

Jennifer L. Gerner

Work:Department of Policy Home: 103Midway Road

Analysis and ManagementIthaca, N.Y.14850

and College of Human Ecology(607) 257-6086

295 MVR


Ithaca, New York14853-4401

(607) 255-5969



B. A. University of Wisconsin, Madison

1970Major - Economics

Ph.D.University of Wisconsin, Madison, Economics




2006Special Advisor to Vice President for Student and Academic Services

1997 -

2004Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Administration, College of Human Ecology, CornellUniversity

1994 - 97Assistant Dean for Undergraduate and Graduate Education,

College of Human Ecology, CornellUniversity

1994 -

presentProfessor, Policy Analysis and Management,


1980 94Associate Professor, Consumer Economics and Housing,


1981 82Postdoctoral Fellow, NationalOpinionResearchCenter, University of Chicago

1974 - 80Assistant Professor, Consumer Economics and Housing, CornellUniversity

1972 74Research Analyst, Department of Industry, Labor, and Human Relations, State of Wisconsin

1970 - 72Graduate Assistant, Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin, Madison

1968 - 70Research Associate, Intergovernmental Research Associates, Madison, WI


Journal Articles, Book Chapters, Book Reviews

and Dean Lillard, “Family Composition and College Choice: Does it Take Two Parents to Go to the Ivy League?” Journal of Higher Education. Nov/Dec 1999.

and Catherine Montalto, “The Effect of Expected Changes in Marital Status on Labor Supply Decisions of Women and Men,” Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, Vol. 29, 1997.

. "Diversity and Life Experience," Applied Anthropology, Fall, 1994.

and Li Min Hsueh, "Effect of Thermal Improvements in Housing on Residential Energy Demand," Journal of Consumer Affairs, Summer, 1993 Vol. 27, no. 1.

. "Review of When the Bough Breaks by Sylvia Hewlett," ILR Review, October 1992, Vol. 46, no. 1.

and James Reschovsky. "Contraceptive Choice Among Teenagers: A Multivariable Analysis," Lifestyles, Summer, 1991.

, Catherine Phillips Montalto and W. Keith Bryant. "Work Patterns and Marital Status Change, Lifestyles, Spring, 1990.

. "Comments on Hunt's Paper on Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction," E. Scott Maynes and the ACCI Research Committee, editors, Frontier of Research in the Consumer Interest, 1988.

. "Product Safety: A Review," E. Scott Maynes and the ACCI Research Committee, editors, Frontier of Research in the Consumer Interest, 1988.

and Cathleen Zick. "Family Composition and Investment in Household Capital: Contrasts in the Behavior of Husband-Wife and Female-Headed Households," Journal of Consumer Affairs, Summer 1987.

. "Review of Investing in Children by Thomas Espenshade," Contemporary Sociology, Fall 1986.

and Cathleen Zick. "Time Allocation Decisions on TwoParent Families," Home Economics Research Journal, December 1983.

and W. Keith Bryant. "The Demand for Service Contracts," Journal of Business, July 1982.

and W. Keith Bryant. "Television Use by Adults and Children: A Multivariate Analysis," Journal of Consumer Research, September 1981.

and W. Keith Bryant. "Warranties as a Market Signal?" Journal of Consumer Affairs, Summer 1981.

and W. Keith Bryant. "Demand for Repair Service During Warranty," Journal of Business, October 1980.

and W. Keith Bryant. "The Price of a Warranty," Journal of Consumer Affairs, Summer 1978.

Proceedings and Miscellaneous Publications

and Jieyu Li, "Grocery Shopping Strategies: Evaluation and Recommendation," Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of the American Council of Consumer Interests, April 1994.

and Peter Zorn, An Analysis of Variations in Food Consumption Across Household Types. Final Report HNIS, USDA, 1993.

, Daigh Tufts, and Jere Haas. "The Economics of Nutrition of U.S. Low Income Households," Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meetings of the American Council of Consumer Interests, April 1987.

and Li-Min Hsueh. "The Impact of Energy Conservation Decisions on Household Energy Use," Proceedings of the International Meetings of the International Association of Energy Economists, 1986.

. "Simultaneous Equations: A Primer." Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the American Council on Consumer Interests, 1985.

