August 27, 2015


Members Present:

Chief Bowen, Chair

Mr. Stephenson

Mr. Simons

Chief Sloggie

Sheriff Deeds

Chief Rinehimer

Mr. Doss

Call to Order:

Chief Bowen called the meeting to order at 8:37 a.m.

Approval of Minutes:

Chief Bowen asked if there was a motion to approve the minutes from the 06/25/2015 Executive Committee Meeting. Chief Rinehimer made a motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Doss seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.

Financial Update:

Mr. Ferrara provided financial statements through 06/30/2015. These are reports for the end of fiscal year 2015. Ferrara explained that the reports provided were drafts because they would not become final until after the external financial audit that will begin on September 21, 2015. Ferrara also advised that the reserve fund decreased by $86,369 because that is what was needed from the reserves to balance the FY2015 budget.

Nominating Committee Update:

The committee was reminded that Executive Committee terms expire at the end of 2015 and a new committee will be elected by the Board at the December Board Meeting. Director Ferrara asked what present members were not interested in being nominated to serve another term, only Chief Sloggie advised that he would be unable to serve another term on the committee. All other members present stated that they would like to be nominated and serve another term on the Executive Committee. Mr. Ferrara stated he would contact Sheriff Morgan, Nominating Chair, to provide information for the nominating committee.

Staff Instructor Position From HRRJ:

The committee was advised by Mr. Ferrara and Mr. Simons that the Hampton Roads Regional Jail (HRRJ) has assigned a staff instructor to HRCJTA. Ferrara explained that HRCJTA reimburses agencies that assign a staff instructor $25,000 per year per a MOU that is established between HRCJTA and the agency. However, the funds were not budgeted in FY16 to reimburse HRRJ for assigning a staff instructor. After much discussion on how and what to reimburse HRRJ for FY16, Mr. Doss made a motion to adjust the current budget to reimburse HRRJ the full $25,000, Chief Sloggie seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously. After the vote, Ferrara asked for clarification, he asked if the funds to adjust the current budget should come from the reserve fund. All Executive Committee Members responded yes, and Chief Bowen stated that the Board would be updated at the December Board Meeting.

Range Update:

Chief Bowen told the committee that he and Scott Barlow had not had time to visit ranges and follow-up on their meeting with Mr. Wheeler, but they will schedule time to continue to look into the range project.

Leadership Training Evaluations:

The committee was updated on recent leadership training programs. Mr. Ferrara updated them on the Supervisors Workshop which he advised was well attended and that the evaluations from the participants were outstanding. Mr. Barlow updated the committee on the 2105 Leadership Institute and the Advanced Supervisors Course put on by Randy Means. Both classes were evaluated extremely high by the participants. Ferrara stated that he would like to charge a minimal fee for future Randy Means courses because the courses are costly and some people register and then don’t show up. When people don’t show up it is a problem because others that wanted to attend the course but couldn’t because of room availability miss out on a training opportunity. Ferrara stated that maybe a small fee of $50 to $100 may help eliminate the no shows. The committee agreed to charge the minimal fee.

Lead Instructor Vacancy:

Both Ferrara and Barlow updated the Executive Committee on the process to hire a Lead Instructor. Seven candidates of over thirty applicants were interviewed by the panel. The panel consisted of Scott Barlow, Tim Doss, and Alonzo Howell. The panel ranked the candidates one to seven. Mr. Ferrara will interview the top candidate to see if there is mutual interest and an agreement can be reached. Ferrara advised that a decision should be made within two weeks.

Civil Disturbance Training:

The committee was given a copy of the lesson plan that is presently used in the law enforcement program to show what is taught with regards to civil disturbance training. The committee was asked to review the lesson plan before the next meeting and bring back any suggestions on additions that may be needed to the training.

New Items/ItemsFrom the Floor

The committee was advised that the HRCJTA Administrative Assistant will be retiring at the end of December 2015. Ferrara stated he hopes to fill the position from within and that one present employee has been cross training. If the position is not filled from within, then someone would need to be brought on before the present Admin Assistant leaves so that they could be trained on all the processes that they will need to know, payroll, accounts payable/receivable, procurement, etc.

Mr. Doss asked Mr. Ferrara to conduct a salary survey for the Executive Director and Assistant Director positions.


At 9:45 a.m. Chief Bowen asked if there was a motion to adjourn. Sheriff Deeds made a motion to adjourn, Mr. Doss seconded the motion. All present voted in favor