Change Proposal Circular
To / BSC Change Administrators (BCA)/ Party Agent Change Administrators (PACA)
No. / CPC00603
Purpose / For Consultation
From / Change Delivery
Date / 30 March 2007

Impact Assessment of DCP0004, DCP0005, DCP0006, CP1166 v2.0 and CP11801180 v2.0

In CPC00603 there are 3 Draft Change Proposals (DCPs) and 2 Change Proposals (CPs) for Impact Assessment by your organisation.

Listed below are the DCPs for Impact Assessment:

DCP no. / Title / Task Area
DCP0004 / Changes to BSCP14 ‘Processing of Manifest Error Claims’ to comply with the BSC. / CVA and SVA
DCP0005 / The Review of Code of Practice 4 / CVA and SVA
DCP0006 / Changes to BSCP515 ‘Licensed Distribution’ to remove non functional information and add clarity / SVA

For details on the expected impacts for each DCP on participants, please refer to the DCP Participant Impact Matrix via the following link:

Listed below are the CPs for Impact Assessment;

CP no. / Title / Task Area
CP1166 v2.0 / Changes to allow use of inbound communications for CoP5 Metering / SVA
CP1180 / Confirmation of Metering status in the Non Half Hourly Market / SVA

For details on the expected impacts for each CP on participants, please refer to the CP Participant Impact Matrix via the following link:

Please note the contents of the DCP and CP Participant Impact Matrices may not be exhaustive. Please carefully review the attached DCPs and CPs to determine if they are likely to have an impact on your organisation.

Draft Change Proposals (DCPs) for Impact Assessment

DCP0004 – Changes to BSCP14 ‘Processing of Manifest Error Claims’ to comply with the BSC

DCP0004 was raised by ELEXON on 30 March 2007. DCP0004 seeks to make changes to BSCP14 ‘Processing of Manifest Error Claims’ to bring it in line with the BSC and address a number of typographical errors that have been found.

BSCP14 does not adequately define the processing of a Manifest Error claim raised by a Lead Party or the Transmission Company, which could lead to the incorrect processing of Manifest Error claims.

The proposed changes to BSCP14 would ensure that the BSCP has a better definition of a “Manifest Error” as written in section Q of the Code, thereby preventing any misinterpretation of the range of items to be included in a Manifest Error.

DCP0005 – The Review of Code of Practice 4

DCP0005 was raised by ELEXON on 30 March 2007 and details the review process of Code of Practice (CoP) 4 and the suggested changes to the document that have come out of the review process.

Code of Practice (CoP)4 ‘Code of Practice for the Calibration, Testing and Commissioning Requirements of Metering Equipment for Settlement Purposes’ sets out the requirements for ensuring that Metering Equipment is installed to accurately measure energy transfers throughout the Metering System’s lifetime at the Defined Metering Points as set out in the relevant metering Codes of Practices.

In 2005 members of the Supplier Agent Forum (SAF) requested a review of CoP4 on the grounds that CoP4 has not been reviewed or changed substantively for over 10 years. Since the time Meter technology and standards technology has advanced sufficiently to warrant a review of their calibration periods. The requirements of the new version of CoP4 will better reflect the current market/environment and provide a more cost effective balance between monitoring Metering System accuracy and the impact inaccuracies may have on Settlement.

As part of your response please provide answers to the following questions:

1. Do you believe the type of seal used to seal a Meter after it has been calibrated needs to be specified as a Settlement seal or can the test facility provide its own sealing arrangements of any type?

2. Do you believe that the sealing arrangements as detailed in Q1 should be specified in CoP4 or BSCP06 and BSCP514 and why?

3. Do you believe a minimum period for replacing/adjusting and re-calibrating Meters/Meters with integral Outstations found to be outside the accuracy limits needs to be separately specified in CoP4 or aligned with existing Meter fault processes as described in BSCP06 and BSCP514?

DCP0006 – Changes to BSCP515 ‘Licensed Distribution’ to remove non functional information and add clarity

DCP0006 was raised by ELEXON on 30 March 2007. The DCP seeks to add clarity and remove unnecessary information from BSCP515 to make it easier for Licensed Distribution System Operators (LDSOs) to understand their obligations.

