Primary Connections cross-referenced to Essential LearningsAdvice only

Package it Better

Primary Connections: / Stage 3
Essential Learnings by the end of: / Year 7

Packaging has become a huge industry in the modern world. Everything from food to furniture cam come in a package which might be made from materials such a metal foil or plastic film- materials that didn’t exist even a few decades ago. Packages need to protect and preserve contents while being economical, attractive for marketing purposes and preferably having minimal environmental impact. Little wonder that they are often the product of imaginative design and rigorous testing.

The Package it better unit provides opportunities for students to develop and understanding of the design of packages and the choice of appropriate materials to use. Students design and test a package that will safely deliver a fragile gift. Through investigations, students observe and gather information about what makes a successful package.

Primary Connections units are intended to be taught as whole units. The cross-referencing indicates how specific lessons relate to Ways of Working, within a whole unit.

In each cross-referencing document, there are shaded areas showing suggested teaching ideas that are not mentioned in the current Primary Connections resources. These ideas have been provided by Primary Connections personnel who are involved in the development of the cross-referencing document and the ideas are suggestions only, with teachers being encouraged to develop further ideas related to the Essential Learnings.


Document shows actual links between Primary Connections and Essential Learnings

Shaded areas show possible/extension links
Primary Connections cross-referenced to Essential LearningsAdvice only

Ways of Working

Lesson/teaching idea / Essential learnings statement

 / Lesson 1 Packaging pandemonium
Lesson 2 Peering at packages
Lesson 4 Lumps, bumps and crumbs
Lesson 5 Strong shapes
Lesson 7 Package performance / Identify problems and issues, and formulate testable scientific questions

 / Lesson 3 Plenty of properties
Lesson 4 Lumps, bumps and crumbs
Lesson 5 Strong shapes
Lesson 7 Package performance / Plan investigations, including identifying conditions for a fair comparison, variables to be changed and variables to be measured

 / Lesson 2 Peering at packages
Lesson 3 Plenty of properties
Lesson 4 Lumps, bumps and crumbs
Lesson 5 Strong shapes
Lesson 6 Daring designs
Lesson 7 Package performance / Collect and analyse first- and second-hand data, information and evidence

 / Lesson 4 Lumps, bumps and crumbs
Lesson 5 Strong shapes
Lesson 6 Daring design
Lesson 7 Package performance / Evaluate information and evidence and identify and analyse errors in data

 / Lesson 4 Lumps, bumps and crumbs
Lesson 5 Strong shapes
Lesson 6 Daring design
Lesson 7 Package performance / Select and use scientific tools and technologies suited to the investigation /

 / Lesson 4 Lumps, bumps and crumbs
Lesson 5 Strong shapes
Lesson 7 Package performance / Draw conclusions that summarise and explain patterns in data and are supported by experimental evidence and scientific concepts

 / Lesson 2 Peering at packages
Lesson 3 Plenty of properties
Lesson 4 Lumps, bumps and crumbs
Lesson 5 Strong shapes
Lesson 6 Daring designs
Lesson 7 Package performance
Lesson 8 All wrapped up / Communicate scientific ideas, data and evidence, using scientific terminology suited to the context and purpose

 / Lesson 4 Lumps, bumps and crumbs
Lesson 5 Strong shapes
Lesson 6 Daring designs
Lesson 7 Package performance
Lesson 8 All wrapped up / Identify, apply and justify safe practices
 / Lesson 8 All wrapped up / Reflect on different points of view and recognise and clarify people’s values relating to the applications and impacts of science

 / Lesson 4 Lumps, bumps and crumbs
Lesson 5 Strong shapes
Lesson 6 Daring designs
Lesson 7 Package performance
Lesson 8 All wrapped up / Reflect on learning, apply new understandings, and identify future applications

Knowledge and Understanding-

Science impacts on people, their environment and their communities.

