We use gift cards from Wal Mart.
This is one of your posts I can actually answer seriously. We are a PBIS
school and reward like there is no tomorrow. We gave out soda, candy...
last year and I knew I didn't want to do that again this year. We have
started a school spirit theme. Everything we can find, we put our name on
it and give it to the kids. We got t-shirts, cups, pens, pencils, rally
towels...anything and everything. The kids love it. It might be because we
are in a new school with a new name, but I think it will work.
Some of the things I've done include:
Allowing students to be first in the lunch line
Extend lunch by a few minutes
Preferred Parking
Free pass to a home game
Many people shared their painless AND painful experiences.
Here are the highlights and low lights...
Dunking booths
Baby Pools full of green Jello in which to dive
Pig Kisses
Pies in Faces
Shaved Heads
Weekly program that has a drawing of students who did not visit the office receiving either a "Sweet Habits" Hershey bar or a "Ring of good behavior" ring pop, 1 per grade level.
A monthly drawing for a "Happy Meal" with the principal for two lucky students.
Entire classes getting to go fishing ( parent help counts as parent contact on School report Card)
Entire classes building giant banana splits in plastic wadding pools
Crazy Hat days for students with no referrals to the office
Cookie day
No Detention convention, using free merchandise from the community, students with no detentions get to draw a wooden nickle that has a prize on written on the back. One red nickle is in the batch that allows the student a choice of a BIG prize, like Playstation, Ipod, or $50.00 cash.
Magician sawing the principal in half
Dressing like the little guy from six flags and releasing 100 balloons from the roof
Ribbon awards, students are given stars as they are doing positive things, the student brings the star to the office to exchange it for a ribbon that they wear the remainder of the day and take home with them.
We give mechanical pencils, first in lunch line, 10 minutes extra internet time, 5 minutes extra for lunch.
How about lunch with the superintendent???
One year I went to the restaurants of Centralia and got discounts for
students who achieved on the ISAT.
One year I found a pilot who utilized the Young Eagle program and any
student who Exceeds got a plane ride.
We created some survivor like games and held an assembly for those students
who didn't have office referrals or eligibility issues. We also held a
dodgeball tournament and allowed the victors to take on the teachers. Again
it was a reward to be on a team.
We have had good luck with fun nights, movie noghts, or other after
school things. they don't infringe upon wellness plans and they don't
carve into the academic day either.
Lunch with the principal. Assist the gym teacher. Read to the
It is a bit expensive to start, but we just started a student lounge this
year. There is a Wii video game, board games and a listening center with
student appropriate music. The students have really enjoyed their lounge
time and are working hard to get there. They receive a "ticket" from the
teacher and I will supervise it before school, after school or during recess
times. I also have parent volunteers come in to supervise at times.
Try homework passes, extra recess, or just free time in the gym. I had a
teacher at my previous school that set up a "listening lounge". She put a
beanbag chair and a lounge-type lawn chair in one corner of the room.
Students could earn time during study hall where they could sit in the
lounge and listed to their CD players or iPods.
The nice thing is they don't cost anything, either.
Movie Passes, ball game admissions, free gasoline ($10), CD's, hallway picture recognition, marquee recognition, front row parking in the student parking lot, skip a homework assignment card, early dismissal for lunch, t-shirts, automatic participation in half time
opportunities for prizes....sometimes cash, movie tickets, t-shirts or a car wash.....
Choice locker location, choice parking spots, use of Ipod in study
hall are a few.
PBIS Rewards and Incentives
· Popsicles
· Popcorn
· Extra recess time
· Ice cream at lunch
· Make your own Sundae
· Little Debbies
· T-Shirts
· Posters
· Frisbees
· Dunking booths
· Baby Pools full of green Jello in which to dive
· Pig Kisses
· Pies in Faces
· Shaved Heads
· Weekly program that has a drawing of students who did not visit the office receiving either a "Sweet Habits" Hershey bar or a "Ring of good behavior" ring pop, 1 per grade level.
· A monthly drawing for a "Happy Meal" with the principal for two lucky students.
· Entire classes getting to go fishing ( parent help counts as parent contact on School report Card)
· Entire classes building giant banana splits in plastic wadding pools
· Crazy Hat days for students with no referrals to the office
· Cookie day
· No Detention Convention, using free merchandise from the community, students with no detentions get to draw a wooden nickle that has a prize on written on the back. One red nickle is in the batch that allows the student a choice of a BIG prize, like Playstation, Ipod, or $50.00 cash.
· Magician sawing the principal in half
· Dressing like the little guy from six flags and releasing 100 balloons from the roof
· Ribbon awards, students are given stars as they are doing positive things, the student brings the star to the office to exchange it for a ribbon that they wear the remainder of the day and take home with them.
We started a program about 4 years ago called the Valuable Vandal program.
Teachers give a student a red card when they are caught going something
positive. The student turns the card into the office and they go into a
container for a drawing. We draw 5 names every other week for prizes.
Students names stay in the container the entire semester unless drawn for a
prize. We sent a letter to local businesses for donations and prizes. Our
response was great, we received everything from gift certificates, free
product, free food, $50 savings bonds from local banks, etc... the average
cost of the prize ranged from $5 to $10. It has been a successful program
for us.
If you would like a copy of the business letter we sent out let me know.
We are giving sports passes for the year and gas cards....
I am not sure what grade levels you are interested in but we spoke with students at our middle school and they shared the following rewards:
~Recess/Movies ( we set up 2 or 3 movie rooms and let them decide)
~Music at lunch in the cafeteria
~Homework passes
~Front of the lunch line passes
~Vouchers for song requests at the next school dance
~VIP Seating at the next all school event
~GuitarHero Contest ( we used our big big screen and a parentbroughtin their guitar hero for
the kids to have a contest)
These do not involve soda, food or candy and they are VERY Costefficient! :-) I hope that this helps.
We schedule a "fun hour" once a month. No food involved. This month the kids rotated through Wii, basketball, and scooters in the gym.