Room 121ITV Instructions
Power On:
- TV monitor in front(Use remote)
- Lower screen if needed (for computer / document camera)
- Projector, if needed (Please turn projector off when not in use)
- Console –
- Amplifier (Samson, top shelf, button in center)
- Note: There is a separate volume knob for each side of the room
- Kramer (wait for self-test to finish; ensure that “ITV”is selected)
- Rear TV monitor
- Control Room –
- Polycom (codec)
- Both small monitors
- If right monitor displays blue screen,press Video button
- Note: There is no power switch on the audio mixer below the VCR/DVD
To Connect:
- Use arrow keys to navigate; button in center of arrows to select
- Using Polycom© remote, enter dialup number.If none given, contact tech (see footnote)[1]
- Double-check number
- Tip 1: All Clarkston video numbers start with 134.39.203.
- Tip 2: Outlook locations are sometimes coded. E.g., “W121-75; C201-10” means:Walla Walla room 121-IP=; Clarkston room 201-IP=
Note:Integrating Tip 1, the number to callin this example would be
- To erase: Use the left arrow key
- To enter a dot: Use the dot key or the right arrow key
- Check dialing speed (usually 512 or 768 for computer sharing, 384 for K-20 events and Clarkston connections without computer sharing)
- Press Call button(Left side; icon of green telephone receiver with an arrow pointing up)
- If session does not connect within one to five seconds, it usually indicates a problem.
- Hang up after call (Right side; icon of red telephone receiver with arrow pointing down)
- Power off equipment at end of session (Press Polycom button for several seconds)
- Problems? Questions?Call the Help Desk at 527-HELP (4357)
After following above procedure…
- Power on computer if needed
- Power on data projector
- To display computer on projectorand to remote site(s), press Content key(upper right)
- If remote site still cannot see content, toggle Content key off, then on again
White Board Users
- Use document camera. White board tends to glare or wash out over the camera (Message here: They cannot see it anyway, so you are wasting your and their time)
- How: Double-click “Doc Cam” or “AverMedia” icon on computer desktop
- In case of error message, unplug USB cable in camera base. Wait a few seconds, then plug back in and retry. Or power cycle camera
- To Maximize:Click square (center) button in upper right of window
- To restore smaller screen:Tap Esc key on upper left of keyboard
- If there is no paper in console,check control room or bring your own
- You can face the students or audience
- You do not block the material as you are writing
- Local audience sees the material more clearly as well
- Material that has been removed can be quickly displayed again if needed
- Board doesn’t fill up
- Usesmost paper and writing instruments – but do test as materials vary
- No need to erase afterwards
Playing Video
Best: Run DVD or VHS tapes from Control Room, as follows:
- Using the Polycom remote, push Camera button. Icons will appear along the bottom of the screen BRIEFLY. Before they disappear, Press the number 3 on the remote
- Mute local site while playing video from control room. Sound from the video will still transmit to remote site(s)
- You can set a camera view to show output of VCR/DVD (see “Preset Camera Views”, next)
- To show classroom again, press Camera on Polycom remote. Press camera 1 (for instructor area) or 2 (for room) on the remote
- Alternate (Not recommended): DVDs and video clips may be run from computer or from VCR/DVD in console, aiming camera at screen
Why we discourage alternate methods: You will not be able to hear other site while Kramer is on any setting other than “ITV”,and the picture will be lower quality for the remote site(s). If you choose the latter method be sure to let them know in advance that they will not be heard, and set the Kramer back to ITV immediately when finished)
Preset Camera Views (“Presets”)
- Move the camera to the desired view (e.g., the primary speaker, or the entire group, the computer or VCR)
- Using the Polycom remote, press the Preset key (top). Circles with the numbers 0 – 9 will appear on the screen
- Press and hold desired number until message appears that the preset was stored.
- Move camera to the next desired view and repeat until all desired presets are entered
- Other inputs can also be selected before setting a preset. For example, pressing Near, then the number 3 will select the output of the DVD/VCR. You may then assign it a number
Arrive Early, ensure that equipment is on, test all video and computer contentin advance
Caution on video content – Volume may not be sufficient if run from the console, but may be adjusted with amplifier (Important:Turn volume back to normal levels after playing video)
Be considerateof participants at the other site(s). Remember them, listen for and ask for input, look at them,and address them frequently
- Speak up as if you are talking to a person in the back of the room – but don’t yell
- Ask other site(s) ifcomments and questions were heard. Repeat as necessary
PowerPoint –
- Make all fonts, graphics and charts large and bold, or
- Print handoutsfor local audience(try six per page, double-sided, pure black and whiteunless color is important. If some are too small, print those at two or one per page)
- Andemail all handouts to coordinator or individual participants at remote site(s)
Paper documents, books, photos, small objects–Use document camera
Internet Sites
- Open and bookmark all sites, or create links on desktopbefore presentation starts. Note: A separate window (Ctrl+N) may be opened for each web site to be used. Then you may use Alt+Tab (hold down the Alt key while you press and release the Tab key repeatedly until the desired window is selected. Release both.)
Clothing / Jewelry–
- Wear dark or bold solid color clothing
- Avoid very bright colors, plaids, checks, small prints, jewelry, logos, embroidery, and any other small items
[1]Debbie Scharnhorst: 509.758.1357 or 509.254.3139; Stevie Staab: 509.758.1785 or 509.254.3225