Development of packaging materials and types of packaging for specific items / Scientific knowledge has been accumulated and refined over time and can be used to change the way people live.
Dilemmas caused by the intended and unintended impacts of technological change on people and the environment, types of packaging, its manufacture and eventual disposal / Ethical considerations are involved in decisions made about applications of science
Production of recyclable minimal impact packaging materials / Scientific knowledge can help to make natural, social and built environments sustainable at a scale ranging from local to global
Investigate materials used by traditional Indigenous people for carrying, protecting and packaging e.g. storage of food items / Different cultures, including those of Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people, have contributed to science and scientific practice

Knowledge and Understanding-

Earth and Beyond-Interactions and changes in physical systems and environments can be explained and predicted

Gravitational attraction between objects in the solar system holds them in fixed orbits, and had predictable effects on the earth.
Changes to the earth occur over time and can be interpreted using geological evidence.

Knowledge and Understanding-

Energy and Change-Forces and energy can be identified and analysed to provide useful explanations that benefit community lifestyles and decision-making.

The motion of an object changes as a result of the application of opposing or supporting forces.
Renewable and non-renewable energy sources can be identified and used for different purposes.
Energy can be transferred and transformed.

Knowledge and Understanding-

Life and Living-Living things have structures that enable them to survive and reproduce.

Cells are the basic unit of all living things and perform functions that are needed to sustain and reproduce life
Systems of scientific classification can be applied to living things
Survival of organisms is dependent on their adaptation to their environments
Different feeding relationships exist within an ecosystem

Knowledge and Understanding-

Natural and Processed Materials-Properties, changes and uses of materials are related to their particular composition.

Properties of a material will vary according to the type and quantity of components that make up its structure / Investigate the components of a packaging material
Chemical change produces new substances that have properties different from those of the original substances / Research the chemical changes that occur during the production of specific types of packaging materials
Physical change produces no new substances

Links to Essential Learnings from other Key Learning Areas

Lesson/teaching idea / Key Learning Area / Essential Learning Statement
Lesson 6 Daring designs / Technology / Investigate and analyse the purpose, context, specifications and constraints for design ideas
Lesson 1 Packaging pandemonium
Lesson 6 Daring designs / Technology / Generate and evaluate design ideas and determine suitability based on purpose, specifications and constraints
Lesson 6- Daring designs, mentioned as a possibility but should be included / Technology / Communicate the details of designs showing relevant proportion, using labelled drawings, models and/or plans
Lesson 6 Daring designs / Technology / Select resources, techniques and tools to make products that meet specifications
Lesson 6 Daring designs / Technology / Plan and manage production procedures and modify as necessary
Lesson 6 Daring designs / Technology / Make products to meet specifications by manipulating and processing resources
Lesson 6 Daring designs / Technology / Identify risks and justify and apply safe practices
Lesson 6 Daring designs
Lesson 7 Package performance / Technology / Evaluate the suitability of products and processes for the purpose and context, and recommend improvements
Lesson 5 Strong shapes / Technology / Reflect on and identify the impacts of products and processes on people, their communities and environments
Lesson 8 All wrapped up / Technology / Reflect on learning, apply new understandings and identify future applications
Use this an extension, investigate historical development of packaging / Technology / Design and development of products are influenced by societies’ changing needs and wants, and include artefacts, systems, environments and surveys
Lesson 6 Daring designs plus extend ideas / Technology / Product design and production decisions are influenced by specifications, constraints, and aspects of appropriateness including functions, aesthetics, ethics, culture, available finances and resources , and sustainability
Lesson 8 All wrapped up plus extend ideas / Technology / Decisions made about the design, development and use of products can impact positively or negatively on people, their communities and environments
Throughout whole unit / Technology / Resources are selected according to their characteristics, to match requirements of design challenges and suit the user
Technology / Techniques and tools are selected to manipulate or process resources to enhance the quality of products and to match design ideas, standards and specifications


Document shows actual links between Primary Connections and Essential Learnings

Shaded areas show possible/extension links