, W. Keith Bryant and Ursula Henze. "Estimating Household Production Functions: A Case Study," Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the American Council on Consumer Interests, March 1983.

and Cathleen Zick. "Family Composition and Stock Adjustment Patterns: Comparisons Between Husband-Wife and Female-Headed Households," Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the American Council on Consumer Interests, March 1983.

W. Keith Bryant. "The Economics of Warranties," Consumer Research for Consumer Policy: Proceedings of a Conference, NSF/RA 780027, 1978.

and Susan M. Watkins. "Responsibility for Product Safety: Legal and Ethical Issues," Human Ecology Forum, Summer 1988.

. "Variations of a Theme of Family Income," Human Ecology Forum, 15(2):9-11, 1985.

. "Distribution of Energy: When Prices Go Up," Human Ecology Forum, Winter 1978.

. "Problems of Community Growth and Decline," Human Ecology Forum, Summer 1978.

Working Papers

______and Dean Lillard, “Lemonade from Lemons? Making the Most of Quasi-Exogenous Variation in Compulsory Schooling Policies” 2007.

______and Dean Lillard, “DoesSchool Performance Increase When Children Enter at Younger Ages?” 2007.

and Dean Lillard, “ A Comparison of the Impact of Family Composition on College Choice Between 1972 and 1982.”

______and Dean Lillard, “Family Composition and College Choice,”

and Kenneth A. Couch, "The Relationship of Family Structure and Ethnicity to Measured Cognitive Ability: An Intergenerational Analysis."

and Peter M. Zorn, "Incorporating the Permanent Income Hypothesis into Applied Studies of Disaggregate Demand."


and Cathleen Zick. "Changing Roles of Men and Women," Final Report to National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, October 1983.

and W. Keith Bryant. Chapter V, "Future Analysis," in Warranties Rules Consumer Baseline Study, Final Report, Contract L0221 FTC, 1979.

and W. Keith Bryant. "Appliance Warranties: Provisions and Changes Over Time," Consumer Durables: Warranties, Service Contracts and Alternatives, Vol. II, Appliance Warranties and Service Contracts: Description, Pricing and Legal Aspects, MIT, Center for Policy Alternatives, CPA7814, Vol. II, December 1978.

and W. Keith Bryant. "The MagnusonMoss Act, FTC Rules and Major Appliance Warranties," Consumer Durables: Warranties, Service Contracts and Alternatives, Vol. II, Appliance Warranties and Service Contracts: Description, Pricing and Legal Aspects, MIT, Center for Policy Alternatives, CPA7814, Vol. II, December 1978.

and W. Keith Bryant. "Hedonic Price Analysis of Major Appliance Warranties," Consumer Durables: Warranties, Service Contracts and Alternatives, Vol. II, Appliance Warranties and Service Contracts: Description, Pricing and Legal Aspects, MIT, Center for Policy Alternatives, CPA7814, Vol. II, December 1978.

and W. Keith Bryant. "The Recent Television Purchaser Survey: A Descriptive Analysis," Consumer Durables: Warranties, Service Contracts and Alternatives, Vol. III, Appliance Warranties and Service Contracts: Consumer Experience, MIT, Center for Policy Alternatives, CPA7814/Vol. III, December 1978.

and W. Keith Bryant. Chapter IV, "Sales Weighting of Automobile Warranty Provisions," in Warranty Rules Content Analysis, Final Report, Contract No. L0221, FTC, 1978.

______and W. Keith Bryant. "Warranties and Service Contracts: A Preliminary Analysis of Provisions, Prices and Costs," Consumer Durables: Warranties, Service Contracts and Alternatives, NSF-RANN, Report No. CPA-76-1, Center for Policy Alternatives, MIT, January 1976.

. Wisconsin Maternity Leave and Fringe Benefits: Policies, Practices and Problems, Final Report, Grant No. DL 21-55-734-22, U. S. Department of Labor, Manpower Administration, 1974.

Papers Presented

Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Washington, D.C., November 2005, “DoesSchool Performance Increase When Children Enter at Younger Ages?” (with Dean Lillard).

Population Association of America, Phildelphia, March 2005, “DoesSchool Performance Increase When Children Enter at Younger Ages?” (with Dean Lillard).

Population Association of America, New Orleans, May 1996,” Family Composition and College Choice: Does it Take Two Parents to Go to the Ivy League?” (with Dean Lillard).

Population Association of America, San Francisco, California, April 1995, "The Relationship of Family Structure and Ethnicity to Measured Cognitive Ability: An Intergenerational Analysis," (with Kenneth A. Couch).

