancellor, Business & Administrative Services, UCSC

Elaine Rivas – Business Continuity Planner, UCSC

Peter McMillan – Business & Administrative ServicesITS Divisional Liaison, UCSC

Linda Beaston – Chancellor’s Office Operations Director, UCSC

10:30 AM – 10:45 AMBreak

10:45 AM – 11:45 PMGeneral Session – Campus / Operational Area Coordination

Cervantes and Velasquez Room

Paul Horvat – Emergency Services Manager, County of Santa Cruz

11:45 AM – 1:15 PMLunch

Campus Fire Station

1:15 PM – 2:45 PMGeneral Session – Integrated Action Planning

Cervantes and Velasquez Room

Jeff Trapp – Fire Chief, UCSC

2:45 PM – 3:00 PMBreak

3:00 PM – 5:00 PMGroup Breakouts

  • All Emergency Managers –NFPA 1600 / Mass Notification RFP

Cervantes and Velasquez Room

(Muwekma Ohlone Room available for Medical Center Emergency Managers if needed)

  • Business Continuity Planners–KualiReady & BCP Expanding Role

Amah Mutsun Room

5:00 PMCloseout / Adjournment

Tuesday, September 14

7:00 AM – 8:00 AMBreakfast

8:00 AM – 9:00 AMKeynote Presentation

Cervantes and Velasquez Room

Nicholas Meriwether – Special Collections Archivist, UCSC

9:00 AM – 10:00 AMGeneral Session – Case Study: McHenry Library Fire

Cervantes and Velasquez Room

Virginia Steel – University Librarian, UCSC

Rick Rodewald – Asst. Fire Chief/Fire Marshal, UCSC

Jennifer Yeager – Property & Casualty Coordinator, UCSC

10:00 AM – 10:15 AMBreak

10:15 AM – 10:45 AMDiscussion – Hazard Vulnerability Assessment

10:45 AM – 11:45 AMGroup Breakouts

  • Campus Emergency Managers – Social Networking Implications

Cervantes and Velasquez Room

  • Medical Center Emergency Managers – Exercises & UC Ready

Muwekma Ohlone Room

  • Business Continuity Planners – Plan Completion & Quality Control

Amah Mutsun Room

11:45 AM – 1:15 PMLunch

Campus Fire Station

1:15 PM – 1:45 PMClosing General Remarks

Cervantes and Velasquez Room

Bob Charbonneau – Emergency Services Coordinator, UCOP

Chris Gaylord – Emergency Manager, UCSC

1:45 PM – 3:00 PMGroup Breakouts

  • Campus Emergency Managers – Campus Updates

Cervantes and Velasquez Room

  • Medical Center Emergency Managers – MOU, Emergency Caches Disaster Tracking

Muwekma Ohlone Room

  • Business Continuity Planners – Best Practices & Marketing

Amah Mutsun Room

All DayTechnology Showcase / Attendee Business Services (e-mail, etc.)

Esselen Nation Conference Room
