To: All Members of the Highways andTransport Cabinet Panel
Executive Members for (1) Highways & Transport and (2) Environment and Community Safety
Director Environment & Commercial Services / From: Legal and Member Services
Ask for: Adrian Service
Ext: 25564
My Ref: AS
Your Ref:
D Andrews, N Bell, P J Bibby (Vice – Chairman), R F Cheswright, G R Churchard,
M Cowan, W E Eynon, J Fraser, S B A F H Giles – Medhurst, J K Maddern, S O‘Brien,
S J Pile (Chairman), I M Reay, W A Storey, A D Williams.
Also in Attendance
D A Ashley, G F Button and P A Ruffles.
R Smith - Lead Officer - Assistant Director Environment (Transport Management)
C Allen – Smith - Service Manager (Asset Management & Maintenance, Herts Highways
P Donovan - Team Leader - Strategic Land Use & Transport Planning, Environment & Commercial Services Dept.
J Prince - Network Manager (Strategy), Herts Highways
S Rothberg - Asset Manager (Highways), Transport Programmes & Strategies Unit, Herts Highways
A Service - Democratic Services Officer
J Sykes - Integrated Transport Services Manager, Environment & Commercial
Services Dept.
K White - Passenger Transport (Special Projects) Officer, Environment & Commercial Services Dept.
a) East Coast Main Line Rail Operator (Item 1 c)) - 6 September 2011
In response to a question, the Executive Member for Highways & Transport stated that he had written to the East Coast Main Line Operators drawing their attention to the invitation to continue discussions concerning the 2012 timetable at a future Panel meeting and to date no response had been received.
It was suggested that the letter sent to the Managing Director should be sent to the Chairman, who it was felt would be more likely to respond.
b) Future School Transport Network (Item 3) - 6 September 2011
Stephen Giles - Medhurst commented that the Minutes did not state that he had moved the proposals (contained at the bottom of page 4) that consideration be given to i) larger vehicles being used and ii) some transitional financial support being given to low income families facing increased fares.
c) Highways Locality Budgets (Item 4) - 6 September 2011
The Executive Member for Highways & Transport updated the Panel that he had / would be attending the current round of meetings of the 10 Highways Joint Member Panels to discuss what was proposed as part of the Highways Locality Budget scheme and in particular obtain feedback on the work of Highways Joint Member Panels [HJMPs] and their possible replacement. He stated that general feedback to date was that HJMPs had generally worked well and why were they being replaced. He felt that whilst some HMJPs worked better than others they had had their day and there was now a need to move on. Successor bodies would be more inclusive, perhaps all having a standard core but could have varying arrangements for what they considered, taking account of local needs / desires.
d) Winter Maintenance Service Operational Plan for 2011 / 12 – Salt Bin and Self Help Provision (Item 5) - 6 September 2011
The Executive Member for Highways & Transport, in response to a comment concerning the lack of information about slips and trips accidents, stated that he had been supplied with some data and was happy to share it with Panel Members.
He stated that there were currently in excess of 1,000 salt bins in Hertfordshire, 120 of which were located on precautionary salting routes and there was a desire to reduce the total number to 1,000. He drew Members attention to the letter / E mail sent to all County Councillors advising of the review of salt bins being undertaken and seeking suggestions of salt bins within 5 metres of the priority treated network which could be redeployed or permanently removed.
e) Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (Item 6) 6 September 2011
The Assistant Director Environment (Transport Management) stated he would ascertain and advise Malcolm Cowan of the location of the charging station in Welwyn Garden City.
That the Minutes of the Panel meeting held on 6 September 2011 were approved as a correct record.
The Panel Chairman advised that a petition from residents of Watford had been received and would be presented at today’s meeting.
Stephen Giles – Medhurst presented a petition on behalf of 297 Watford residents requesting the addition of Grosvenor Road, Queens Place, part of Gladstone Road and Stanley Road, Watford to the precautionary salting route in order to assist safe access and exiting to the Social Services establishment in Newton Price, the shopping parade and the Central Primary School. He stated that the current precautionary salting arrangements covered the access roads to these premises but as a consequence of one way traffic flow systems, egress movements were by Grosvenor Road, Stanley Road, Gladstone Road and Queens Place which were not part of the current precautionary salting route.
The Panel Chairman stated that officers would be requested to investigate the issue
and report back to him, the Panel Group Spokesmen and petitioners on what action should now be taken.
[Officer contact : John Sykes tel : 01992 556118]
The Assistant Director Environment (Transport Management) advised of changes to bus services and financial savings that had achieved which included additional savings of £0.5m with a potential early saving of £0.3m relating to the 800 routes.
He outlined potential further bus service changes and savings of £700,000 [detailed in Appendix 1 of the submitted agenda report] that had been identified which may need to be considered at a later stage. The Home to School Transport scheme also involved bus services being reviewed with the impact on bus services not being realised until September 2012.
The Executive Member for Highways & Transport stated that no decisions had been taken on the further changes identified and he welcomed any comments the Panel may have on future bus services which could be borne in mind should the need for further savings arise to meet any shortfall in overall resources in 2014 / 15.
The following views were expressed by Panel members : -
· Nigel Bell stated that he and the Labour Group were opposed to any further reductions to bus services including those identified in Appendix 1 of the submitted agenda report.
· Stephen Giles – Medhurst stated that with the exception of Bus Service 658
St Albans to Borehamwood where the withdrawal of the service would still mean
a bus service operating between the two places by another service, he was opposed to any further reductions to bus services including those identified in Appendix 1.