American Council on Consumer Interests, Minneapolis, Minn., April 1994, "Grocery Shopping Strategies: Evaluation and Recommendation," (with Jieyu Li).

Population Association of America, Denver, Colorado, May 1992. "Anticipation of Divorce and Remarriage," (with Catherine Phillips Montalto).

Poster Session, AHEA Pre-Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio (with Catherine Phillips Montalto, and W. Keith Bryant) June 1989.

S-206 Annual Meeting, Mountain Lake, VA., "Work Patterns and Marital Status Change," (with Catherine Phillips Montalto and W. Keith Bryant) October 1988.

S-206 Annual Meeting, Charleston, S.C., "Marital Transitions and Time Use" (with W. Keith Bryant) November 1986.

American Economic Association Annual Meetings, New Orleans, LA, "Incorporating the Permanent Income Hypothesis into Applied Studies of Disaggregate Demand" (with Peter Zorn) December 1986.

American Council on Consumer Interests Annual Meetings, Denver, CO, "Food Demand and Nutrition Among the Poor," (with Daigh Tufts and Jere Haas) April 1987.

International Association of Energy Economists, International Meetings, Tokyo, "Impact of Energy Conservation Decisions on Household Energy Use," (with Li-Min Hsueh) June 1986.

American Council on Consumer Interests, Fort Worth, Texas, "Simultaneous Equations: A Primer," March 1985.

Population Association of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota, "The Impact that Children Have on Parents' Time Allocation Decisions," May 1984.

American Council on Consumer Interests, Kansas City, Missouri, presented two papers: "Estimating Household Production Functions: A Case Study," (with W. Keith Bryant and Ursula Henze); and "Family Composition and Stock Adjustment Patterns: Comparisons Between Husband-Wife and Female-Headed Households," (with Cathleen Zick) March 1983.

Population Association of America, Pittsburgh, PA, "Family Composition and Investment in Household Capital: Contrasts in the Behavior of Husband-Wife and Female-Headed Households," (with Cathleen Zick) April 1983.

"Labor Supply and Family Formation," Econometric Society meetings, Washington, D.C., December 1981.

"Cross-Substitution Effects, Selectivity and Family Labor Supply," Econometric Society meetings, Denver, (with Olivia Mitchell and Cathleen D. Zick) September 1980.

"The Value of Non-Market Time: Some New Estimates," Eastern Economic Association meetings, Montreal, (with Olivia Mitchell and Cathleen D. Zick) May 1980.

"The Demand for Repair Service During Warranty," Econometric Society meetings, Chicago, (with W. Keith Bryant) August 1978.

"The Market for Appliance Warranties," American Agricultural Economics Association summer meetings, San Diego, (with W. Keith Bryant) August 1977. Presented also at the Federal Trade Commission, 1978.

"The Price of a Warranty," Conference on Consumer Research for Consumer Policy, MIT, Cambridge, MA (with W. Keith Bryant) July 1977.

"Product Liability and Product Warranties," Seminar on Consumer Policy, PurdueUniversity, W. Lafayette, Indiana, July 1977.

Research Grants

“Early Gains to Early Education: A Quasi-Natural Experiment” NIH R03 with Dean Lillard, NIH 2006-2008.

"The Interaction of Legal, Economics and Ethical Approaches to the Design and Use of Protective Clothing for Consumer Safety," College of Human Ecology Grants, 1989-90 (with Susan Watkins).

"Analysis of Variations in Food Consumption Across Household Types and Over Time," Human Nutrition Information Service, USDA, 1987-90 (with Peter M. Zorn and Francis E. Thompson).

"Determinants and Outcomes of Household Time Use," Hatch Regional Project S-206, 1986-90 (with W. Keith Bryant).

"Servicing Consumer Products," Hatch, 1986-88 (with W. Keith Bryant).

"Implications of Marital Transitions for Children in Urban and Rural Households," (with W. Keith Bryant), Hatch, 1983-87.

"Changing Roles of Men and Women," National Institute for Child Health and Human Development, Grant No. NICHD-SBS-81-5, 1980-83.

"The Economics of Household Behavior," Hatch Act Funds, USDA, 1976-81.

"The Consumer Economics of Warranties and Service Contracts," National Science Foundation, Research Applied to National Needs, APR 75-01261, 1976.