DCP0006 proposes that BSCP515 is updated to remove unnecessary sections which simply reference processes set out in other BSCPs and that the remaining sections are clarified where necessary. Attachment A contains the proposed redline document changes to BSCP515. Please review the redline document and provide any comments regarding the proposed changes as part of your organisations assessment.

Change Proposals (CPs) for Impact Assessment

CP1166 v2.0 – Changes to allow use of inbound communications for CoP5 Metering

Currently Code of Practice (CoP) 5 assumes that any communication between a central system and a Meter is done using an ‘outbound’ approach - the central system initiates the Meter communication. Smart Metering will use an ‘inbound’ communications approach – the meters will be automatically sending data to the central systems via Short Message Service (SMS) without any required prompt; hence any Smart Meter would not conform to CoP5.

CP1166 proposes to modify areas of CoP5 to allow this ‘inbound’ approach to be regarded as a legitimate method of communication for CoP5 meters. Changes are also proposed to BSCP502 to ensure that data received from smart meters via this route can be used within the HH Settlement processes. Please note that the changes will not remove outbound communications and are only intended to make the inbound communication approach another legitimate way of communicating between Meter and central system.

CP1166 v1.0 was issued for participant Impact Assessment as part of CPC00575. Version 2 seeks to address comments raised by respondents to CPC00574 and provide further clarity on the proposed change. The CP also includes the proposed redline document changes to CoP5 and as your part of your assessment your organisation should review and provide any comments regarding the proposed changes.

The estimated ELEXON implementation cost is £1540. This change should be implemented such that the new requirements would be effective for all Metering Systems registered or re-registered to CoP5 on or after the Implementation Date of the Change Proposal. CP1166 v2.0 is targeted at the November 2007 Release.

CP1180 – Confirmation of Metering status in the Non Half Hourly Market

CP1180 was raised on 16 October 2006 by ELEXON as a result of the Energisation and Metering Status Working Group and seeks to address incorrect energisation statuses in the Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS) databases. The Energisation and Metering Status Working Group concluded that the main issue for the Non Half Hourly Metering Systems is that energisation status information is not being passed to Suppliers, especially when no Meters are present. In the case of ‘No Meter Present’ the Data Transfer Catalogue (DTC) specifies that the D0150 should be sent, however the Group believed this is not being done in many cases.

CP1180 proposes that a new section be added to BSCP514 – ‘SVA Meter Operation for Metering Systems registered in SMRS’ to describe the NHH Change of Supplier (CoS) processes, where not linked to a coincident Change of Agent (CoA). CP1180 also proposes amendments to BSCP514 to ensure a consistent approach when no Meters are present.

CP1180 was issued for participant Impact Assessment as part of CPC00593 in November 2006, it is being re-issued with the associated redline document changes for review. The total estimated ELEXON implementation cost is £2,750. This change should be implemented such that Non Half Hourly Meter Technical Details (D0150s) are sent to recipients during Change of Supplier/Agent events, when no Meters are present from on or after the Implementation Date of the Change Proposal. CP1180 is currently targeted at the November 2007 BSC Systems Release.

Please carry out an Impact Assessment of the attached DCPs/CPs and return your response using the attached forms by 5pm Friday 27 April 2007. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are unable to meet this deadline. Please note lack of any response to a CPC does not indicate a negative response

If you have any queries please contact the ELEXON Helpdesk on 020 7380 4222 or email .

David Barber

Release Planning Analyst

Table of Attachments

Below is a summary of the attached documents to CPC00603 that are relevant to the DCPs and CPs summarised above required to complete and Impact Assessment for each one.

DCP/CP no. / Attached documents
DCP0004 / DCP0004
DCP0005 / DCP0005
DCP0005 Attachment A – Draft CoP4 v1.0
DCP0005 Attachment B – High Level Changes to CoP4 Issue 5 v4.0 Requirements v1.0
DCP0005 Attachment C – Detailed Level Changes to CoP4 Issue 5 v4.0 Requirements v1.0
DCP0006 / DCP0006
DCP0006 Attachment A BSCP515 v4.0 redlined v1.0
CP1166 v2.0 / CP1166 v2.0
CP1166 v2.0 Attachment A
CP1180 / CP1180
CP1180 Attachment A – BSCP514 v9.0 redlined v0.3
CP1180 Attachment B – BSCP537 v1.0 redlined v0.1
Impact Assessment of DCP0004, DCP0005, DCP0006, CP1166 v2.0 and CP1180 / v.1.0
30 March 2007 / Page 12 of 13 / © ELEXON Limited 2007

