SERVICE ORDER CONTRACT No. w/o registration (code 000043689)
Event Name: Wine Card’2012
Customer: / Represented by
Acting on the basis of
Mailing address: / Phone/fax:
Legal address:
and Executer: OOO Private Security Enterprise Crocus Profi (License for private security services No.986 dated 25.04.2003, issued by State Board of Home Affairs of the Moscow region, valid until 25.04.2011, represented by ZAO “CROCUS INTERNATIONAL”, Krasnogorsk Subsidiary “CROCUS EXPO”, acting on the basis of the Contract No. 02-03/054-06 of March 01, 2006 (Address: Trade & Exhibition Center, building #2, Pavilion II, 65-66 km of MKAD, P.O. Krasnogorsk-4, Krasnogorsk, 143402, Moscow Region, Russian Federation), hereinafter – International Exhibition Center “Crocus Expo” (the EC)
1. CUSTOMER orders and EXECUTOR provides the following security services, in accordance with rates and conditions as per «Services Guide for Services Provided by the Crocus Expo IEC (hereinafter the Services Guide), during the Event period at the EC :

To be drawn up in 4 copies Appendix #4 to Contract № 02-03/054-06 dated 01.03.06

No. / Stand No. and Name / Service No. According to the Services Guide / Number of guards / Dates & time / Duration / Quotient / Cost Rate / Cost of services, RUB, VAT including
from / to
TOTAL AMOUNT DUE, INCLUDING VAT 18%:Value spelled out:
2. The EXECUTOR provides services, acquired by the CUSTOMER upon total amount of the order is transferred to the EXECUTOR. If the order for services is submitted during the Overall Event Period, the rates for services shall be increased by 50% to the rates specified in the Services Guide.
3. Payment under the present Contract shall be made by money transfer to the EXECUTOR’S bank account or by cash against the invoices to the EXECUTOR’S cash department (Trade & Exhibition Center, building #2, Pavilion II, 65-66 km of MKAD, P.O. Krasnogorsk-4, Krasnogorsk, 143400, Moscow Region, Russian Federation) in accordance with existing regulations and limit of cash settlements between the legal bodies fixed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The date of payment is considered to be the date of funds receipt by the EXECUTOR/ at the EXECUTOR’S account.
4. Services are considered to be provided and obligation fulfilled after the full amount is settled and the Certificates of ServicesRendered (Appendix No. 1 to the Service Order Contract, hereinafter the Certificate) is signed by the Parties. If the CUSTOMER fails to sign the Certificate or forward a reasoned objection within 3 days upon services rendering, the Certificate is considered to be approved and the obligations are duly fulfilled. The Certificate is an integral part of the Service Order Contract.
5. The Parties shall bear responsibility under the Contract in accordance with current legislation of the Russian Federation.
6. The EXECUTOR shall not be liable for damages suffered by the CUSTOMER in the following cases:
- The CUSTOMER does not meet the requirements of the “General Terms of Holding an Event at the IEC «Crocus Expo», «Exhibitor Manual» and other rules and regulations effective in the IEC «Crocus Expo»;
- Damage suffered by the CUSTOMER is caused by intentional or reckless acts of the CUSTOMER, or the third parties contracted by the CUSTOMER etc.
7. The Parties shall be discharged from liabilities for partial or complete non-fulfillment of the obligations under the Contract if cased by force-majeure circumstances (Par. 3, Article 401 of the Civil Code of the RF).
8. The order may be arranged by a physical person in case of absence of entity payment data (power of attorney).
On behalf of the customer:
Full Name
______, 201 / On behalf of the executor:
______/ A.E. Zlotnikov/ Power of Attorney # 02-05 dated 01.10.05
Full Name
______, 201
On behalf of ChOP Private Security Enterprise Crocus Profi:
Full Name
«___» ______201