The Chairman opened the meeting at 7pm. There were 14 members of the public present. The Chairman invited anyone to speak.

Members of the public asked about the following – with the Chairman’s replies:

·  The current situation regarding village envelopes - As the fire at the Borough Council offices had destroyed a large amount of material, the Melton Local Development Framework was being recompiled and would be finalized in 2012

·  The Parish Council strategy towards development in the three villages - The Borough Council only asked for Parish Council observations which did not have to be adopted. The PC tried to work to the Local Plan. Much of what residents objected to in planning applications was not a planning issue.

·  De-registering village greens - This is a complicated process and was only at an exploratory stage

The Chairman thanked everyone for their comments and the meeting started at 7.16pm


Cllrs Dames, Hiley, Machin, Seddon, Stokes, Weston, Witcomb.


Cllr Dunn. Borough Cllr Baguley


Cllr Dames – personal interest in Item 7b ix as a member of Harby PCC

Cllr Weston – personal interest in Item 7b xvi as a member of Vale First Responders

11/93 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING held on Monday 17th October 2011 were considered. It was proposed Cllr Hiley, seconded Cllr Weston and agreed unanimously that the Minutes be accepted and they were signed by the Chairman


11/94a Planning Decisions – noted

Permission granted:

i Mr M Harman 11/00577/FUL (The Black Horse, 21 Bolton Lane, Hose)

Change of use from public house to private dwelling, new site boundaries, car parking access and temporary storage container

ii Mr J Gil 11/00636/FUL (10 Melton Road, Long Clawson)
Conversion of existing conservatory, outbuildings and rear of kitchen into sunroom, utility and


iii Mr N Godsmark 11/00670/TCA (Rutland House, 4 Dairy Lane, Hose)

Height reduction by approx 3 m and reshaping of 1 x Willow tree

iv Mr C Bray 11/00691/TCA (End Cottage, 3 Church Walk, Hose)

Removal of 1 x Willow tree

v Mr & Mrs Blackburn 11/00624/FUL (Hose Lane Farm, Hose Lane, Harby)

Installation of 3 ground mounted tracker Photovoltaic Arrays

vi Mr G Arnold 11/00632/FUL (Culfers Hey, 2 Melton Road, Long Clawson)

Erection of 2 dwellings to include 1 x 2 bed cottage & 1 x 3 bed timber home with associated garage

vii Mr & Mrs Spridgens 11/00635/FUL (1 School Lane, Long Clawson)

Extension to bungalow for bedroom & dressing room

viii Ms Donnelly & Ms Lee 11/00695/COU (17A Melton Road, Long Clawson)

From redundant agricultural/former farm to paddock with 2 x stable & tackroom blocks with shared driveway

ix Mr A O’Donnell 11/00614/FUL (The Post Office, 10 Burden Lane, Harby)

Conversion of outbuildings to residence, remodeling of Old Post Office to be solely residential and 1 x new residence

It was noted that Cllr Weston had discussed various queries concerning this application with local residents and would advise them to contact Development Control, MBC

x Mr S Wippich 11/00687/VAC (3 Hickling Lane, Long Clawson)
Removal of personal planning condition

xi Mr & Mrs A King 11/00713/FUL (Dovecote House, 43 East End, Long Clawson)

Proposed extension

Permission refused:

xii Mr C Bailey 11/00556/OUT (Hathaway Cottage, 39 West End, Long Clawson)
Demolition of existing dwelling & outline application for a replacement dwelling and 2 x new dwellings

It was noted that a Ward Councillor could act independently against the wishes of a Parish Council

xiii Mr A Nash 11/00585/FUL (Cherry Tree Cottage, 6 Stathern Lane, Harby)

Replacement garage

11/94b Appeals lodged/Inspector’s decisions: None received

11/94c Planning Applications:

i Mr T Pruce 11/00752/REM (26 Church Lane, Long Clawson)

Appearance & landscaping of the site ref 08/00703/OUT (Demolition of existing bungalow, development of site to include 4 residential properties and improvements to access road)

Noted that 33 letters, or copy letters to MBC, of objection had been received.

The Parish Council objected to this application on the following grounds:

·  Was the planning consent given for this property in 2008 valid? This application, submitted under reserved matters, is completely different to the outline scheme.

·  Is the section 52 agreement on the original permitted application given in 1986 still applicable?

·  In 1986 LCC Highways refused the first application saying the access was inadequate for one bungalow and, probably, two cars. Why is it now adequate for 4 dwellings and, probably, 8 cars?

·  There appears to be a dispute over ownership of land at the entrance to the site.

·  Part of the curtilage of the development is outside the village envelope.

