Now that we have somewhat of a grasp on what the Holy Bible and the Old Testament are, we must begin to divulge in it. Jesus often reminded the disciples and us through his Word that His meat was not food and drink, but the Word of God. So every time you open up your Holy Bible, it should be just like you’re eating at a smorgasbord.

Before embarking on any study, make sure that research has been done! This means that we cannot understand the Word of God, unless we have His Spirit on the inside of us. Only spirit can understand and comprehend spiritual things and only the human (carnal) mind can understand the things that are of the flesh. You will learn more of this spiritual nugget in the New Testament. The good thing is that by praying and reading the word of God daily, you become like good soil that is turned to be effective in bringing forth a good a crop. The hard ground that is impenetrable is broken up so that seed can be planted in it, to produce an everlasting abundance. It’s just like the pioneers of California and Florida that dropped one tiny seed into land and now they are fertile and have not failed to reproduce oranges year after year. This is from one seed. Through one word in the Holy Bible, that seed will grow up into tall trees that the birds can use as a home, that protects from the sun and the rain, and will provide nourishment for all flesh. So it is to our benefit to read the Word of God and get full off of it. Just lining up with the Word of God in the epistle written of Paul, in 1Corinthians 15:46, will bring great blessings. So after reading spiritual things, your inner man will begin to change as the Spirit that is inside of you will begin to cause the seed (the Word of God) to reproduce into a living river of water. Then you yourself will be equipped to feed and quench that spiritual hunger that is inside of every one of us, that we try and fill with so many other things beside the Word of God (Jesus Christ). Now that your heart has been pricked and the ground is broken up, the Holy Spirit can pour into you, spiritual things.


An Overview of Genesis: The first book of Moses and of the Pentateuch

What is Genesis? Why is the first book of the bible called Genesis? These are just some of the questions that are asked of me and many other ministers. Just a little glimpse of this great book called Genesis; it really means “beginning”. We must first believe that the Spirit of God told the author all the things that are written in the bible. If you do not believe this, then we might as well not even read it. The written word is inspired of God through men to tell us will of God (2 Timothy 3:16), that includes His plan for me and you.

Genesis: The book of Beginnings.

The word “Genesis” derives from the Greek language as meaning (origin).

All origins begin in this book, if there is any topic of Heaven and the discussion of where and how it became, you can find it in the book of Genesis. The book is an expostulation of the creation, the fall of man, the genealogies of man, and much, much more.

The author of Genesis points to Moses, the man of God, of the tribe of Levi. Moses was given all this knowledge from the Lord God Jehovah, while spending time on the Mount of God. There was no one around to tell about the creation and witness its fruition, but the Son of God and the Spirit of God.

The timeline for Genesis is: from before 4000 B.C. to 1806 B.C., keeping in mind that this is man’s assumption of the timeline.

Genesis has fifty chapters in its entirety. I will attempt to break down in sections to give a better understanding to you.

Without Genesis there would be no scriptural foundation for the rest of the bible. We could not any way possible know where we are headed. One must always look at their past and use it for motivation to pursue their future.

  1. In the beginning (Gen. 1:1 –31)

(Genesis 1:1)

Starts out with the most foundational scripture ever written to man, in the beginning7225, GOD430! It establishes the Lord God as Creator and El Elohim. In the beginning, states it all that shows the omnipotence, the omniscience, and omnipresence of the One and True, Almighty God. In the beginning God, and God alone, no one else there except the Almighty Creator. No one can take credit for the creation. This verse alone discredits and disproves any form of Darwinism in the form of evolution. No one else can take credit for the creation1254 of the heavens 8084 and earth 778. The pluralities of heaven are told to us. We need to also understand that this scripture is explaining eternity past and that the world as we know it had already been created and dwelt in. Scriptures in the Psalms and Hebrews establishes the creation of worlds by faith. But the only way to believe this is by faith. Some suggest that the dinosaurs were here on the earth and not mankind as we know it. This should explain the reasons for the mass collections of large dinosaur bones. So we know by the word of God through faith that their worlds or ages before us.


