InterimActivityA:ProgramImprovementDecisionPoints: UsingStakeholderAssessmentstoIdentifyStrengthsandNeeds
Programand State:
- Download the electronicformof InterimActivityAfromthe LEAlibraryandsaveit to yourcomputer. You canaccessthe librarydirectlyat
- Type your responsesintothe electronicfile andsave it toyourcomputer.
- Whensavingthisdocument to upload to your electronicportfolio,save the document as(First initial last name InterimA).For example, myname isStaceyWrightsoI would savemydocument as“SWrightInterimA.”
- Asyou prepare your responses, make sure that youhave addressed eachof the items inthechecklist.Eachitemmustbe adequatelycovered to receive credit for the activity.
- If you areinparticipatinginLEAwithother colleaguesfromyour program, you areencouraged to collaborateonthe activity. However,each of you mustcomposeandsubmityourownresponses -- inother words, nocuttingand pastingidentical responses.
1.Selectand administer a stakeholderassessment
1.Whichstakeholder assessment did you select? (Markone)
ProgramSelf-Assessment / Teacher Self Assessment / Local Manager Self-AssessmentStudent FocusGroup / Student Questionnaire / Partner SurveyPartner FocusGroup
2.Who did youengage inadaptingor refiningthe stakeholder assessment?
ChecklistResponse1.I identified thenumber of staff ontheworkgroup.
2.I described thepositions of the staff onthe workgroup.
3.I explained howtheworkgroup membersare representative ofmystaff and whyIselected themtoparticipate.
3.Howdid the adaptation/refinement processwork,and were you satisfied withthe processandthe result?
ChecklistResponse1.I describedhowIexplained the overallprogramimprovementprocessto theworkgroup members(stakeholderassessments, research,and data).
2.I describedhow theworkgroup membersparticipated inadaptingthe stakeholderassessment.
3.I have included myreflections onhowtheadaptation/ refinementprocessworked.
4.Brieflydescribe the processyou used to administer the adapted stakeholderassessment.Include the number ofpeople who were asked to participate, the number ofrespondents, accessprocedure (hard copy, online, electronicfile,etc.), and other relevant information.
Checklist / Response1. / I included the
number of people who
were asked to
2. / I included the
number of actual
respondents, which
represented at least a
20% returnrate.
3. / I describedhowthe
stakeholder assessment
wasadministered (hard
copy, online, etc.).
2.Engage the workgroup to reviewthe results;clarifyand prioritize needs.
1.Whatstaff did youengageinreviewingthe resultsof the stakeholder assessment and clarifyingand prioritizingneeds?
ChecklistResponse1.I included adescriptionof the staffwho reviewed theresults of thestakeholder assessment.(Indicate whether thiswastheinitialworkgroup, asubset, ora different group ofindividuals).
2.Brieflydescribe howthatprocessworked.
ChecklistResponse1.I described theprocesswe used toprioritize our top threeneeds.
3.What werethe top threeneedsthat were identified throughthe stakeholderassessment?
Checklist / Response1. / I have listed the topthree needsidentifiedfromthe stakeholderassessment.
4.Did those needs(or anyofthe other needsfromthestakeholder assessmentfindings) surpriseyou? Why?
ChecklistResponse1.I have identified anysurprisesand explainedwhytheywere asurprise.
2.If there were nosurprises, Ihavedescribed why.
Review and reflections on the Interim Activity
1.Reflect upon Suroweki’s Wisdom of Crowds:
Checklist / Response1.
4. / I havedescribed whatSurowieckimeanswhenhe sayscrowdsare“informationminuserror.”
I described whatSurowieckimeanswhenhe sayscrowdsaresmarterand make betterdecisionsthanindividuals.
Whatare theproblems orobstaclesthatgroupsface andmust overcome if agroup is toact withintelligence?
Whichof theanecdotesinthebookdid you findmost intriguing?
2.What did you learnfromthisinterimactivitythat had the mostimpactonyou?
Postyourresponses in yourelectronic portfolio bythe designated due date.
center for literacy, education & employment
National Adult Education Professional Development Consortium