Newton School Curriculum Coverage 2017/2018

Foundation Stage Teachers: Mrs Evans, Mrs Harris andMrs Southerton

Subject /
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term
Personal, Social and Emotional
Development / Have a positive approach to new experiences.
To become familiar with the school routine.
Show independence in selecting activities. / To show a strong sense of self as a member of the class.
Demonstrate flexibility and adapt their behaviour to different events and changes in routine. / To display high levels of involvement in activities.
Have an awareness of expected behaviour within school.
Develop a positive self-image.
Physical Development / Move freely with pleasure and confidence.
Show some control in using equipment and apparatus.
Engage in activities requiring hand/eye co-ordination. / Demonstrate control.
Show increasing control in using equipment safely.
Explore malleable materials. / Experiment with different ways of moving.
Retrieve, collect and catch objects.
Manipulate materials to achieve a planned effect.
Communication and Language / To begin to listen attentively.
To talk about what they are doing.
To enjoy rhyming and rhythmic activities and to distinguish one sound from another. / To build up a vocabulary that reflects the breadth of their experiences.
To listen to stories with increasing attention and recall.
To respond to instructions involving a two-part sequence. / Begin to take account of others’ views.
To maintain attention, concentrate and sit quietly during appropriate activities.
To use past, present and future forms when talking about events that have happened or are about to happen.
Literacy / To show an interest in print.
To begin to ascribe meanings to marks. / Use writing as a means of communication.
Begin to hear and say initial sounds.
Begin to recognise some familiar words.
Use writing as a means of communication. / Be able to write simple sentences, which can be read by themselves and others.
Hear and say sounds in the order in which they occur.
Blend/segment sounds in words.
Enjoy an increasing range of books.
Mathematics / Sorting and matching
Counting up to 10.
Comparing and ordering numbers.
Working out one more/one less.
Ordering objects by size.
Identifying 2D and 3D shapes.
Comparison of measures.
Using 1p coins. / Ordering numbers given in random order.
Combining two groups of objects.
Counting back.
Using 1p, 2p and 5p coins.
Recognising and continuing patterns.
Comparison of measures.
Days of the week. / Counting beyond 20.
Reading and writing numbers.
Begin to ‘count on’.
Make estimates and predictions.
Count in tens.
Use ordinal numbers.
Begin to use O’clock times.
Solve money problems.
Understanding the World /


Toys and Play

Investigate with construction materials and tools.

Show an interest in ICT.
Recall and talk about things that have happened to them.
Understand who they are. /


Construct with a purpose in mind.
Complete an ICT program.
Notice differences in the environment.
Find out about people in the locality and the jobs that they do.
Understand where they are and where they belong. / Space
Beaches and Seas
Build, construct and adapt their work.
Perform simple functions on the computer.
Observe and identify features in the natural world.
Develop an awareness of different cultures and beliefs.
Expressive Arts and Design / Explore different media and materials.
Enjoy dancing, singing and ring games.
Use resources to create props to support play. / Use particular colours for a purpose.
Construct using blocks to make enclosures and spaces.
Create movement in response to music.
Engage in role-play. / To work creatively and experiment.
Explore the different sounds of instruments.
To play co-operatively, acting out a narrative.