Dear Congressman/Congresswoman XXX or Senator XXX

I am writing to tell you about the important work we provide your constituency through our HICAP (California’s Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program), also known as SHIP (State Health Insurance assistance Program), which is different than the assistance offered by 1-800 Medicare and federal resources.

Each day, 10,000 Americans are becomingeligible for Medicare. And this year boomers began turning 70 years old in the same numbers. HICAP/SHIP services are needed more than ever. This is the only program that provides free, unbiased, one-on-one benefit information and assistance to seniors, people with disabilities, and their families. Last year, over 7 million people with Medicare received help from SHIPs. Over the past 10 years, the number of beneficiaries receiving personal assistance has almost tripled. Locally in your District, we provided counseling services to more than xxxxx, and saved Medicare beneficiaries more than $xxxx.

HICAPs/SHIPs educate and help beneficiaries to navigate an increasingly complex Medicare program. Making informed decisions among an average of more than 20 prescription drug plans, XX Medicare Advantage plans, and various Medigap supplemental insurance policies. HICAP/SHIP helps Medicare beneficiaries make cost effective choices, improve access to quality care, helping beneficiaries and helping to conserve limited resources. HICAPs/SHIPs also provide assistance with fraud and abuse issues, billing problems, appeal rights, and enrollment in low-income protection programs.Given the significant differences in premiums, cost sharing, provider networks, and coverage rules, HICAPs/SHIPs play a critical role in ensuring that these choices are well informed and thoughtful for each beneficiary served.

HICAPs/SHIPs offer increasingly critical services that cannot be provided by 1-800 Medicare, on-line or written materials,or other federal programs. In fact, approximately one-third of all partner referrals to HICAPs/SHIP originate fromMedicare Advantage and Part D prescription drug plans, local and state agencies, the Centers for Medicare andMedicaid Services, the Social Security Administration, and members of Congress and their case work staff. Additionally,these partners include HICAP/SHIP contact information in their websites, publications, and correspondence tobeneficiaries as the source of assistance when individuals need help.

An example of how we helped (one or two) of your constituents: Here’s where you can include really good cases.

California is allocated approximately $4 million annually from the total $52 million. This HICAP receives approximately $ _____. However, if this investment had simply kept pace with inflation and the increasing number of Medicare beneficiaries since FY11, spending for FY17 would much higher.

Thank you for your attention to this important issue for our community’s Medicare recipients. If you’d like more information about HICAP/SHIP, please contact xxxxxx