Friday, October 21, 2016

Congratulations to this week’s Conquistadores of the Week: Emil Guzman previously from Team Fusion and currently on Team Odyssey and Kaitlin Ryan previously on Team Genesis and currently on Team Triumph.

Congratulations to Caitlin Costin and Zabrina Bello, the winners of the No Tardy Party. Caitlin and Zabrina will each receive a certificate for $3.00 to spend on goodies at the student store. Keep up the good work!!!

8th grade Honor Society Inductees

If you applied for 8th grade Fall Honor Society, be sure to check the list of inductees posted outside the front officeorat Mrs. Tracy's room 302.

If your name is on this list, please join us todayfor our Fall Induction luncheon in K-hall. Please enter through the main door across from the office at the start of lunch. Join us for pizza and silver medals! See you there!

Fandom Club meets in room 402 at lunch today.

Today in 501 ~ CBG. ~ Come to the meeting today at lunch in room 501. We are planning another event! Come share your willingness to help others. Bring a friend, always looking for new helpers!

Do you play a string instrument like the violin, viola, cello, or double bass? Come play in the Strings Club today at lunch in room 204! Bring your instrument and let's make beautiful music together!

Drama Club

Are you interested in acting? Come to the Drama Club in Room 205 today. Bring a lunch and a friend!

Seco Chess Club meets every Monday at lunch in Mrs. Klipfel’s room 901. Bring a lunch and a friend or come meet new people.

Halloween Dress Guidelines

Halloween Dress Up Day is a privilege afforded to students at Arroyo Seco. In addition to our Student Dress and Grooming Guidelines, student costumes must adhere to the following:

·  Costumes should not discriminate or demean any group regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or special needs.

·  Costumes should be positive and avoid anything that reflects violence or violent acts. Costume selection should be tasteful, mindful of negative trends, and in keeping with a positive school climate.

·  Costumes should not provide a distraction to the school program. i.e., no revealing costumes such as bathing suits, French maid outfits and sleepwear.

·  Weapons and facsimile weapons of any type are not allowed.

·  Costumes must not impair a student’s vision or movement.

·  Face masks, covers, or hoods that cover your face are not permitted.

·  Costumes that would completely hide a student’s identity, i.e., a gorilla suit, are not permitted.

·  Limited face make-up is permitted. Students may not bring costume make-up to school.

No Staff birthdays today