· Panel Members felt that given additional efficiency savings of £0.8 m had already been achieved the need for the further reductions as identified in Appendix 1 were questioned as they could lead to the more vulnerable residents of Hertfordshire losing a link to nearby villages and towns.
· Malcolm Cowan had no problem with changes to bus services which only resulted in efficiency savings. Sunday services especially those involving local hospitals should be retained. Often residents were able to make outgoing journeys but return journeys at convenient times were sometimes difficult and future services should provide reasonable outgoing and return journeys.
· David Andrews raised concerns about reducing Sunday evening services and Bank Holiday services. In some areas this would only leave the 700 routes which would be totally inappropriate for many rural areas, so he did not support the proposals.
The Integrated Transport Services Manager, Environment & Commercial Services Department gave details of the work undertaken in reviewing bus services which had included a desk top Equalities impact Analysis. He stated that at 31 March 2011 there had been 130 route changes which had proved to be a significant challenge to manage.
The Executive Member for Highways & Transport expressed appreciation to the Passenger Transport Unit for a doing the difficult job of reviewing bus services
having regard to the community need of the services. He observed the need to keep an eye on current services and wherever possible to drive out as much efficiency savings as possible which could then be used to top up the existing network.
The Executive Member for Education & Skills expressed her pleasure that additional efficiency savings had been achieved which was commendable and negotiations with bus operators had been helpful.
The Panel
a) noted the update on the bus routes and the additional savings of £0.5m and the early savings of £0.3m achieved since November 2010.
b) as a consequence of the additional savings already achieved, the further potential bus service changes and savings of £700,000 during 2013/14 identified [detailed in Appendix 1 of the submitted agenda report] be not sought.
c) agreed that officers continue to look for any further efficiency savings, not involving service reductions.
[Officer contact: Jon Prince tel: 01707 356569]
The Assistant Director Environment (Transport Management) advised that as a consequence of change in government guidance and the police approach towards temporary road closures to assist the holding of public events such as street parties, a rationalised and revised approach and procedures to deal with applications for such road closures was proposed.
It was noted that public events such as processions, carnivals and remembrance parades were dealt under the Town Police Clauses Act powers involving the police and the appropriate District / Borough Council.
He stated in accordance with legislation the Council were able to recover its reasonable costs in making temporary road closures and it was proposed to recommend the Council’s Cabinet to consider introducing a scale of charges for differing events having regard to the roads that would be affected.
In response to a question, it was noted that District / Borough Councils tended not to charge organisations for temporary road closures made under the Town Police Clauses Act.
The Network Manager (Strategy), Herts Highways stated that road closures processed under the Road Traffic Regulation Act (RTRA) 1984 needed to be received
3 months ahead of the proposed event where bus routes on the road(s) concerned existed so that appropriate arrangements for bus services could be made.
In response to questions it was noted that currently there were not a high number of applications for temporary closures under Section 16A of the RTRA 1984 for street parties and the waiving of the proposed administration fee to charitable organisations would not result in significant income being lost. In many instances the cost incurred in recovering the fee proved to be in excess of the fee.
The view was expressed that should roads be closed for filming, the applicants requesting the closure should be expected to meet reasonable costs. Instances were quoted where vehicles involved with filming had been parked on footways and greater incidences of this could lead to footway damage being caused.
The Panel agreed that the Cabinet be recommended to adopt the following arrangements and charges for temporary road closures : -
a) Where the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 is still a suitable method of facilitating road closures for an event this should be used by the relevant district / borough council.
b) For other activities such as sporting events, social events and entertainments, or where the district is unable to proceed under Town Police Clauses Act 1847, the County Council should facilitate closures under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
c) Small events for private parties be classified as ‘community events’ and qualify for a minimal administration fee. The proposed administration fee of £50 for community closures be waived in all instances.
d) For national events, such as royal celebrations, then a multiple event order is created for multiple community events and the administration fee be waived.
e) Public Liability insurance be recommended for community events/street parties, and a condition for all other events.
f) That Section 16A of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 be used to allow filming on the highway, based on best practice, whilst further clarification from the Department for Transport be sought.
g) 'Light touch' safety advice should be provided to event organisers either as part of the application pack or on HertsDirect.
h) No administration charge be made for registered charities promoting road closures for suitable events on the highway.
i) Based on the recovery of the Council’s reasonable costs associated with processing closure applications, the following charges be made :
1) for small community events or events for registered charities with minimal disruption on no through roads, cul-de-sac type roads, daylight hours only a £50 administration fee. However, in view of the relatively low number of these events, the social cohesion benefits associated with them and the costs associated with the collection of such a fee, the fee be waived;
2) for medium scale events with minimal disruption or small events with some disruption, such as through roads but not bus routes and also to cover events during the hours of darkness, and where no advertising is required, a charge of £424 to cover staff costs; and
3) for events where it is necessary to advertise temporary Traffic Regulation Orders, such as closures that affect a bus route or a Traffic Sensitive Street as defined under the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991, a charge of £1024.
[Officer contacts: Simon Rothberg tel: 01707 356574
Chris Allen – Smith tel : 01707 356573]
The Assistant Director Environment (Transport Management) updated the Panel on the development of the proposed new footway network survey and strategy for the maintenance and management of Hertfordshire’s Footways.
Nigel Bell commented at the last Watford Highways Joint Member Panel meeting the main talking points had been the condition of footways and greater priority being given for future footway works. The Executive Member for Highways & Transport stated that County Councillors could use their locality budgets to fund footway maintenance / improvement works desired.