"Black Female Labor Force Participation and Residential Location," College of Human Ecology Small Grants, 1975.

"Wisconsin Maternity Leave and Fringe Benefits: Policies, Practices, and Problems," Grant No. DL 21-55-73-22, U. S. Department of Labor, Manpower Administration, 1974.

Professional Activities

Editorial Board, Lifestyles, 1985-1990

Editor, Consumer Close-Ups, 1984-1985.

Professional Service

Member, Review Panel for USDA, 1999.

Chair, S-206 Technical Committee, 1988-90.

S-206 Publications Committee 1986-88.

Reviewer, ACCI Annual Meeting 1989-1991.

Awards Committee, American Council on Consumer Interests, 1985-86.

Reviewer for:

Journal of Consumer Research

Journal of Consumer Affairs

Journal of Human Resources


Journal of Econometrics

National Science Foundation

ACCI Annual Conference Papers


Consultant to various lawyers on issues involving wrongful death and personal injury, 1993- present.

Consultant to Quaker Oats, Marketing Research, 1990-1993.

Panel Member, NICHD grant to Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin Family Survey Design, 1986.

Consultant to the Attorney General, State of Maine, case concerning service contracts and warranties, 1984-85.

Consultant to Arthur Young and Company. Evaluation of Magnuson-Moss Warranty Regulations, 1978-79.

Consultant to the Center for Policy Alternatives, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Project: "Consumer Durables, Warranties, Service Contracts, and Alternatives," Fall 1975.

Professional Association Memberships

American Economic Association

Population Association of America

Population Reference Bureau

Association for Public Policy and Management


Courses Taught

Graduate Courses:

CEH 603: Consumption and Demand, 1981-1994

CEH 606: Seminar in Teaching Consumer Economics, 1987-1993

CEH 727: Family Economics, 1976-88.

CEH 604: (Previously CEH 627): Economics of the Household 1976-80

Undergraduate Courses:

PAM 2300: Introduction to Policy Analysis

PAM 280: Critical Perspectives (Team taught with Jennifer Greene)

PAM 3410: Economics and Consumer Law

PAM 3770: Family Policy

HE 110: Explorations in Human Ecology, 1995-1997

CEH 321: Economics of Family Policy-Children, 1993-1996

CEH 320: Family Policy, 1991-1996

CEH 355: Wealth and Income, 1974-80, 1984-1990

CEH 465: Economics and Consumer Law, 1984-present

CEH 325: Economic Organization of the Household, 1981-84

CEH 341: Economics of Housing Demand, 1986-88

CEH 402: Special Project in New York City, 1985-88

Grants in Support of Teaching

“Recruitment and Retention of Underrepresented Minorities,” USDA, 1997-2001.

“Health Care Resources, “ Faculty Fellows in Service, 1993-1994.

and Kenneth Reardon. "Community Service Learning Projects," The President's Fund for Educational Initiatives, 1987-89.

, Nevart Yaglian and Jean R. Robinson. "Teaching Assistant Training in Consumer Economics," President's Fund for Educational Initiatives, 1989-91.

University Committees

Chair, North Campus and College Town Council, 2006 - present

Chair, Institutional Review Board, 2006 – present

Chair, Registrar Roles and Responsibilities, 2007

Faculty Advisory Board, People Soft Implementation 2007 – present

Faculty Advisory Committee on Tenured Appointments 2005-2007, 2008

Executive Sponsors Group for Implementation of the Student Information System, 2002 - present

University Committee on Academic Programs and Policy 1999 - 2006

Advisory Board on Information Technology Policy, 2000 - present

Faculty Advisory Board on Information Technology, 1995 – present, Chair 2000-2002

Search Committee, Associate Provost for Admissions and Enrollment, 1999.

