Property Level Resilience Grant Application Form
- Applicant Information (Correspondence address)
Name of Applicant:
Business Name (if applicable)
Telephone Number
- Property Flooded
Address of property applying (if different from above), including postcode
Date property was initially flooded
- Owners Details
Full name(s) of person(s) having owners interest in the flood damaged property or a lease with responsibility for undertaking repairs to the fabric of the building.
- If you have a lease with repairing obligations you will need the consent of the freeholder. Please attach as copy of the lease agreement and freeholder consent.
- If you are the property owner-occupier this must be evidenced by (a copy) proof of title or a mortgage statement dated less than 3 months from this application.
Title / Forename / Surname
- Do you know the cause of the flooding?
Blocked/ overwhelmed river
Blocked drainage
Tidal surge
Extreme rainfall
Surface runoff
Other (please specify)
- Please briefly describe the primary damage that was caused.
If you have had a professional survey carried out to identify the most appropriate flood resilience and/or resistance measures, please provide a copy with this application.
- Grants are intended only to fund measures which improve the property’s resilience or resistance to flooding, over and above repairs that would normally be covered by insurance. More information is available at National Flood Forum
Resilience/Resistance measures that you will install prior to 31 December 2016 should your grant be approved? / Yes/ No
For resilience/Resistance measures that you have already purchased and installed following the flooding (retrospective application). / Yes/ No
- Please indicate which of the available resilience/ resistance measures you intend to or have installed (if a retrospective application), and cost (including VAT). See Annex 1
Total Cost of Resilience/ Resistance Measures implementing / £
Total Amount of Grant Applying For if different
(maximum £5,000 including VAT) Please note that any costs incurred above £5,000 will need to be met from your own funds and resources. / £
Are you VAT Registered? / Yes / No
If yes please provide your VAT Number
- FOR RETROSPECTIVE APPLICATIONS ONLY – If you are applying for works that have already been undertaken, please briefly describe how you ensured value for money i.e. utilised insurance company contractor, or sought quotes from a range of providers. Evidence of quotes and invoices should please be included with your application.
- Have you applied for, or been awarded a Business Recovery Grant from BOOST Lancashire?
- Have you received any alternative funding (such as previous grant funding or insurance claim payment) for any of the equipment you are applying for grant funding for?
If yes, please specify and state why also seeking Repair and Renew Grant support.
- FOR APPLICATIONS BUSINESS PREMISES ONLY – Have you received any other public grant funding during the last three years? If so please specify what for and the amount received.
- Should your application be approved, please indicate the month you expect to make a grant claim. Grant claims can only be made once the installation has been fully completed.
- Payment
Following completion of the work we will normally pay the contractor directly on your behalf upon receipt of the invoices from you
On completion of the work where you have paid the contractor, we will release the grant to you but will require copies of the invoices paid and proof that you have paid them e.g. bank statement.
If payment is to be made to you and you provide evidence required please complete the details below so that payment can be made.
Payee name …………………………………………………………………………
Name of bank …………………………………………………………………………
Sort Code …………………………………………………………………………
Account Number …………………………………………………………………………
- Conditions
The resilience / resistance measures (the “Measures”) identified within this application or any reports/supporting documentation provided will be procured/purchased and installed by the applicant.
Grant payments are payable only in relation to flood damage caused between 3rd December 2015 and the 27th December 2015.
The Council will have no liability for the selection or installation of the Measures.
The Measures will be stored securely and protected from damage by the applicant.
The Measures will be used and maintained by the applicant in accordance with any manufacturer’s instructions.
The applicant will sign up to the Environment Agency’s Flood Warning Scheme.
The applicant will allow the Council access to inspect the Measures at all reasonable times upon reasonable notice
The Measures will remain with the property upon any future sale.
The Council will not be a party to or accept any liability for any contracts entered into in relation to the Measures and will not be responsible for any standards of work associated with the Measures
Only the contractor whose estimates/quotations accompanied the submitted and approved application may carry out any works associated with the measures.
The details of your name and address, details of resilience and / or resistance measures installed and the outcome of any inspection visits will be shared with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and The Business Emergency Resilience Group (BERG).
A copy of the completed works invoice must be forwarded to the Council by 31st January 2017
Failure to comply with any of the above conditions or failure to use the grant funds to purchase and install the Measures or keep them in an adequate state of maintenance, may lead to the Council recovering some or all of the grant payments.
The Council shall not be liable to the Property Owner or persons with a lease with repairing obligations for any action, claim, demand, cost or expense incurred in respect of any loss or damage, including for any negligence, breach of contract, property damage including any consequential or indirect loss, which arises out of or in connection with the installation or use of the Measures. The Council does not exclude any liability for personal injury or death caused by the Council’s negligence.
The Council shall not be responsible for providing flood warnings or for ensuring that any party does so.
The Council shall not be responsible for removing any fixtures associated with the Measures if or when the Property Owner no longer requires them.
Ownership of the Measures shall vest in the Property Owner and the Council shall not be responsible for the repair or replacement of damaged or lost Measures nor for the provision of any future measures.
The Property Owner should take up any defects arising with the contractor and is encouraged to enter into a maintenance agreement with the contractor.
- Declaration
I / we agree to the terms set out in this Application.
I / we confirm we are the lawful owner(s) of / hold a lease with repairing rights for the property detailed in Section 1 of the application form
Public funds must be protected and so the information you have provided on this form may be used to prevent and detect fraud. Should it be found that you have not used the grant funds to purchase and install the Measures identified in the attached Report, or that upon inspection the Measures are not found to be in place / available on site, or in an adequate state of maintenance, you risk prosecution and recovery of all grant payments.
To the best of my / our knowledge the information in this form and all other information given in support of this application is correct. I confirm that I / we understand the purpose of this form and the reasons for the collection of my / our personal data (to the extent that this application form contains information which is personal data for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998) and that I agree to my / our personal data being used as stated.
If any information changes I will inform Lancaster City Council immediately.
Name ……………………………… Signature ……………………… Date …………………………
Name ……………………………… Signature ……………………… Date …………………………
Name ……………………………… Signature ……………………… Date …………………………
Annex 1
Resilient Repair Checklist for Surveyors (Expand as necessary)
Area of Property / Current repair material choice / Like for Like material Cost / Resilient repair material choice / Resilient repairMaterial Cost
Total Like for Like
Total Resilient repair
Additional Cost for Grant Funding
Resistance Measures(Expand as necessary)
Measure / Supplier / Cost £sProfessional Survey of Premises to Identify Flood Risks (can be undertaken prior to RRG application to identify most appropriate measures and up to £500 of costs applied for retrospectively) and complete Flood Risk Report