US History 2017-2018
Mr. Kilty
Phone: 541-355-4170
Course Website:
Course Description/Objectives:
This course (36 weeks 1 credit) traces social, economic, political, and diplomatic developments in the United States from the founding of our nation’s history to the present. At the end of the school year, you will have acquired a strong understanding of the major ideas; individuals and events that have shaped our history and continue to profoundly impact contemporary America. Furthermore, this US history course will sharpen your ability to communicate your ideas. My class puts a premium on close reading of texts, critical written analysis, and class discussion and debate. I will provide you abundant guidance throughout the school year so that you know exactly what is expected from you.
This course is designed to inform students about who they are as citizens of the United States and how past events have shaped the world we live in today. We will concentrate on the following historical periods:
1st Semester: Prequel- Constitutional period (1776-1880)
Unit 1- Industrial America (1880-1910)
Unit 2- Empire and Progressivism (1900-1914)
Unit 3- WWI Home and Abroad (1914-1928)
Unit 4- Great Depression (1928-1940)
2nd Semester: Unit 5- World War II /Cold War (1940-1960)
Unit 6- Post War America/Civil Rights Movement (1945-1963)
Unit 7- 1960s and the Cultural Revolution (1960-1969)
Unit 8- 1970’s and 1980s
Conclusion: 1990s- Present
Course Materials expected everday in class…
IPAD, spiral notebook/3 ring binder, pens AND pencils. We will not be using a traditional textbook for this course. Much of our curriculum will originate from the website American Yawp which should be bookmarked on your ipad on the first day. I will be providing supplementary reading materials as well.
Students are encouraged to ask questions during class or to consult me on any concerns relating to their studies in U.S. History. I am free to help students from 7:15a.m. to 7: 35 a.m. each morning and from 2:50-3:15 by appointment.
Class Delivery Methods
We will study the course material using several of the following methods: class lectures, discussion, and other outside readings, writings, research, videos, reports, projects, tests, simulations, and guest speakers.
Course Grades/Weight
Semester grades will include both summative assessments at 60% (Exams) and formative assessments (essays, projects, quizzes) at 40%.
Missing Class
There are a myriad of reasons why students miss class. Legitimate or not, students will have to be proactive and work hard (i.e. meet me half way) in order to avoid falling behind when they are away from class. Therefore, upon returning to school after an unexpected absence or suspension, a student has the responsibility to meet with the teacher (before school) to develop a plan for making up missed work, quizzes, and examinations. Students who know in advance that they will be missing class(s), should see me several days prior to the absence to determine what coursework they should complete while gone. Finally, a truant student has the responsibility on the first day he or she returns to the course/class to meet with the teacher to develop a plan for making up missed work, quizzes, and examinations.
Make-up Policy
I want to do everything possible to help you learn our course material and improve your skills as a student. If you are working diligently and struggle to find success in US History, I will be happy to accept make-up work or allow for retakes on most assessments on a case-by-case basis. Hard work is rewarded in my class.
Class Rules
*If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you are tardy.
*No food or drink (except for water) is allowed in class at any time.
*Bathroom breaks will occur AFTER the first 15 minutes of class and before the last 10 minutes of class. One person may go at a time after asking me.
*RESPECT your classmates. RESPECT the class. RESPECT YOURSELF.