West Campus Planning Committee, 1999 – 2007

Chair, Statewide Program Committee, Economic and Social Well-Being of Households, Cooperative Extension, 1997-2000

Search Committee, Director of Information Technology, Associate Director of Media Services, 1997

Search Committee, Director of Cornell Abroad

Academic Leadership Conference, 1995-present

Faculty Advisory Board, Cornell Presidential Research Scholars, 1997-present

Chair, Residential Communities Committee, 1995-1996

Ad Hoc Committee on Admissions, 1992 - 1994

FCR Affirmative Action Committee 1992 - 1994

Faculty Committee on Campus Life, 1993 - 2000

Cornell - in - Washington Board of Directors, 1988 - present

Search Committee for Director, Cornell - in Washington, 1987 - 1989

Executive Committee, Cornell Program on Ethics and Public Life, 1991 - 2000

Chair, 1993 - 1994

Faculty - in Residence, 1993 - 1997

Faculty Fellow, 1992 - 1993, 1997 - present

General Committee of the GraduateSchool, 1989 - 1993

Secretary, 1991 - 1993

Health Careers Interview Committee, 1992 - 1995

University Hearing Board, 1990 - 1993

Women's Studies Program Board, 1975 - 1983, 1987 - 1993

Steering Committee, 1987 - 1991

Awards Committee, 1987 - 1993

Nominating Committee, 1988 - 1989

Search Committee, 1982 - 1983

Economic Status of the Statutory College Faculty, 1989 - 1992

Ombudsman Search Committee, 1976 - 1977, 1982 - 1983, 1990 - 1991

Liberty Hyde Bailey Fellowship Selection Committee, 1988 - 1993

Chair, 1990

Campus Store Board, 1989 - 1990

CISER Committee on the Data Archive, 1987 - 1990

Ad Hoc Committee on the 125th Anniversary Symposium, 1988 - 1989

Commission on Undergraduate Education, Subcommittee on Curricular Innovation, 1988 - 1989

CISER Computing Committee, 1985 - 1988

Intercollege Task Force on Computing, 1987 - 1988

Ad HocIntercollege Committee on Statistics, 1982 - 1983

College Committees

Member, Committee on Academic Status, 2008 - Present

Chair, Search Committee, Director of the BrofenbrennerLifeCourseCenter, 2003

Administrative Support for Educational Policy Committee, Committee on Academic Status, Directors of Undergraduate Study, Directors of Graduate Study, 1995-2004

Committee on Academic Status, 1992 - 1995

Steering Committee, Life Course Institute, 1991 - 1995

Undergraduate Advising Coordinators , 1993 - 2004

College Teaching Fellow, 1993 - 1995

Search Committee, Field Study Coordinator, 1993

Ad Hoc Planning Committee, Life Course Institute, 1990 - 1991

External Member, DEA Search Committee, 1990 - 1991, 1984 - 1985

Graduate Faculty Representative Committee, 1982 - 1992

College Academic Integrity Hearing Board, Chair, 1989 - 1990

Search Committee, Field Study Director, 1988 - 1989

Ad Hoc Computer Advisory Committee, 1987 - 1989

Educational Policy Committee, 1986 - 1989

Chair, 1987 - 1989

Dean's Search Committee, 1987 - 1988

College GFR Representative to the Health Admissions Committee, 1984 - 1988

Search Committee, Field Study Faculty, 1986 - 1987

College Grants Committee, 1985 - 1987

Chair, 1986 - 1987

College Computer Committee, 1983 - 1985

Chair, Subcommittee on Research Computing, 1983 - 1985

Ad Hoc Research Committee, 1983 - 1985

Editorial Board, Human Ecology Forum, 1984 - 1985

Admissions Policy Committee, 1982 - 1985

Chair, 1983 - 1985

Search Committee, Admissions Assistant Director, 1984 - 1985

Department Committees

Chair, Curriculum Steering Committee, PAM, 1996

Undergraduate Advising Coordinator, 1993 - 1994

Undergraduate Policy Committee, 1993 -94

The Committee (Department Executive Committee), 1993 - 1994

Graduate Faculty Representative, 1982 - 1992

Graduate Advisory Committee, 1975 - 1997

Chair, 1992 -1997

Search Committees

Urban, Consumer Economics, Family Policy, 1990 - 1991, Chair

Urban, Consumer Economics, 1991 - 1992

Consumer Policy Extension, 1991 - 1992

Consumer Policy (2 positions), 1989 - 1991, Chair

Family Economics, 1988 - 1989

Welfare Policy, 1987 - 1988

Social Demography, 1985 - 1987, Chair

Housing, 1984 - 1985, Chair

Consumer Policy, 1981 - 1984

Department Computer Committee, 1984 - 1985

Mentor, Jim Reschovsky, 1990

Mentor, Peter Zorn, 1988

Department Advisory Committee, 1990 - 1992

Seminar Committee, 1984 - 1985

Executive Committee, 1983 - 1984