Q: How long have you been doing dance and what is your background?

A: I am a dance teacher and choreographer so dance is my life! It’s all I think about from first thing in the morning until right before I go to bed.

I was passionate about dance from an early age so it was a natural progression for me to start teaching dance. I love that I get to dance every day and share my passion with others.

Q: What does dance mean to you?

A: Dance has always been a really important part of my life - it is about freedom of expression and being able to move with the music is something that I find very calming, it really helps me focus.

For me, dancing is the best form of exercise,especially if you have a busy lifestyle and want to have some fun while doing exercise. Whatever form of dancing you choose, be it solo, with partner or with a group, it is a really awesome way of inching your way to a fitter you and enjoying yourself at the same time.

Q: What are the key benefits ofdance?

A: Dancing is a great way for people of all ages to get in shape and stay in shape. Besides being fun, dancing has many positive health benefits; it helps align your spine, makes your balance stronger, and improves your flexibility. It also strengthens your muscles and stretches your body.

Many people consider dance to be easy, but they have no clue how hard it really is! It burns calories, increases metabolism, and can help reduce stress and tension in the body. Dance is such a social activity and a great way to spend time with friends; I believe that dancing gives you an overall sense of well-being.

Q: What does one of your dancesessions look like?

A: The type of dance class that I enjoy is super fun and has a large mix of different dance styles (with a cool Latin inspired twist)! It’s a high energy activity that delivers well-rounded fitness benefits– inviting women to express themselves through music and movement.

Q: What type of woman is dance fitness aimed at?

A: Anyone can dance – even if some women think they can’t, they can! Dance is all about inviting people to express themselves through music and movement. When I teach, I have a wide range of women from practiced dancers to women trying it for the first time. Age ranges vary, it tends to depend on what time of the day! If I’m teaching in the morning I get more of the mom age group; when I’m teaching in the evening I get the younger crowd.

Q: Why is the FW13 collection great for dance?

A: Reebok have a fun passion for what they do, and that’s really come through in their approach to dance, and in the FW13 collection. The Reebok Dance collection takes inspiration from Latin Dance, combining bright colours and bold combinations with customizable looks and vibrant designs.

This apparel and footwear collection is super fun and truly stylish!The Reebok Urlead shoe has unique functional features that focus on various dance movements. These include 3D UltraLite tooling for a super light shoe, as well as Pivot Point and Turn Zone functions used for control in turns and spins. What I love about the shoe is that the horizontal flex grooves allow my foot to move like no other dance shoe and the ForeFoot Grip allows for traction in just the right places- I definitely want all my students to be wearing it!

Q: What are your favourite pieces from the FW13 collection?

A: I love it all! The whole collection uses colours that really reflect Reebok’s fun approach to dance. When I work out I live in the Reebok Beat Sports Bra – the candy pink is super fun and the extra detailing makes it different from dance clothes out there at the moment. I also love wearing the Neon Orange Mix Capris – they are my wardrobe essential and great for energetic routines.The one item that I simply adore are my Pink and Orange UR Lead sneakers, they are so comfortable and they look amazing!

Q: What kind of music do you listen to when you exercise?

A: I love to listen to dance music especially when I’m teaching my Body Jam and SH’BAM classes. I love having Latin inspired music playing in the backgroundtoo or a bit of Beyoncé - it really gets everyone in the mood for a reallygood workout!

Q: What does Reebok’s ‘Live With Fire’ philosophy mean to you?

A: People that “Live With Fire” have passion for life – it’s what drives them! That buzz and adrenalin rush you get from working out, that feeling when you can’t wait to get back out in the dance studio and let yourself go. It’s all about living in the moment and letting your body express itself through different movements, that’s what “Live With Fire” means to me.

Q: Do you have any tips for keeping healthy?

A: Stick to a regular exercise regime but make sure it has variety. What’s great about dance is you can do it anywhere, if you don’t want to pay for a gym membership, try dance at home –there are no excuses! The muscles you develop will help increase your metabolism and the more muscular your body is, the more calories you burn during rest! Also definitely try incorporating some cardiovascular fitness into your weekly routine – interval training is a great and fun way to train as you alternate between low- and high-intensity activities, keeping you on your toes.

Q: Why do you think that it is important to have a varied fitness regime?

A: It’s so important to have a varied fitness regime. I love to go to the gym one day and then the next go for a long walk or abike ride. I have to do something because I love any kind of activity and get a real buzz from exercise - I loveto feel the benefit afterwards, it’s amazing!

Dancing is a way to lose all my stresses and strains – I will always workout with a smile on my face as dance is my way favourite way of working out and keeping in shape. I love it because it’s so social and it fulfils me physically, mentally and socially.

Q: How does dance benefit you when you do other types of exercise?

A: Dance is hugely beneficial when combined with other sports. It supplements your training whilst having fun dancing and expressing yourself. The steps and routines really help with coordination andit can also help strengthen your corewhilst making you super toned!

Q: What are your top beauty tips?

A: A good night’s rest - it’s essential in keeping you sharp, helping you maintain a healthy weight, and retaining a positive attitude. If you are not sleeping well, or enough, make some changes to assure that you are getting enough rest. Turn off the TV, or the computer, at least an hour before bed. Do something calming, like take a bath, or readsomething that is not too stimulating. Cut back on caffeine, and exercise more – there is nothing like a good workout to get a good night sleep!

Q: What are your essential workout accessories?

A: I have a thing for sneakers, especially the Reebok Dance UR Lead Mid – they are sassy and super comfortable and have pivot points that help me to be stable and controlled during my routines! I love anything bright and colourful as it reflects my personality and passions that dance bring to me.

Q: Do you have any pre-training tips that you do when you have to prepare for a big competition or training session?

A: I rely on my drinking plenty of water to keep hydrated which is essential for training. Also starting with stretching and mobility training helps prepare your muscles and joints for the workout and helps prevent injury.

Q: What foods can you not live without?

A: I eat a balanced diet of proteins, vegetables and fruit. I like to eat protein as much as possible after a workout to aid recovery.

Q: Do you have any guilty pleasure foods?

A: Chocolate and ice cream

Q: Who are your favourite workout partners?

A: The people I teach are my favourite workout partners – the thrill you get dancing with someone you are choreographing and helping them to deliver a great performance – it’s the most amazing feeling ever!

Q: What fuels your passion for fitness and Dance?

A: When I’m dancing I feel very free and liberated and completely in my own world. To me dance is what music looks like.