This document provides guidance forthe submission of applications to the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme 2014.


The National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS) is ahighly prestigious awardoffered by the Higher Education Academy that recognises, and rewards, excellence in learning and teaching.


These prestigious awards are offered on an annual basis, with up to 55 awards of £10,000 presented to the successful applicants, to be used for their professional development in teaching and learning or other aspects of their pedagogy.


Staff are eligible to be nominated to the NTFS under various contracts including part-time, full-time, and non-permanent (fixed-term).


Nominations to the NTFS are sent fromthe University of Salford; it is not an individual submission.Eligibleinstitutionsare invited to nominate up to three individual members of staff who clearly demonstrate excellence in teaching and/or supporting the higher education learning experience of students.

All application documentation can be found hereand the standard application documentation will contain:

  • A Claim for National Teaching Fellowship: This is a statement of how you demonstrate excellence relevant to each of the three headline individual award criteria (maximum 5000 words).
  • Signed Statement of Support from the institution’s senior manager (maximum 1,000 words). This will be written by an academic colleague in a senior leadership/management role (must be a member of the respective School/College Executive)and based on first-hand working experiences.
  • Brief Curriculum Vitae (maximum 1,500 words).
  • Application Form (to include a 350 word personal profile for administration purposes)
  • AnEqual Opportunities Formto help the monitoring and improving the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme.
  • All documents must be formatted in accordance withthe requirements stated in theAwards Guidelinesand submitted as separate Word documents by Wednesday 8 January 2014toKate Duncan, Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s Office, at


All nominees will be assessed on evidence provided in their claim in relation to each of the three criteria listed below:

Criterion 1

Individual excellence: evidence of enhancing and transforming the student learning experience commensurate with the individual’s context and the opportunities afforded by it.

Criterion 2

Raising the profile of excellence: evidence of supporting colleagues and influencing support for student learning; demonstrating impact and engagement beyond the nominee’s immediate academic or professional role

Criterion 3

Developing excellence: evidence of the nominee’s commitment to her/his ongoing professional development with regard to teaching and learning and/or learning support

Please see theAwards Guidelinesfor examples of how to provide evidenceof each of the criteria.


All applications must include a Statement of Support written by an academic staff member in a leadership or management position that is a member of the respective School/College Executive e.g.Head of School or Associate Dean (Academic).


The call for nominations to NTFS 2014 opens on Tuesday15 October 2013 and closesat 12 noon on Tuesday14 January 2014.

The key University of Salford dates for NTFS 2014 process are below:

• Tuesday 15 October 2013 – Call for nominations opens

Wednesday 8 January 2014 – Deadline for submissions to Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s Office

• Tuesday 14 January 2014 – Nominations close at 12 noon.

• Thursday 22 May 2014 – Nominees informed of outcome (information embargoed until official announcement date on 12 June 2014)

• Thursday 29 May 2014 - Deadline for successful nominees to submit their finalised profiles and photographs

• Thursday 12 June 2014 – Announcement of NTFS 2014 Fellows

• Tuesday 17 June 2014 - Presentation at the University of Salford Awards Day

• Wednesday 8 October 2014 – NTFS 2014 Awards Ceremony


Colleagues are encouraged to note that support on all aspects of their application is available from Janet Lloyd, Head of the Academic Development Unit, at .