Open Space
May 28, 2015
Can Interfaith Intercultural Social Justice Work Grow Your Faith?
Miguel Hernandez, Session I
By allying with those who have been historically marginalized in Orange County we can grow our faith and develop more leaders.
Defining Family Ministry (Session I) & Open Group Discussion (Session II)
Trevecca Okholm, Lissa Smith, Session I & II
A 2-Part workshop on “What does family ministry look like?” Flyer
Getting the Whole Story
Ron Kernaghan, Erin Dunigan, Session I & II
A compelling way to re-engage the Scripture through Manuscript Bible Study. Most devotional approaches to the Bible offer readings in small, discrete doses. Things change dramatically when we “get the whole story.”
How to Improve Your Congregation’s Ministry with People Outside the Church Kirk Kirlin, Session II
How can church leaders develop a process to equip Christians and congregations to live more intentionally and influentially among those outside the Church? Sharing about The Missional Pathway that has been used by congregations throughout our Presbytery and in our region.
Integrating Funds Development Into the Life of Your New Worshiping Community
Jonathon Moore, Session I & II
Funds offered through the 1001 program aren’t available after a New Worshiping Community’s (NWC) initial years, and financial support from institutional sources continues to decline. How will NWC leaders raise the money they need to sustain their communities? Discover how inviting individual donors into your ministry is the key to sustainable financial support.
ISIS and the Old Testament
Adel Malek, Session I & II
How do we compare the violence in the Old Testament with that of ISIS? Did God hate the Canaanites? How about the violent laws of the Old Testament? Isn't true that the Crusades could be compared to ISIS?
Looking at the Future Benefits for Church Staffs
Clayton Cobb, Session II
A discussion led by our Regional Representative to the Board of Pensions.
Nevertheless: the Church Alive in Syria and Lebanon
Tim McCalmont, Session II
Fresh observations of what Tim saw and experienced there. In this dark and most hopeless of scenarios God is, nevertheless, working in wondrous ways to proclaim the good news through churches the PCUSA has helped to grow over the years.
Sexual Misconduct Recertification
David Bassett, Session I & II
Continuing Education on this subject is now mandated every three years. This 75-minute update will include a video by Church Mutual, discussion on reporting requirements and establishing boundaries. This will be offered again at our November Open Space.