To: David Barber


Draft Change Proposal Impact Assessment Forms




(delete as appropriate)

Email Address:

Phone No.:

Draft Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / DCP No: / 0004
Title: / Changes to BSCP14 ‘Processing of Manifest Error Claims’ to comply with the BSC
Proposed Change: Please tick where appropriate
Agree Change / Comments
Disagree Change / Reason
Neutral / Comments
Which is your favoured option? (where applicable)
Favoured option / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes:
Yes/ No / Comments
Implementation Notification from when you receive redline text
No. of Days / Comments
Other Comments:
Impact Assessment of DCP0004, DCP0005, DCP0006, CP1166 v2.0 and CP1180 / v.1.0
30 March 2007 / Page 12 of 13 / © ELEXON Limited 2007




(delete as appropriate)

Email Address:

Phone No.:

Draft Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / DCP No: / 0005
Title: / The Review of Code of Practice 4
Proposed Change: Please tick where appropriate
Agree Change / Comments
Disagree Change / Reason
Neutral / Comments
Which is your favoured option? (where applicable)
Favoured option / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes:
Yes/ No / Comments
Implementation Notification from when you receive redline text
No. of Days / Comments
Other Comments:
1. Do you believe the type of seal used to seal a Meter after it has been calibrated needs to be specified as a Settlement seal or can the test facility provide its own sealing arrangements of any type?
2. Do you believe that the sealing arrangements as detailed in Q1 should be specified in CoP4 or BSCP06 and BSCP514 and why?
3. Do you believe a minimum period for replacing/adjusting and re-calibrating Meters/Meters with integral Outstations found to be outside the accuracy limits needs to be separately specified in CoP4 or aligned with existing Meter fault processes as described in BSCP06 and BSCP514?
Impact Assessment of DCP0004, DCP0005, DCP0006, CP1166 v2.0 and CP1180 / v.1.0
30 March 2007 / Page 12 of 13 / © ELEXON Limited 2007
Please review the Redline text for DCP0005 and use the following table to for any comments you have.
Point no. / Location in document (e.g. page and paragraph no.) / Severity Code / Comments by Reviewer

Severity Codes:

H (high): Prejudices document’s conclusions, recommendations or fitness for purpose.

M (medium): Matter of substance, but not high.

L (low): Minor error but document’s intention is clear.




(delete as appropriate)

Email Address:

Phone No.:

Draft Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / DCP No: / 0006
Proposed Change: Please tick where appropriate
Agree Change / Comments
Disagree Change / Reason
Neutral / Comments
Which is your favoured option? (where applicable)
Favoured option / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes:
Yes/ No / Comments
Implementation Notification from when you receive redline text
No. of Days / Comments
Other Comments:
Please review the Redline text for DCP0006 and use the following table to for any comments you have.
Point no. / Location in document (e.g. page and paragraph no.) / Severity Code / Comments by Reviewer

Severity Codes:

H (high): Prejudices document’s conclusions, recommendations or fitness for purpose.

M (medium): Matter of substance, but not high.

L (low): Minor error but document’s intention is clear.

Change Proposal Impact Assessment Forms




(delete as appropriate)

Email Address:

Phone No.:

Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / CP No: / 1166 v2.0
Title: / Changes to allow use of inbound communications for CoP5 Metering
Proposed Implementation Date: / November 2007 Release
Proposed Change: Please tick where appropriate
Agree Change / Comments
Disagree Change / Reason
Neutral / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes: Please tick where appropriate
Yes / Comments
No / Comments
Implementation Notification from when you receive redline text.
No. of Days / Comments
Other Comments:
Impact Assessment of DCP0004, DCP0005, DCP0006, CP1166 v2.0 and CP1180 / v.1.0
30 March 2007 / Page 12 of 13 / © ELEXON Limited 2007
Please review the Redline text for CP1166 v2.0 and use the following table to for any comments you have.
Point no. / Location in document (e.g. page and paragraph no.) / Severity Code / Comments by Reviewer

Severity Codes:

H (high): Prejudices document’s conclusions, recommendations or fitness for purpose.

M (medium): Matter of substance, but not high.