Atos Information Technology GmbH
DirX Training Center
D-81739 München
/ From: / Date:
Please fill in this form on the screen (use TAB for next field) and save it locally or print it. Please use a separate registration form for each course you want to register.
I would like to register for the course:
Start date of the course:
First Name:
Phone / Fax:
Invoice to:
Registration policy:
· It is necessary that you fullfill and accept the prerequisites of the specific course. Please check course description.
· Atos reserves the right to accept the registration and notifies the client if the registration is accepted or rejected (e.g. if the course is overbooked).
· The registration will only be accepted and confirmed if correct billing information is provided.
· The client understands and agrees that Atos shall not, in any way, be held responsible for any costs, including loss of airfare or other transportation costs, hotel expenses or other damages, which the client may suffer in the event that Atos does not accept the registration, cancels or reschedules a course.
· To maximize the effectiveness of our training courses, Atos limits the number of attendees per course.
Cancellation policy:
· Substitutions may be made at any time — please advise in advance.
· Registrants who have been confirmed for specific training courses may reschedule or cancel reservations without penalty up to four weeks before the scheduled course start date either by fax, email, or with sufficient lead time, by written notification.
· Registrants who cancel a confirmed enrollment less than four weeks before the start of the course and fail to provide a qualified replacement to fill the enrollment will be billed for 100 percent of the full course fee. Those who fail to appear for training as scheduled will be billed for 100 percent of the full course fee.
· Atos reserves the right to reschedule or cancel any scheduled training course upon three weeks notice to confirmed registrants. Registrants may then enroll in the next available offering of the course, or cancel the registration. In the event of cancellation by Atos, any payment made for the canceled course will be refunded.
I hereby accept the registration and cancellation policies and register for the indicated training course.
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Location and date / Signature of the participant Name in print