Reflection and Application:

(Genesis 1:2)

Tells us the earth was without form and void and darkness2822 was present over the deep. It would seem that what the scientist have called a catastrophic event has happened? It is a commonly beheld belief that in the day that the earth was formed, that it was good and whole. There is no darkness with God so why would the Spirit 7307of God point out to us that the earth was without form and void? Whenever scripture is emphasized, the Lord wants us to take note of the present circumstance. When darkness is mentioned in the Hebrew, its definition means judgment and chaos. By faith we believe that this is the time period before the reforming of the world we now live in. Also that this is time were Satan and the third of the angels rebelled and were defeated and hurled to the earth. Wherever Satan dwells there is darkness and chaos. When the enemy was thrown down here he began to wreak havoc, to show defiance towards the Lord God and His creation. We know through common sense that in order for water to be gathered together there must be a containable space to hold it. There was earth under the water we see this in scripture after these verses. Verse 2 also says, that the Spirit of God is present and hovering over the face of the deep. Wherever the Spirit of God is, there is disclosure of all things. There is nothing hidden from His presence, He discerns even down to marrow and bones, even dividing asunder the soul and the spirit. The Spirit of God is there to uncover what is already there. The Spirit of God is always ready to carry out the will of the Son, who always carries out the will of the Father which is life and creation. The Lord GOD is always talking, declaring the hidden things to those who love Him and keep His commandments. His mouth is His hand, he speaks and things began to activate.


Reflection and Application:

(Genesis 1:3-5)

The Father calls for light216 to come forth in abundance. Light dissipates the darkness in every instance. Light discloses and brings comfort to those that are in confusion. Light however also discloses those things that are hidden from us. We learn that God is light and there is no shadow of turning in Him. At His command by faith, the light comes forth. God sees that this is good and divides it from the darkness. This also shows the character of God, in that light cannot dwell in darkness. Common sense tells us and years of documents, that hideous things are more often done in the dark, than in the light. That is just how the enemy is; he loves darkness because there is no light in him. He (Satan) knows that light (Jesus) is going to destroy Him for good in the end. The Lord God declares the light to be good. Remember that only God is the true Judge of all things correctly.This is also beginning of days; the Hebrew day that is, from evening 6153to morning1242 was the first day3117.


Reflection and Application:

(Genesis 1:6-8)

Then the heavens as we know them to be today are created. Not the heaven that the Lord GOD dwells in and sits on His throne that heaven as existed from days of eternity old. There are numerous heavens that cannot be seen with the human eye, especially where GOD places His throne. But the blue and sometimes gray skies that are sometimes red in the morning signaling that there is a storm that will be appearing soon. This will also play a role in your mind as a student of the bible in the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Lord tells us of a firmament that is the midst of the waters that covered the face of the earth. Firmament7549 meaning expanse or a partition in the Hebrew that can be a space filled with air. So in infinite wisdom He divides the waters that are above the firmament from those that are beneath the firmament. Now air, as we know is felt and oxygen along with gravity is enacted. The Lord GOD needs no air and neither do the angels but man does, and He always works things together for our good. The Lord GOD declared that it was good again after he named it Heaven.


Reflection and Application:

(Genesis 1:9-10)

Declares that the Lord GOD continues to create with His mouth what HE says comes to past. So He creates order and again speaks that the waters be gathered unto one place under the heavens. Also he lets the earth776 come forth that was submerged under the water. The waters He called Seas3220, and the land He called Earth. He again looks over His work and He approves of it, nobody else just Him in concert with Himself.


Reflection and Application:

(Genesis 1:11-13)

Now since our GOD is a Creator that causes multiplication to everything He touches, He commands the vegetation or clothes of the earth to come forth, also with man and beast in His mind, He commands that nutrition come forth along with some food that can feed both man and beast. The herb-yielding 2232seed2233 is that which can nourish and release medicines into your flesh naturally, yes! The Lord GOD is the GREAT Physician! Now every fruit tree that you see is able to reproduce on its own from the nourishment and empowerment the Lord GOD has given it. No seed no reproduction. The Lord GOD gives us a glimpse of how man and beast will also be engrafted with the ability to reproduce after their own kind4327. So the grass is here, every herb you can imagine was here in abundance, and all the fruit you could eat. Again the Lord GOD approves us His masterpiece in progress. Now I have had persons of the Islamic regime challenge me on the light or lights that we see. Some say the Holy Bible contradicts itself in that it tells about light being created beforehand, and now the sun and moon and stars are created.


