
A list of general safe work practices for hot work tasks is as follows:

Determine the number of electricians required to complete the task.

Is a standby person needed? Emergency communication needed?

An apprentice may never work unsupervised (alone). A journeyman must always be on the premises.

When a worker’s alertness is impaired due to illness, fatigue or other reasons, the worker is prohibited from working in areas containing live parts.

Remove conductive articles worn by the worker such as jewelry. Unrestrained conductive eyeglass frames are prohibited if they pose an electrical hazard.

No blind reaching into energized equipment.

Pre-plan your body positioning to minimize contact with energized parts.

Use two (2) electricians for handling large panel covers and dead fronts with dimensions of 20W x60H and larger.

Test for phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground potential before installing any circuit breaker bus switch, MCC bucket, etc. into an energized or de-energized piece of equipment. Verify component voltage rating is compatible for use.

Use non-conductive “fish” tape or pulling line any time conductors are pulled into energized equipment.

Use rubber blankets and clear PVC insulating sheeting (rated 1 KV) to protect live parts. For example, whenever raceways are added to energized equipment, all exposed bus and energized components shall be covered with an approved insulating material and be physically protected from shavings or dropped materials. Wear appropriate PPE while placing/removing insulating materials and while voltage testing.

Grounding After Testing: Where the possibility of induced voltages or stored electrical energy exists, ground the phase conductors or circuit parts before touching them. Where it could be reasonably anticipated that the conductors or circuit parts being de-energized could contact other exposed energized conductors or circuit parts, apply ground connecting devices rated for the available fault duty.

Are there any possible back-feeds of the circuits?

Provide floor matting (insulated) where deemed necessary by the pre-plan.

Provide adequate lighting to perform task.

Clean up work area to eliminate all tripping hazards.

Cordon off approach boundary. Refer to NFPA 70E table of Hazard Risk Category Classifications for details. Are any unqualified people in the area?

Notify affected people of the work to be performed.

Treat neutrals and grounds with the same care as “hot” phase conductors. Two of the most serious incidents experienced at Staff Electric were the result of mishandled neutrals or grounds.

All hot work incidents must be reported to the Safety Director to investigate possible causes and corrective action.

Additional safety precautions may be needed depending upon the situation. Pre-planning the task by completing the Energized Electrical Work Permit form will uncover these additional items.

Are there any additional safety precautions that you can think of?

SIGN-OFF SHEET: General Safe Work Practices for Hot Work

This sign-off sheet documents the employees who have participated in a training session on General Safe Work Practices for Hot Work. Completed sign-off sheets need to be faxed to (262) 790-1044 or mailed to Kurt Wildner, Safety Director.

Foreman:Job Location:

Date of Training:

P R I N T Name below: Employee Signature

______Staff Electric Company, Inc. General Safe Work Practices for Hot Work [April 2004] 1