·  The school has now purchased part of the Methodist Chapel increasing pedestrian traffic between the main school building and the Chapel on a narrow road that is permanently reduced to one lane by parked cars.

·  Are the sewers adequate for the proposed development?

·  The distance to carry refuse from the proposed development to the road is in excess of 30 metres.

·  The proposed development is totally out of character with its surroundings, with ridge heights too tall overbearing surrounding dwellings.

·  Lack of amenity space around the dwellings.

·  Turning area for vehicles too small in the development.

·  This application does not comply with policies OS1 and H18 of the Local Plan

(The 14 members of the public left the meeting)

ii Mr G Sheppard 11/00781/FUL (Field 3775, Langar Lane, Harby)

New hay store & feed store

The Parish Council objected to this application on the grounds that:

·  A brick building is out of place in a rural setting;

·  It would be over dominant in this position being highly visible to the highway

iii Mr J Yarnall 11/00789/NONMAT (50 Stathern Lane, Harby)


Remove 1 x brick pillar from the elevation ref 11/00446/FUL (Convert garage to living room & build new garage) Noted

iv Mr J Fairfax 11/00798/FUL (19 Stathern Lane, Harby)

Construction of new garage to replace existing

The Parish Council had no objection to this application on condition that the garage remained part of the curtilage of the dwelling and did not become living accommodation. The Parish Council noted that it was extremely high for a garage.

v Mr A Wiles 11/00755/FUL (Brinvale Farm, Broughton Lane, Long Clawson)

Installation of 4 x metal box shipping containers for storage use by a commercial & agricultural


The Parish Council objected to this application on the grounds that:

·  there was not enough information on the increase in traffic movements resulting from this application;

·  there was a subsequent planning application for this site (11/00807/FUL) and it believed both applications needed to be looked at together

An email from Broughton & Dalby Parish Council dated 20.11.11 was discussed and it was agreed that Cllr Machin should liaise with its clerk to arrange a meeting with both Parish Councils and Head of Regulatory Services MBC

vi Mr R Baxter 11/00845/FUL (2 Harby Lane, Hose)

Log cabin for use as a shelter for changing & viewing at Hose Tennis courts

The Parish Council had no objections to this application

vii Mr B Sourbutts 11/00849/DIS & 11/00850/DIS (2 Back Lane, Long Clawson)

Discharge of conditions re 11/00846/FUL & 11/00485/CON

The Parish Council had no objections to these applications

(The following items were not on the Agenda but were discussed at this meeting to comply with time restraints)

viii Mr A Wiles 11/00807/FUL (Bridge Farm, Broughton Lane, Long Clawson)

New agricultural building, convert existing into shop & office,

Discussed with Minute 11/79c v above

ix Mr P Gallop 11/00619/FUL (Field corner of Stathern/Waltham Lane, Harby)

Erection of wooden barn for private, domestic use – AMENDED PLANS

The Parish Council objected to the amended plans for this application as:

·  it is described as for domestic use when it is on agricultural land;

·  it is against OS1

11/94d Planning Correspondence

i Owner of 41A East End, LC undated rec’d 18.10.11: Stone wall Dovecote corner

It was noted that the ownership of the above wall between the village green and 41a East End was unknown. It was agreed to write to the owner asking him to re-turf the area of village green which had been laid with gravel

ii Lead Enforcement Officer, MBC 26.10.11: Enforcement Training sessions Pts 3 & 4 noted

iii Head of Regulatory Services, MBC 26.10.11:

11/00556/OUT (Hathaway Cottage, 39 West End, Long Clawson) Demolition of existing dwelling and outline application for replacement dwelling & 2 new dwellings

Development Committee 10.11.11 6pm & site visit noted

iv Head of Regulatory Services, MBC 28.10.11

11/00687/VAC (3 Hickling Lane, Long Clawson)

Development Committee 10.11.11 6pm noted

v Principal Policy Officer, MBC 20.10.11: MM Sustainable Urban Extension Masterplan: Options Exhibition 9.11.11 noted

vi Treasurer Harby Village Hall 2.11.11 - Harby Village Hall, 40 School Lane:

Permitted development – New infill extension to provide additional storage area noted


11/95a The following items required no further action and were discharged:

11/79a,b Planning decisions

11/80a,b Matters to report/discharged

11/80e Matters to be noted

11/82 Correspondence for information

11/95b Necessary actions had been taken on the following items and were discharged:

11/74 Cllrs present

11/75 Apologies for absence

11/76 Notification of declaration of interests

11/77 Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held 17.10.11

11/79c Planning applications

11/79d Planning correspondence

11/80f Reports from Cllrs/Clerk

11/81 Accounts for payment

11/82b Correspondence for discussion

11/82c Correspondence received after Agenda requiring discussion

11/86 Hedge cutting winter 2011/12 & Grounds maintenance contract for 2012/13

11/95c Responses were awaited to actions on the following item/s:

10/27b xi Outstanding matters with LCC Highways:

Alteration to highway verge, Green Lane, Harby – to be resolved by end Sept 2010;

Repairs to public footpath G52A through Harby Churchyard

Cllr Rhodes emailed details of the outstanding matters 7.11.11

10/29 MBC Quote for waste bin for Canal Lane, Hose:

10/123d B Affordable housing provision. Email dated 17.11.11 from Housing Policy Officer MBC requesting a meeting with the PC re local needs in Harby & Hose. Cllrs Dames, Hiley, Machin, Stokes, Weston & Witcomb to attend. Clerk to arrange suitable date

11/57b v Contractors to repair wall Hose closed churchyard: week beginning either 14 or 21.11.11

11/80c Letter 9.11.11 to MBC re proposed garage into living accommodation & new garage – curtilage of the dwelling of 50 Stathern Lane, Harby

11/95d Items awaiting further action which may not yet be discharged:

A Tasks Outstanding – Clerk

09/79f i Risk Assessment recording sheets to be updated with unique reference numbers and period of inspection dates

09/93d Details of unsafe memorials to be checked before letters sent to owners & cemetery plan. It was noted that a Memorial policy by another PC would be sent to the clerk for information

10/27b v PC Notice board: discuss refurbishment of old notice board with glass doors with handyman.

10/48c 10/37fv Plotting PC street lights including information received from LCC

10/73d C Investigate cost to the PC to de-register village green land

10/107 Investigate grants towards War Memorial repairs. It was noted that the repairs to the railings and block paving had been done to a high standard by Sheridans and the clerk was asked to write a letter of thanks

10/113f vi Investigate alternative grants towards Harby Community Orchard

11/13fvi Bus shelter, Boyer’s Orchard, Harby: Quotes for insurance, litter bin; plaque. Litter bin to be placed on bus stop pole opposite bus shelter

11/13fvi Order replacement notice board for Hose

11/24f vi Obtain quotes for hazel coppicing in Harby Nature Reserve

11/39b viii Quotes for replacement:

·  sign Pingle Dyke;

·  concrete edging around safety surfacing to replace damaged wooden edging The Leys

11/73 Draft amendments to Handyman job description/contract of employment

11/80f vi Details of possible camera for PC use. It was agreed a camera could be purchased but Cllr Machin to confirm before puchasing

11/82bvi Write to Notts & Leicester Football Clubs re donation of 5 a side goal posts

11/84 Purchase Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Commemorative medals for primary school children

11/85 Allotment rental request letters for 2011/12 with details of rent 2012/13

B Items requiring action from Cllrs/third parties

11/82bx 10/115b ii Cllr Machin: discussions re Diamond Jubilee Beacons June 2012 ongoing

11/29 Checklist for PC Tree Wardens to be drafted

11/37f vi Harby Village Hall Committee re recommendations on steps outside Village Hall on car park. Noted steps had been painted

11/72 Cllr Machin discuss possible PC office & storage with Hose VHC

11/80d B Lockable box for tap at Stathern Lane allotments completed by handyman

C Deferred Items/Reminders for Future Tasks

10/123d Stathern Lane allotments: fence to divide allotments from picnic area/orchard to be considered after allotments established

11/89 Contact LCC Highways re siting of refurbished notice board in Harby

11/95e The following matters were noted: -

i MBC 26.10.11: Village SOS Live in East Midlands Event 18.11.11

ii LCC Leicestershire Link ‘Caring for our future’ 21.11.11 10am-12.30pm

iii RCC Diary of Village Events 2012/13. Items for inclusion

iv LCC Advance notice of road closure – Canal Lane, Long Clawson anticipated date 28.11.11 for 5 days

v MBC Presentation on Localism Bill & MBC/PC Liaison Meeting 23.1.2012 7pm Council Chamber at Parkside

vi LRALC Melton Branch 16.11.11: meeting for December 6th cancelled, next meeting 6.3.12 not 7th as previously advertised

11/95f Reports from Councillors/Clerk : -

i Risk Assessment Working Group:

ii Cemetery and Churchyard Working Group:

iii Playground Safety Working Group: Report from site meetings 15.11.11 noted

·  Quarterly playground check by Cllr Seddon noted

·  Quotes for repairs noted

·  Article re Health & Safety ‘Need to see the wood for the trees?’ noted