Reflection and Application:

(Genesis 1:14-19)

The purpose of the Lord GOD calling forth lights3974 in the firmament is to divide914 the day from the night. Now stop this is not stars He is talking about but actual lights, luminaries in the galaxy that are present both day and night and some to the naked eye. These lights let us know the seasons, observe the heavens, and to know the times. Now they do give off a shine, so the earth and heavens would not be so dark. So He thought it sufficient enough to create two great lights. One was made for the day to provide the needed strength and exposure in the most comprehensive way, sunlight has a way of causing life to the things it dons upon, you know like trees, plants, and people. Also He gave us the moon to rule over the night, that we would not be in complete darkness and that the reflection of the sun would be for a peaceful lying down and cooling off to the whole world. Also in case we don’t see any of the lights or the stars. So here is what separates us from the falsities of pagan religions, even the argument about the Lord GOD causing light to show forth. If you go outside in the early morning like dawn, you cannot visibly see the sun, but it’s still light outside, that’s the light that the Creator made to come forth on Day one of the Creation. He also has the night draw its curtains at a certain time of the day. You can look into the sky in the evening and as the sun starts to set you see the dark blue or black streaks begin to be painted in the atmosphere of Heaven. So remember when you look out at the sky in the night and you see the Big Dipper, just remember that there are over a billion more galaxies that can’t be seen by the naked eye.


Reflection and Application:

(Genesis 1:20-23)

What would earth be like without the birds and beasts and even the fish of the sea? The Lord GOD never does anything in vain; He created the beautiful expanse for the fowls of the air, and caused the earth to be clothed with grass to soften the walks of man and beast, also the herbs that yield seed that nourishes all life2416, and the great bodies of water that would be stagnant with no aquatic life to enjoy or bask in. So the Lord GOD in His own counsel calls forth the creatures that move in the water and the great eagles, falcons, and even the vultures to fly in the heavens freely. Immediately you see the Master command multiplication again to replenish and keep going, because GOD is everlasting what He creates is everlasting.


Reflection and Application:

(Genesis 1:24-25) The Creation of Beasts/Creeping things/Cattle

Now the Lord is complete in His knowledge and plan of life. You see that the Lord caused the water to bring forth the fowl of the air and the creatures of the sea, now He is using the earth to bring forth a different kind of flesh. The living creature after his kind, the cattle, creeping thing, and the beasts after his kind. You see right away the distinction of the things created. So when the Lord is saying after his kind, all these created things looked and acted like their respective kinds. We as humans should not imitate beasts in any way, for we were fearfully and wonderfully made, after Our Creator’s kind.


Reflection and Application:

(Genesis 1-26-28) The Creation of Man

God in concert by Himself, converses with Himself on how this man should be made. This creature is so special that God created us in His own image and likeness. Again before we read that, that every bird, fish, beast, and creeping thing was distinctively made to be after their kind. But man was the only creature that GOD put His resemblance upon. God has given us the power to reason, and decide. As God has dominion (Sovereignty) over all things, because He chose to rule in the heavens, He let man rule in the earth and have dominion over everything in the earth. Male and female, He created them. In a male, there was already a reproduction force that would bring forth life, if cultivated and sowed correctly. So man being made in the image of GOD, was able by using that which was already inside of him, to procreate. The Holy Spirits lets us see what the Lord GOD has in mind by creating male and female He created them. Where is the female, but hidden inside of the man, but she too is made in the image and likeness of GOD. We as man have dominion over the whole earth, but sin has caused us to become partial to this authority and settle and succumb to beasts, the earth, and the sea. This is a portrait of the coming together in holy matrimony, how can we be separate when we are part of each other, therefore we are no longer twine, but one. If we could grasp that Pay special attention to the intricate details that God institutes in creating us. He formed us out of the dust of ground and called everything else to come to pass. God already showing His love and dedication to us!


Reflection and Application:

(Genesis 1:29-30) The first diet is given.

The Lord has a way of keeping the things that He has created. He knows how to take care of this temple that was created from the ground (Gen 2:7). We were to eat lentils and beans; no meat was given to the man or to the beasts at this time. Only the herb yielding seed and the fruit tree that yields after its kind with seed in it was our diet. The Lord gave the beasts of the field every green herb, making us distinct from each other.